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  1. TwilightBlader
    Ok this Rp will be a spoiler to both the legend of Zelda the minish cap, 4 swords and the legend of Zelda Twilight princess and the story begins after Twilight princess

    Years before Twilight princess began there was a sorcerer name Vaati tried to become the strongest sorcerer by obtaining something known as the Light Force. HE was almost succesful until a hero named link stoped him and trapped him into a sword known as the 4 sword. Years later Vaati managed to escape the 4 sword but, once again Link had defeated hm again but this time he was sent to the twilight realm. All had thought Vaati had been killed and lived their lived peacefully. During the events of Twilight princess when Zant had ivaded the light world Vaati had made his escape and hid until the right time to strike. A year after the events of Twilight Princess Vaati has decided to set his plan in motion.

    So in this Rp The story takes place after Twilight princess in a year and Vaati has now returned to seak power. The twilight realm will be back so that means so will Midna and Ganondorf will be brought back to life by Vaati. Original Characters are allowed. Maximum Characters are 3 and regular rules apply. We can start when we have a Gonondorf, Zelda and Midna and nobody knows how Vaati looks only his name

    Hero or Villan (works for Vaati) :

    Speices list:
    Greudo (rare)

    I made these template for boredom you don't have to make one

    Name: Link
    Gender: Male
    Hero or Villan (works for Vaati) : Hero
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Age: 18
    Weapon: Sword and other weapons like bombs and bow and arrows
    Species: Hylian
    Bio: The hero who had save all of Hyrule from the threat of Ganondorf. After the fight he put away the master sword and relaxed in Odon village and later became a guardian to princess Zelda like his other selves

    Name: Vaati
    Gender: Male
    Hero or Villan (works for Vaati) : Villan
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Age: ??
    Weapon: Magic
    Species: Minish (he is the only minish)
    Bio: A sorcerer who wants to become the strongest. After the events of Twilight princess Vaati has crated a group of people to help him with his goal. He also has created a connection with Ganondorf and is planning to bring him back alive. Vaati's reason for brining him back is unknown for now

    Link - TwilightBlader
    Zelda - sorafangirl
    Midna - FinalForm
    Max - Mickey36
    Veralidaine (Daine) - Riku_Gaara
    Tularim - Tularim

    Vaati - Twilightblader
    Ganondorf - Twilightblader
    Thread by: TwilightBlader, Mar 25, 2008, 1,576 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. TwilightBlader
    In this world, trophies fight. They know nothing but fighting. Fighting is their sole reason for existence. Being turned back into a trophy, being unable to fight, is much like dying. Rules are in place in this world, but when these rules are broken, there are consequences.

    There will be a tournament held at a stadium and all the Nintendo hero's are invited. While the Nintendo heros are having their tournament the villans are planning something and soon invade the stadium and a new adventure begins. You can only be people from Nintendo with the exception of Sonic and Solid Snake. Maximum 3 characters and we start at the begining of the tournament

    Bowser -
    Captain Falcon -
    Dark Samus - leon47
    Diddy Kong -
    Donkey Kong -
    Dr. Mario -
    Falco -
    Fox - Tularim
    Ganondorf - Twilightblader
    Ice Climbers -
    Ike - Twilightblader
    Jigglypuff -
    King Dedede-
    Kirby -
    Link - Twilightblader
    Lucario - Hexin
    Lucas -
    Luigi - Mickey36
    Mario - Mickey36
    Marth - Omegaxis
    Meta Knight - FinalForm
    Mewtwo - Xaale
    Mr. Game & Watch -
    Ness -
    Peach -
    Pichu -
    Pikachu - cloud's buddy
    Pikmin & Olimar -
    Pit -
    Pokémon Trainer - Tularim
    R.O.B. -
    Roy -
    Ridley - leon47
    Snake - HeadBodyMaster
    Sonic - Haseo426
    Wario -
    Wolf - Mickey36
    Yoshi -
    Young Link -
    Zelda -
    Thread by: TwilightBlader, Feb 1, 2008, 131 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. TwilightBlader
    This is after the events of Kingdom hearts 2. In each of the Nintendo worlds, the heartless are starting to attack. Some of the NIntendo villans have gained the power to summon the heartless and use them aswell. Now its up to the Nintendo Hero's and Villans to team up with the Kh heros. Most of the dead Villans are returned back to life including the organization members and Xehanort's hearless

    You can only be Nintendo of KH characters. Just say who you want and ill add you. You can ask for somebnody who is not on the list

    Link: TwilightBlader
    Kirby: Xephos
    Yoshi: The Servant of Light
    Pickachu: cloud's buddy
    Ganondorf: TwilightBlader (temporary)

    Kingdom Hearts:
    Sora: thekeymaster
    Riku: naruto0389
    Kairi: Luna561
    Mickey: theicksta123
    Thread by: TwilightBlader, Dec 7, 2007, 67 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. TwilightBlader

    The Awakened

    The sequel to my Rp Awakening

    There ones was a power hungry ruler named Versago the dark one. Versago's old goal was to be the strongest being alive by killing people with a strong power and then absorbing their power, but he began greedy and want more power sand went crazy. One day Versago came upon a man with an extremely huge amount of power. Versago managed to defeat him and started to absorb his power when all of a sudden the power managed to reject him and wound him really bad. The power was scattered to certain individuals. After that incident Versago lost all his power and went into hiding and tried to recover his power and has managed to recover most of it. Meanwhile a group of young kids starts to soon awaken the powers deep inside them and went on adventure to defeat Versago and save the world. They managed to seal Versago into a place lnow as the void and peace returned to the world. That was all 2 years ago and now 3 new warriors are planning to bring back Versago from the void with the help of Versago's other minions.

    You can have 2 characters and you have to decide if you want to be good or one of Versagos minions. If your good you will barely know about your powers and soon learn about them later on in this RP. IF you are evil you will know about your forms. There are 4 forms of power. Due to how far we are it would be best not to join. Sorry

    1st form - Normal form where you use less of your power

    2nd form - A form where your eyes glow a certain colour depending on your power. Your power increases (When you start this is the highest you can go)

    3rd form - A form where your body changes into a different form that has to do with your power

    4 form - the ultimate form of power where your body changes again into its ultimate form (you will get your 4rth form a long time from now)

    Hero or Villan :

    My character
    Name: Seth
    Gender: Male
    Hero or Villan : Hero
    Appearance : [​IMG]
    Age: 22
    Weapon: Losts of different swords mostly the one in the pic
    Power: Twilight
    Bio: One of the hero's who sealed Versago and went exploring around the world. He is looking for people to train

    Name: Versago
    Gender: male
    Hero or Villan : Villan
    Age: ?
    Weapon: unknown
    Special power: unkown
    Bio: The power hungery monster that killed and took away power.

    People who are new to this rp should meet Seth so he can help them with their powers



    3 hooded men
    Thread by: TwilightBlader, Nov 15, 2007, 3,029 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. TwilightBlader
    This rp is a what-if senario about if the organization 13 finish kingdom hearts and gets their hearts.OC are allowed

    Xemnas - Twilightblader
    Xigbar - hidden_light
    Xaldin -
    Vexen -
    Lexaeus -
    Zexion - Luna561
    Saïx - werkku6
    Axel - #1 DinestyX
    Deymx - hitna3510
    Luxord -
    Marluxia -
    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny
    Roxas - daxma

    Sharix - darkheart418
    Yelnxats - Sadden Blood Warrior
    Anna - #1 DinestyX

    Name -
    age -
    Thread by: TwilightBlader, Oct 28, 2007, 104 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. TwilightBlader
    Two years after the events of KH2 Xehanorts heartless and Xemnas were resurected. They awoke in a mysterious relm were and ancient tablet was found. The tablet told of a king that ruled Kingdom hearts. It also mentioned the huge army of powerful heartless he controled and a way to relese hearts from heartless without the use of a keyblade. The two decided to partner up and use king dom hearts for their goals. Xehanhorts heartless goal was to obtain the heartless and Xemnas's goal was to obtain a heart. Before the two could start with their plan they decided to get rid of the one person that counl stop them, Sora. When Sora was alone Xehanorts heartless snuck up and Sora and both of them started to fight. Xehanort's heartless was losing but then Xemnas steped in and finished him off and Xehanot's heartless took his heart away. Now the two have begun with their plan in the end of the worlds and must be stoped

    Since Sora's heart was taken away by a heartless Roxas was made and also the members of the organization were resurected and are currently at the world that never was. Namine split form Kairi to help

    Character list

    Xehanort's Heartless -
    Xemnas - Twilightblader
    Xigbar -
    Xaldin -
    Vexen -
    Lexaeus - hiddenkeyblade3
    Zexion - Dawn
    Saïx -
    Axel - overload
    Deymx - hinta3510
    Luxord -
    Marluxia - Xendran
    Larxene - Nymph of Destiny

    Riku - Trace000222
    Kairi - Dawn
    Roxas - Blanc
    Namine - Nymph of Destiny
    Mickey - Trace000222
    Donald -
    Goofy - hiddenkeyblade3
    Cloud - Twilightblader

    You can be people that are not from the list but from KH/KH2. No OC
    Thread by: TwilightBlader, Oct 27, 2007, 44 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. TwilightBlader


    Ones there was a power hungery ruler named Versago the dark one. Versago's old goal was to be the strotrongest being alive by killing people with a strong power and then absorbing their power, but he began greedy and wan't more power. One day Versago came upon a man with an extreamly huge amount of power. Versago managed to defeat him and started to absorb his power when all of a sudden the power managed to reject him and wound him really bad. and was scattered to certain individuals. After that incedent Versago lost all his power and went into hidding and tried to recover his power and has managed to revover most of it. Meanwhile a group of young kids starts to soon awaken the powers deep inside them and will soon go on an adventure to destroy Versago.

    You can have 2 characters and you have to decide if you want to be good or one of Versagos minions. If your good you have to start of not knowing anything about your powers, but if your evil you will have unlocked your powers already

    Hero or Villan :
    Special power:



    Thread by: TwilightBlader, Sep 13, 2007, 1,369 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. TwilightBlader
    An rp i made a long time ago

    There once was a war between the east and the west. The west was sure to win with their power, but all of a sudden the east striked back with a dark beast and obliterated the West side. It looked like the east had won but the beast turned on the East and obliterated the east as well. All hope had been lost until a group of people came together and sealed the beast awayinto a big urn. Nobody has forgot about what happened that day and people started to call the beast the dark genie. 400 years later a mad man known as General Flagg tried to bring back the dark genie. He succeded and commanded it to destroy the world. It destroyed countless villages leaving destruction in its path. When he finished the dark genie grew tired and went into a hidden fortress to rest. Upon all the destruction a group of warriors survied and are drawn together to a secret temple. Flagg was afraid of the possibility of the destruction of the genie so he commanded a bunch of warriors to go stop them. Now you must choose which side you are on (The storyline is from the game Dark Cloud just changed a bit. You don't need to know anything about the game)

    Hero or Villan :



    Dark genie
    Thread by: TwilightBlader, Sep 7, 2007, 49 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. TwilightBlader
    After the defeat of the 2 killer androids and the monster Cell futre trunks was the new defender of the Future. Trunks knew that a new evil might rise to take over the world and being the onlt z fighter left he would need help. Trunks decided to find people with strong hidden energy and began training them and creating a new group of Z fighters to protect the world. 3 years later a cloked man has come to earth and decided to destroy a few buildings. Now the z fighters must save the future from the evil that thretens the world. You can be any charater in DBZ or just make a z fighter. You can only be 2 people

    Z-fighter or Villan:

    Future Trunks

    Thread by: TwilightBlader, Aug 22, 2007, 83 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. TwilightBlader
    Final Fantasy versus XIII

    In this world, each city has their own crystal which is their main power supply, but because of warfare the crystals were destroyed. Only one city has their cystal intact. Recently a peace treaty was discussed, but marauders with guns invade the city. Now a group of people must stop them and save the crystal. If you haven't seen the trailer hers a link

    Protect or destroy the crystal:

    Name: Storm (unconfirmed name)
    Gender: Male
    Protect or destroy the crystal: Protect
    Appearance: See trailer
    Weapon: Bunch of different weapons
    Abilities: Teleportation and telekinesis
    Bio: The last heir to a dynasty, ruling the only remaining city in the world which controls crystals. He sets off to protect his home. (the guy in the trailer)



    Thread by: TwilightBlader, Aug 14, 2007, 117 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. TwilightBlader
    The Weapons of Legend

    200 years ago there once was a being known as Versago the dark one. He and his minions killed lots of people. When all hope seem to be lost a group of warriors each wielding a legendary weapon managed to defeat him and seal him and his minions. 200 years later Versago's minions managed to escape and started to destroy a village. They are planning to free their master Versago so they can plunge the world into darkness. Now they the decendents must use the legendary weapon their ancestors used and stop the resurrection of Versago

    Legendary Weapon:

    My character
    Name: Blade
    Gender: Male
    Side: Good
    Age: 20
    Appearance: Long Black spiky hair, a long black cape, long white gloves, white sleeveless shirt, black pants, and a pair of boots
    Legendary Weapon:Huge sword
    Abilities: shoot beams and teleport
    Bio: He is the decendent of the warrior that led the others to battle. His home was attacked first and everybody from his village died. He manage to escape and changed his name to Blade. He found the Sword his ancestor used and plans on getting revenge



    Thread by: TwilightBlader, Jul 23, 2007, 203 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. TwilightBlader
    There once was a war between the east and the west. The west was sure to win with their power, but all of a sudden the east striked back with a dark beast and obliterated the West side. It looked like the east had won but the beast turned on the East and obliterated the east as well. All hope had been lost until a group of people came together and sealed the beast awayinto a big urn. Nobody has forgot about what happened that day and people started to call the beast the dark genie. 400 years later a mad man known as General Flagg tried to bring back the dark genie. He succeded and commanded it to destroy the world. It destroyed countless villages leaving destruction in its path. When he finished the dark genie grew tired and went into a hidden fortress to rest. Upon all the destruction a group of warriors survied and are drawn together to a secret temple. Flagg was afraid of the possibility of the destruction of the genie so he hired a bunch of survivors to help him fight off any threat. Now you must choose which side you are on (The storyline is from the game Dark Cloud just changed a bit):


    Thread by: TwilightBlader, Jun 13, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. TwilightBlader
    First rp so here it goes:

    A new danger has emerged. Xehanort's heartless (XH) has been revived and now has found a way to collect hearts without the use of the keyblade. His plan is to collect hearts and creat a kingdom hearts like his nobody Xemnas. Also he formed an alliance with one of our greatest enemy Sephiroth. With their combined strength killed Sora and took his heart away. We can not stand by and watch this we have to take action and stop this deadly alliance - said by mickey mouse

    Basically what happened is that Xehanort's heartless is back and made an alliance with sephiroth. They found a way to collect hearts and now are making a kingdom hearts to use to make a heartless army. They killed Sora and took his heart. Now mickey was telling the others the news

    Character list:

    Xehanort/ Shang tsung -
    Sephiroth/ Quan Chi -
    Riku/ Kung lao - Overload
    Kairi/ Kitana -
    Mickey/ Raiden -
    Donald/ Jax -
    Goofy/ Jonny cage -
    Leon/ Sub-Zero- XarenTheTwilitAngel
    Yuffie/ Frost -
    Tifa/ Sonya- Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress
    Cloud/ Scorpion -TwilightBlader

    the kingdom hearts characters don't have to be like the mortal kombat characters eg. Cloud doesn't have to be like scorpion
    Thread by: TwilightBlader, May 1, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home