ummm... yeah... for some odd reason... my PSP won't play UMDs. every time i put one in it makes a weird grinding sound. help?
this RP will take place at the end of an era of peace. Organization XIII was eliminated along with the nobodies, the heartless fell to the light, everyone no longer fought. the worlds were at peace. this peace would last for 100 years... 100 years later.... an old man has revived the Organization. Xemnas didn't like taking the man's orders... so he killed him. Xemnas then started rounding up new members in hopes of conquest. RULES 1. no godmodding 2. no powerplay 3. stay active 4. romance is aloud (anything above PG- 13 must be taken to PM) 5. the end isn't set in stone. the Organization may conquer or the heroes may stop them. Character Form Name: Age: Appearance: Bio: Species: (heartless, nobody, or human) Weapon: Available Characters (ones in bold are taken. i have Xion and Saix) Xemnas Xigbar Xaldin Vexen Lexaeus Zexion Saix Axel Demyx Luxord Marluxia Larxene Roxas Xion
we will win!!! no... we shall fail...
What is your favorite KH2 song? I am personally fond of 'The Thirteenth Dilemma'.
thanks for inviting. :D
weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!....... wait.... what exactly is Vimto?
thanks for inviting. ^_^
thanks for the invite BFFL!!!!!!!!!
yes. i know. a simple title. xD anyway. this fanfic is the history of my OC, Phenox. please read and post how i'm doing. i like to make sure i'm not sucking. lol anyway, here's chapter 1. Chapter One _______________________________________ Phenox sat at his desk waiting for his master to return. His master had no name. Phenox only called him sir. He heard a crash from outside so he went to check it out. Phenox saw his master being attacked by a mysterious man in a black coat. "Sir!" Phenox called out. His master had a deep cut down the side of his face. "P-Phenox! Stay back!" Sir called back. Phenox stopped for a moment. Seconds passed. To Phenox they felt like hours. Phenox drew his blade and ran at the man. "Take this!" Phenox held up his blade, about to strike the man in the head. The man put his hand in the blade's path, Phenox was blocked by what seemed like an invisible sheild. He struggled, attempting to make it through. "Brat..." the man said. Chapter Two ________________ Phenox growled at the man. "Who are you?" Phenox asked through gritted teeth. the man laughed. "I don't think i'm going to tell you..." the man taunted. Phenox had just noticed how deep the man's voice is. "I'll,,,,,,, kill......... you!" Phenox cried, frustrated. the man smirked under his hood. "I don't think so...." the man pushed his hand forward. Phenox felt like he was being pushed back by a strong wind. he flew into the side of his master's house, destroying the wall. "Phenox!" Sir called. "Hmph! Trash..." the man sneered Sir was taken by surprise as the man stabbed what looked like a long laser into Sir's stomach. Chapter 3 ______________ Sir was wide eyed. He uttered one last plea for help before giving in. "Be careful our that will be you..." the man vanished in a dark portal . "S-Sir...." Phenox started to cry. "Hey. Don't cry. Remember what i taught you....?" Sir asked weakly. "Y-yeah, but......" Phenox hid his face in shame. Sir slowly patted Phenox on the back. "Avenge me..... will you?" Sir asked before closing his eyes. "I will..... i promise..." Phenox wiped the tears from his eyes. Chapter Four ________________ Phenox had buried Sir under a tree where they trained before going back to the house. He packed food, water, everything he would need. "I think i've got it all..." Phenox placed a finger on his chin, thinking if he forgot anything. He shook his head and headed out on his own. He would walk as long as he needed to. He didn't care, as long as that man pays for what he did. Phenox walked for days, braving extreme deserts and tundras until he reached a small spring. He would rest here. Phenox rested for a few hours and set off again. Days later, Phenox attracted a mysterious illness.
Name (add an X): Phenox Number: I Weapon: Way To Oblivion (keyblade) Power: Can enter dreams and read minds Element: Darkness and Fire
on youtube i saw someone comment on a video. he/she said, "it's been said Ven is Sora's father. that's why he looks like Roxas." .............................. WRONG! this is wrong for one reason. but it's enough to prove it's fake. Ven is about the same age as Sora in KH2 correct? Sora is 4 to 5 years old in BBS. in that case, say Ven is 15 and Sora is 5. Ven would've been a 10 year old daddy. what do you guys think?
on monday i will be helping my dad build a garage until next monday. i still have tomorrow though.
there's an orphaned boy whose parents were killed by Sephiroth. he is found on the streets by a man... that man is Cloud. Cloud brings the boy home and takes care of him. the boy admires Cloud so much he joins SOLDIER. he has a goal in mind though, kill Sephiroth. make him suffer the same fate his parents did. this RP will be about his journey to seek his revenge on Sephiroth. you may make an OC or use a premade character. Rules 1. no godmodding powerplay 3. pm me if you wish to leave the RP. 4. no off topic OOCs 5. stick to the story characters available Cloud Sephiroth Tifa Yuffie <Roxas81334> Vincent <keybladewarrioroflegend> Cid Reno Rude OC form username: keybladewarrioroflegend name: Ren age: 14 gender: Male class(civilian, SOLDIER, follower of Sephiroth): SOLDIER bio: (in RP summary) appearance: personality: kind, but loves to fight magic skill: fire, thunder homeland: Midgar weapon: Angel Wing (in picture)
which do you like best?
yay! another member!
Okay, let's pretend for a moment. "Ansem" was never defeated in KH. he annihilated Sora, Riku, Kairi, and the King. Even worse, he met Xemnas and they began working together. They created a massive army of heartless and nobodies to take over the worlds. They conquered the lucky ones. The unlucky ones were destroyed. Now, the only world left to conquer is earth. Ansem and Xemnas are being held off by mysterious warriors. heartless and nobodies invade earth to try and seize it. they failed. Ansem thinks the nobodies are the problem. Xemnas thinks the heartless are the problem. This war can only be ended if everyone bans together and fights as a team. presidents must work with criminals and terrorists. criminals and terrorists must do good deeds and battle evil. This RP takes place on earth. although other worlds may be mentioned. please don't laugh at the characters. i'm serious..... don't... Real World Based Characters ________________ Barack Obama George W. Bush Osama Bin Laden US soldiers Alquada troops KH Based Characters ___________________________ Terra Ventus (Ven) Aqua Xemnas and Ansem taken by me Xigbar Xaldin Vexen Lexaeus Zexion Saix Axel: reserved Demyx: reserved Luxord Marluxia Larxene Roxas OCs _____________ Name: Age: Gender: Side: Bio: Country/World of Origin: Other: Personality: Appearance: Weapon: Rules ______________ 1. no godmodding 2. no power playing 3. yoai and yuri are allowed, just keep it PG-13 4. keep swearing to a minimum. (only say hell, damn, etc.) 5. and most importantly, have fun. My OCs ______________ Name: Phenox Age: 17 Gender: Male Side: good Bio: he was one of the first to respond to the threat of Xemnas and Ansem. He was part of a rebel force known only as The Rebelion. there, he attempted to free his world from Xemnas and Ansem but he failed and his world, destroyed. Country/World of Origin: Santax Other: He is one of the three mysterious warriors. personality: kind, caring and outgoing. also a bit reckless. appearance: weapon: Save Santax Keyblade Name: Neoph Age:17 Gender:male Side:good Bio:he is Phenox's somebody. he helped Phenox in his attempt to save his world. Country/World of Origin:Santax Other: He is one of the three mysterious warriors Personality:loves fighting, is very romantic Appearance: Weapon:Heartless Blade Keyblade Name: Rei Age:14 Gender:male Side:good Bio: he was the prince of his world which got destroyed. he then took an oath to never allow another world to suffer the same fate so, he joined The Rebelion Country/World of Origin: Twilight Village Other:he is the last mysterious knight Personality:kind and helpful Appearance: Weapon:Twilight's End Keyblade Character's from The Rebelion __________________________ 1. Neal 2. Michael 3. Sean 4. Veronica _________________ info Name:Neal Age: 18 Gender: male Side: good Bio:his world was one of the first destroyed. his parents were killed during it's destruction Country/World of Origin: Volcanica Other: he is a member of The Rebelion Personality: serious Appearance: (inserted by RPer) Weapon: Volcanic Devestator Name: Micheal Age: 16 Gender: male Side: good Bio: he was 3 when his world was destroyed. he joined The Rebelion to destroy Xemnas and Ansem Country/World of Origin: Icenia Other: he is a member of The Rebelion Personality: sarcastic Appearance: (inserted by RPer) Weapon: Frost Devestator Name:Sean Age: 15 Gender:male Side:good Bio: he is Neal's brother. they grew up on different worlds. Country/World of Origin: Darkana Other: he is a member of The Rebelion Personality: Kind and caring Appearance: (inserted by RPer) Weapon: Dark Devestator Name: Veronica Age: 17 Gender: female Side: good Bio: she is Phenox's girlfriend. she may seem weak but never underestimate her in battle. Country/World of Origin: Earth Other: She is a member of The Rebelion Personality: shy, kind, caring and loving Appearance: Weapon: A katana
This rp takes place at duel academy. a new enemy, The God Duelist has entered duel academy as an unknown student. Jaden and friends have been called in by Sheppard to find this duelist. rules 1. no godmodding 2. no unbeatable cards 3. if you control a character from the series, stay as close to the deck as possible. 4. have fun character form Username- Name- Deck Name- Main Card- Deck Type- Personality- Age- Rank-
Yay! Something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This RP is about the Keyblade war. you may choose Ven, Aqua, or an OC as your person. i call Terra. :D Rules 1. no godmodding 2. no powerplaying 3. stick to the storyline 4. be active! if you can't, tell me beforehand 5. have fun. OC form username: name: keyblade: Age: gender: Power: Rival: (Terra, Ven, or Aqua)
pretty self explanatory. just post what you think of the user above you. good or bad.