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  1. adamboy7
    Anyone speak Japanese?

    I have this one thing I need translated. It is actually a pokemon card I got years ago. I scanned it in hopes of finding sombody who could tell me what it means in English. As you probably guessed by the title, it is in Japanese. Anyone able to help?

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Thread by: adamboy7, Jul 27, 2011, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. adamboy7
    Here is a video I made and would like to share with the rest of the Kingdom Hearts fans :D I hope you enjoy it!

    Another video, enjoy :D

    Yet another video from yours truely. Please enjoy :D Oh, and please comment so this thread doesnt die on me and nobody gets banned for posting here. Thankyou :D​
    Thread by: adamboy7, May 23, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  3. adamboy7
    Well, this isnt a thing for help with life, this isnt a current event, and this isnt really a debate XD its just somthing up for discussion XD. Well, I sopose we all go through changes in our life. chances are we will go through many in our lifetime. Now, I am not talking about puberty or anything, I am talking about changing how you are, how you act, ect. Well, I feel recently ive gone through a change. I feel different, I act different, I like different things than I did before, and yea. Ive basicly gone from teachers pet to class clown in a matter of... a few months at most? one or two? but meh, whatever XD. What I wanna know is, have any of you, the members of KHV, gone through a change, if so, was it for better or worse, and do you regret it? This question has been buzzing around my head for awhile, so I figured post it, and see what happens XD lol.
    Thread by: adamboy7, Mar 4, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: Discussion
  4. adamboy7
    Thread by: adamboy7, Jan 22, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. adamboy7
    Well, I remember when I signed up, there was an arcade. After sombody hacked the site, and you guys brought the site back, the arcade was gone. I thank you guys for bringing the site back (or whoever repaired it), but is it posable to bring the arcade back too? The members seemed to enjoy it, and it might be a good idea to bring it back agian :D. If you would take it into consideration, I would be very greatful. :D
    Thread by: adamboy7, Jan 16, 2011, 15 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. adamboy7
    Mery Christmas guys!!!
    Thread by: adamboy7, Dec 25, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. adamboy7
    Well, I for one, like mario Kart Wii. Another game I like would be Pokemon Battle Revolution. Does anyone hear play eather of those games? Do you want to challenge me on Wifi? I will except any challenge, and I will hapily battle/race you. :D I have never raced anyone spicificly on wifi, but I have battled random people on it. I am willing to try it, so here are my friend codes. :D

    Pokemon Battle revolution:

    Mario Kart Wii:
    Thread by: adamboy7, Dec 14, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. adamboy7
    Its that time of year agian! Its my birthday today! :D lol I am now 14, and yea, I feel awsome! lol now, I am curios, did anyone else here know my birthday was today? lol if not, oh well lol.

    Id also wish to wish others a happy birthday :D
    kh2king,sorasreincarnation11,Chuxapik,redlion,Combine Rinraw (25),Mario-thekeyblader (19),roxas51221 (19),kairi16 (16),Fallen King (15),xxSoraheartxx (14)
    Thread by: adamboy7, Dec 3, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. adamboy7
    Okay, KHV, I have a question I wish you to answer. In a fight beetween 2 men, you know, fairly big and strong men, and a truck that out weighs them both, who do you think would win, the two men or the truck?

    My fauther just asked me to help him, I figured okay, what ever. He brought me to his old truck that frankly hasnt moved in a couple of years. He told me to get behind it. I got behind it and he told me "PUSH!" and in my mind, I went "your out of your mind!" but I did it anyways XD and ding ding ding, guess who wouldnt budge? The truck won XD But, what really got me in the end, is after we both gave up and were breathing heavily, he went to the garage, got a battery charger, and began to charge it so he could just move it the easy way. And in my mind I thought "WHY DIDNT WE DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!?!?!?" XD sometimes I have no clue what goes through his mind XD
    Thread by: adamboy7, Nov 27, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. adamboy7

    Adam's work

    Well, I dont usualy create many stories, but I sopose considering I sometimes have bursts of creativity, I sometimes come up with somthing awsome. I hope you enjoy :D

    Every Light​

    There once was a man, like any other man. During his childhood, he grew up a kind, and respectful kid. But, not unlike any other kid, he was picked on, made fun of, and had few friends. He never seemed to fit in, and he felt like he was always left behind. There was a reason why he was like how he was, and that reason was fear. But one day, he was fed up with being afraid, and did something about it. But before I tell you, yes you, sitting at your computer reading this, what he did, I’ll take you for a little ride in this one man's life.

    His name was John Randerson. Well, you see, John was an abnormal boy growing up. For some odd reason, he was kind, respectful, and always did as he was told. The reason behind this was a fear he had. Without him actually realizing it, his entire life revolved around a secret fear, not even he was aware of. Now, this fear was brought about at a very early age. One day, when he was but a toddler, His mother snapped. She went on a rampage of extreme anger, trashing everything, yelling, screaming, swearing, and other acts of extreme anger, and all John could do is cower in fear, and watch in terror. Now, for awhile, John was afraid of his mother, but it eventually passed. But, A few years later, it happened again, his mother going on a rampage, yelling, screaming and swearing. And just as before, he eventually got over it. But, as he got older, his mother did this repeatedly, over and over and over again, until the fear would fade no longer.

    Now, let’s skip ahead a few years, say about to when John was 13. Oh yes, unlucky 13. How He hated the number so. But anyways, back to the story. Now, John was 13, a very kind boy, kinder than most he knew. He would always be smiling, nearly every time you saw him. But, some would say that smile only covered his fear, and sadness. I never knew if it healthy to hold it all in, but oh well, it’s not my story anyways. Well, not much had ever changed in his life, he lived his life day in, and day out, always just thinking, and hiding what he truly held inside. His mother was still the ***** she'd always been, his father still the same jackass he'd always been, and he was just caught up in the middle. Now, by this time, he started to notice his parents would be fighting over the stupidest things, arguing and yelling, and John would just want it to stop. But he just stayed away, hiding in fear, just wanting peace. Unfortunately, he always knew there was nothing he could ever do but listen.

    Now, 13 was the year John finally began to realize something, but he never truly knew what. One day, His mother went on one of her rampages, and as usual, she did her usual thing and yelled, screamed, and swore. But, this time, John snapped. He finally got caught up with his life, and realized it was crap, and the reason why was because of his mother. Now, I know what you’re thinking, this is the part where he does whatever he does the narrator was talking about in the beginning, but I’m afraid your wrong my friend, so very wrong. Now, this time, He wasn’t afraid, he sat and did nothing, just as he would always do before, but this time, the fear was gone, and replaced by an anger of his own, an extreme rage burning as a wild fire burns in the hot summer months. (Well, it's hot in most places in the summer, so I apologize to any Alaskan people reading this.)

    Now, this is around the part he does what the narrator was talking about in the beginning, so go ahead and pat yourself on the back now. Well, anyways, John went on living as usual, listening to his mother rampage, and him doing nothing. But, one day, when he was only 14, his mother went on her usual rampage, and John was listening to it. His mother carried on until late into the night. Afterwards, she went to bed with an enraged look on her face, and eventually fell asleep. Now, with both his parents asleep, he did something that would end everything once and for all. He went into the kitchen, and found a butcher's knife. He took it in his hand, and headed for his parents’ bedroom. He crept in, and stood over his father, and with one swift movement, he took his father’s life. He ended if so quickly, and so precisely, his father didn’t make a sound, and his mother was still asleep. He felt it was best to save the best for last. Now, with his father’s blood on his hands, he moved over to his mother. She seemed so peaceful sleeping; it almost gave John a hint of guilt. Almost. Now, this time, he wasn’t so precise; he wanted to make her suffer in death. He took the knife covered in blood, and stuck it in her mother's chest. His mother screamed and moaned in pain, but couldn’t get a loud enough sound out. No one could her scream. She bled to death. It was a slow, painful death. Now, with all Johns’ anger gone, taken out on his parents, he felt empty. An empty shell with no meaning.

    Now, John, 14, an orphan with a reputation, left his home, and wondered his town, longing for a purpose. But, he had none. In his life, running from police, searching for a purpose with all drive gone, and just looking for someone to turn to, for guilt had finally caught up to him. He kept trekking forward, and living his life as he was forced to. In his life, growing up, he turned to drugs an alcohol for relief from the guilt. But as the story goes, soon the drink would not supply the buzz it used to, and the drug lost its oomph. Now, lost in the world, he kept living the hell he was confined to. Now, I could drag on about his life till the point in the story I want to get to, but instead, ill just fast forward through a couple of years in John’s life.

    Now, finally we are reaching a closure in this story. But, you’ll have to read on to see how it ends, unless you’re that cheater who just skips to the end of the story to see how it ends, and you can spoil everyone's fun. However, if that's not you, I apologize for the time I have just stole from your life, but oh well, get over it. So, anyways, where was I? I got off track for a second. Oh yes, Now, little John wasn’t so little any more. Now, John was 45. He seemed to be a decent young man. But, he had been running his entire life, not only from the police, but his guilt too. John has lived his life, has found someone to love, got a nice job, and was like any other happy couple. Except, this one couple had a dark secret, for John’s wife had unknowingly gotten herself involved. Oh that fool, she should have run when she had the chance. I pity her soul. Shortly after her and John’s wedding, she did some research so that she may add John’s family to her family tree. Big mistake on her part.

    Now, John’s wife brought up a touchy subject. Perhaps too touchy. She found out that John murdered his parents at the age of 14. With a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, she asked John about it, thinking it was a lie he had the right to know about. Now, I know what you’re thinking, Why didn’t this come up at their wedding, where is his parents? John told his wife his parents died in a car crash, and he was adopted by an elderly couple, who died after he moved out. Unfortunately, she bought it. Now, after she told John about this, she realized something was terribly wrong. All of a sudden, all his rage from his childhood had returned. As if losing all control, he tackled her, and put his hands around her throat. With great rage, he yelled "No one must ever know about it! No one!" Without a though about it, he choked his wife to death. Unfortunately, he wasn’t as cunning this time. Now, with all the pain from his childhood returned, and the blood of 3 people on his hands, he completely snapped, and went insane.

    A few days after the murder of his wife, he was caught, and brought to an insane asylum. He was kept in a padded room with a straight jacket. He received very few visitors. But, one of the visitors asked him a question he had been asked before, but never gave a straight answer to. "Why did you do it?" But for one odd reason, this time was different. In the sanest voice he could ever manage, he whispered "Every light casts a shadow. My shadow just got the best of me..." With an odd silence, the visitor just stood there. But shortly, the silence was broken, and John began to laugh. Shortly after, the visitor left, and John just sat in his padded room for the rest of his days. Or did he?

    The next day, John Randerson died, age 45. His cause of death is unknown. He actually should have had about another good 40 years left in him. But oh well, his hell was finally over, and he rested in peace.

    Now, the story is finally at its end, and I thank you for reading on until this point. I apologies for any disturbing images reading this may have caused, and to anybody with a faint heart. This is all just a story, so there is no need to worry, you can go on with your life; care free without the fear of any John Randerson knocking at your window. Well, pleasant dreams and good night.
    Thread by: adamboy7, Nov 22, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. adamboy7

    Adam's work

    Well, Im not usually a creative person, but I tend to come up with amazing things. So, without further ado, here is a piece of my work, I hope you enjoy it :D

    A Heartless Point of View

    Well, this is a story like any other. Nothing different, it has a beginning, a middle, and an end. You may have heard this story before, but not like how I am about to tell it today. So sit back, relax, and listen up.

    There once was a man in Traverse town, no different from any other man. He was enjoying his stroll through the third district till he was attacked by a group of heartless. With a blood curtailing scream it was over in a matter of mere seconds. Soon the poor man's life was ended, and his heart floated away and faded into the darkness. As this story has been so far, nothing any different from any other time somebody has lost their heart to darkness.

    Soon the man opened his eyes thinking it was all a dream and nothing had happened. But when he looked around, he was in darkness, nothing around him, nobody to ask what happened, and the most frightening part, was his body was gone, and he was just floating in total darkness. He looked at himself and was about to scream, but nothing came out. He had no breath to breath, he had no voice to speak with, and he had no sense of touch or smell. For all he knew, he was dead, and doomed to float in darkness for the rest of time, all alone, doomed to go insane. No matter how hard he had tried his cries for help would not come out.

    Soon with the man's frantic panicking, he saw a whole in the darkness; he thought it was a miracle allowing him a way to heaven. With delight he managed to float his way through the whole and was expecting to see heaven. To his disappointment, it was not heaven, nor was it hell. He found himself in the world that never was. He was finally outside of the darkness, and was finally able to get a good look at himself. He looked himself up and down and felt like crying, but not a single tear would shed. Soon the poor man pulled himself together inside, and figured he would explore this new and strange place.

    Soon he found a sign that said "されたことは、世界". "The world that never was?" he thought, "what could that mean?" Without another thought about it, he moved on. Soon, He heard a strange and loud voice, it was deep and in no way friendly. The voice said in an angry tone, "Hey you, pure blood! What are you doing roaming around the castle?". Without another word, the voice walked over with an angry look on his face. The little heartless looked the man up and down, and to his surprise, it was a walking, talking dog, Wearing clothes.

    It was as plain as day that this dog of a man was not in a very pleasant mood, and was not going to listen to reason, not that the little heartless could even speak. Without a word, the man grabbed the little heartless in his big fist, and took him in his tight grasp. Without knowing where he was being taken, or why, he just knew he was going there weather he wanted to or not. The whole way there, having to hear the man's grumbling was practically infuriating.

    Finally they came to a halt. With an angry grunt, the man threw the little heartless at a wall and the man walked away. The little heartless found himself in a crowd of other heartless, and noticed they were all in rows like an army awaiting orders. He tried to fit in, and got in line. He looked up and saw a greenish colored lady with a pair of horns, and a long black cloak. He noticed everyone’s, attention was on her, so he listened to what she had to say. He figured out what she was talking about. He learned allot of useful things such as what he is, what he is doing here, and that he was going to be used for universal conquest.

    "A heartless?" he thought, franticly searching for a pulse. Sadly, he could not find a single beat. Soon, the heartless were leaving in groups, going through black portals, and disappearing. Reluctantly, he made himself through a portal, and found himself in Traverse Town once more. With a feeling of joy and delight, he ran to the place he called home. Looking through a window, he saw his wife in a panic, and his children crying their eyes out. "How long have I been gone?" he thought, "How can I show myself to them like this?" "I'm a monster!, a-a heartless!"

    With a feeling of disgrace, he ran off into a nearby ally, curled up in a ball, and just wanted to die. Again, no different than before, he pulled himself together, and moved on. He found a newspaper and looked at the date "WHAA?!?!?"
    "I’ve been gone a month?" he thought. Again, he felt like dieing, but lustered on. Soon he came to the group of heartless that killed him in the first place. With great anger he thought "Without you stupid monsters, i wouldn’t be in this mess! I'd still have a wife and kids, id still be happy, and have my life!" With great aggression and anguish, he mauled the group of heartless and tore them apart piece by piece.

    Feeling no more anger, he felt sad again thinking "What have I done? I'm no better than any of these monsters.". With a feeling of great pain returned, he wanted to look up at the sky and scream, but he knew nothing would come out. "I want my life back!" he thought. With nothing left to loose, he moved on, and roamed the rest of the town.

    Avoiding people as much as possible, he moved on like any other heartless would in his position. He had already scared off 3 townsfolk, not wanting to add a fourth on the list. He was just walking around when he came across a boy with a rather odd weapon, killing heartless.

    Seeing that he was killing them, he would not be afraid of one little heartless. He figured "I have nothing left to live for, there is no point in going on, and this guy might be able to finally make it all end". After thinking it all over, he did what any other heartless would do, and pounced the guy.

    Before the little heartless got within two feet of the guy, it was over. With a thump, the little heartless fell to the ground. Within seconds he started fading away again. First his feet were gone, then his legs, arms and torso. Before his head faded completely away, he shed a single tear, like no other heartless ever could, and faded from existence, leaving everything he ever had behind.
    Some say this never happened, others say it’s as real as you or I. Nobody knows whether it really happened or not, but I believe it did, do you?

    I drew this picture, and I think it could fit fairly well here for this story :D
    Thread by: adamboy7, Nov 22, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. adamboy7
    I found a glitch in kh2 by accedent. The other day i made a new game file, and played it. I had gotten to hallow bastion, and got my membership card. after the scene ended, my drive guage was running out, (i had used valor in the first battle before the scene) so i went to the world map (dont go to the baily). (if you go to the world map while in a fourm, your drive guage is max agian) When i got to the world map, I noticed that twilight town was gone (no surprise there) but, i nwent around the map, and i saw Beast's castle, land of the dragons, and the olimpus coliseam was shrouded in the darkness cloud thing. The two planets that i could see, were a darker shade than usual, and the rings were not there. Has this happened to anyone else?
    Thread by: adamboy7, Oct 11, 2010, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. adamboy7
  14. adamboy7
    Am i the only one who thinks disco isnt dead? if you like disco, post in this thread and help prove the point that it is not dead! :D If you dont like it, then you shouldnt really bother posting. lol :D (i dont think there is a thread like this, so if there is, close this thread now, or forever stare at this thread till it reaches the max amount of posts) :D
    Thread by: adamboy7, Jul 11, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. adamboy7
    i cant manage to make heads or tails of this vid, but it is funny, odd, weard, WTF-ish, and down right true. if you have a friend who is sad, send them this video! (results may vary)
    Thread by: adamboy7, Jun 18, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. adamboy7
    hello everybody, this is a group i made to share, request, or talk about cheat codes (or talk about random stuff :D)
    Thread by: adamboy7, Jun 1, 2010, 17 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  17. adamboy7
    which is a better doctor who?

    this guy #1

    or this guy #2?
    i cant remember their names to save my life lol :D i like guy #2 better lol
    Thread by: adamboy7, May 22, 2010, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. adamboy7
    Please, all i request is that you willingly give me yor charicter mods (Boss battle people, struggle people and ecsetera) or objuct mods (chests, mini game items ecsetera) (And make sure that they are not for final mix). anyone who posts cheat codes on here in the first 3 days, i will pay them in rep 5/18/10, 5/19/10, and 5/20/10. Thankyou and have a nice day! :D

    Thread by: adamboy7, May 18, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Video Showcase