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  1. Ansem59
    Rako's mouth formed an evil smile and he grabbed onto the hand of the knight and shook it in agreement.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Ansem59
    Rako looked at the hand. "Only on one condition. I want to kill the humans known as Phisoxa and Mixt myself. If you won't give me that, then I will have to decline your offer."
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Ansem59
    "Dare I ask, why?" Rako asked. He wasn't sure why they wanted the world to be destroyed. Was there a specific purpose?
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Ansem59
    "Oh god! I hate that! Although coming from you it doesn't sound so bad, but coming from some whiney religious person, it always just sounds SOOOO AWFUL!" Rako then took a breath "Sorry, not sure if you knew this but I am kind of a demon. My evil nature tends to stick out from time to time. Now, you want me in what group?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ansem59
    Fardel backed away from the fight and looked at what Mixt was doing. More interested in that than in killing Rould.

    Raxtion watched with a big smile on his face, and not a care in the world!
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 18, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  6. Ansem59
    "Hey! Don't start ragging on me for this! Seriously, why the hell does everyone think this is MY fault!? Also, we were desperate! I haven't seen you anywhere... which, actually that brings me to a question. Who are you?" asked Rako
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Ansem59
    "You want help escaping me? I'm somewhat flattered! Now, get to the point." said Rako very coldly.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Ansem59
    Rako landed near to the Black Knight. He didn't say anything, he just let time pass by him as he waited for the Black Knight to say something.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Ansem59

    "Sounds good, Mixt!" said Rako with a smile on his face. "Hopefully I'll come back and tell you how it goes... If not, then it's been a pleasure knowing you, my friend." Rako turned to leave but before he did he yelled out one last thing "Oh yeah, and Mixt! One more thing!" Rako turned to face him "Sorry about killing you! Take care!" Rako then took off into the vastness of space using no craft, simply his own powers. He barrelled through the swarm of consumers and began searching for a particular destroyed world...
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Ansem59
    Fardel crashed into the wall with intense force... Blood dripped down his mouth, probably from some internal bleeding he was suffuring from. Fardel then got up "YOU DARE CALL ME INSUBORDINATE! Look at the destruction you've caused! You won't live to remember this day!" Fardel then got up and charged at Rould again, but this time he threw his sword ahead of him at Rould while he continued his own charge.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 17, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  11. Ansem59
    Dr. Traken, without a word, got into strange looking device with a smile. He then looked up at Phantoma "Thank you for everything, my assistant! Now, go tell the others that the cure is ready! And begin an attack on the consumers using only the cure!"
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Ansem59
    Suddenly from behind Rould, Fardel came leaping out of the shadows and attempted to slash him into pieces!
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 17, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  13. Ansem59

    Dr. Traken didn't move for a second. Then he turned around and looked at Phantoma with a smile on his face. "I want you for just one thing my friend. Deception." Dr. Traken then closed the door behind Phantoma, sealed it shut, and then explained everything that needed to be done.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Ansem59
    "I know what it's like out there. Unfortunatly I'm all too aware of what may happen along the road. But I have to go. I believe there's some hope for us, but honestly I'm not sure. I have to leave here in order to find it." Rako said in all seriousness "Besides, even if I stayed, I'm useless here. I can only prolong the inevitable... and the inevitable is our doom." Rako smiled, but it was more of smile of nervousness than of happiness. "I must leave you all, and do it alone." Rako then said with a stern voice of conviction, and without another word began walking away towards the hanger.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Ansem59
    Raxtion stayed alert. He was looking around while trying to stay close to Phisoxa. If anything attacked him or her, Raxtion would be ready.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 14, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  16. Ansem59

    Rako opened his mouth, but before he got a chance to ask any questions the vision and the knight were gone... Rako sighed as he thought over things. The consumer threat was drawing nearer every second. And yet, if this knight was telling the truth, which he probably was, there was someone who had managed to take advantage of this entire situation and play everyone... But who was it? Certainly it wasn't the Phantom. He was too active as a player... Robbie? Possibly. Rako just stood there in the hallway pondering on these thoughts and more. Rako then realized that staying here in this station had not suited him. Rako hated waiting. The only thing left to do was to go to that place, meet this knight in person and finally figure out what's going on... Rako almost despised the idea of knowing the "truth" because it would mean there was still a chance for all of them to survive this, or simply no chance at all.

    Rako turned around and went back into the medical ward when he found Dr. Traken leaning over Phantoma with a device over Phantoma's head. "What are you doing, Traken?!" Rako asked in a forceful voice.

    Dr. Traken didn't move, he simply turned the device off. "Nothing. I was simply checking his vitals. It seems he made it out of death's fingers THIS time." Dr. Traken then looked over to Rako. Dr. Traken was smiling. "I don't think we've been formally introduced. I am Doctor Traken. I was Mixt's teacher and at a point, his enemy. I am a master of alchemy and various other forms of science. And you are?"

    Rako looked at the human with hateful eye's. The only thing that stopped Rako from attacking him were two things. One, that the doctor still had to make the antidote for the consumers and two, because the doctor was immortal. "My name is Rako. I am a demon and former enemy of Mixt and the others. That's all you need to know."

    Dr. Traken looked surprised "A demon?! How did you get mixed up in all this? And also, why are you on the side of humanity?"

    "I said that was all you needed to know. I'm not one for telling other people my bussiness. So, you mind your own!" said Rako rudely. Rako then walked out of the medical ward towards Phisoxa, Mixt, and Nuthera.

    Dr. Traken smiled as the demon's anger amused him. Dr. Traken then looked down at Phantoma's unconscience body, smiled, and then walked towards a labratory.

    Rako stood before all three and interupted their conversation. "Hello all. Listen, I have a little announcement to make... I'm leaving."
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Ansem59
    Rako stood silent for a moment before saying "Well, look, I'm sure whoever this person is has many cards in his hand, if we've been playing along without even knowing it, then there's no telling what he could possibly do. But why are you telling me this?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Ansem59
    Suddenly all the illusions that Raxtion had created faded away, including his Fadora and his cigarette. Then he smiled and began following her. "Sir, she says the city center is this way!" said Raxtion turning back to Mixt and also coming to attention.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 11, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  19. Ansem59

    Rako observed his surroundings but wasn't shocked or frieghtened by the change. Even though Rako was on a world that was ruined he couldn't help but enjoy the scenery. It was something about this destruction that poked at the evil nature inside of him. He felt something that resembled joy. Rako then turned back to face the knight. "Why, hello. Can I help you?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Ansem59
    Raxtion slowly walked towards her and knelt down infront of her. "Then, don't you see? You and I are alot alike... Why don't you tell me where that city center is, so that way we can end all the tragedies in the world!" said Raxtion
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 8, 2012 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)