Also, buy a chimichanga. You may need it. Trust me, a chimichanga could save your life when it comes to a certain Canadian mercenary...
Ty-dus. Yes, I know it's not corrrect but tee-dus sound weird to me, especially how all of my friends also say Ty-dus.
House, Will Smith and Iron Man. I don't have a clue what Will Smith or House really brings to the team.... House is still more useful to us though as a doctor.... Iron Man has his repulsor rays and unibeam... I'd be there with a shotgun xD
Oh God, freaking lost it. And I've read this as well. STILL. OW. MY HEART </3 But it stands for something that even though this is a death and really sad, it's beautiful. And oh God, Johnny. Just that one moment with him and Bobby... xD Then... AGH I'm a mess.
I'd just use it on... certain people. Mwhahaha
This is a story that I just started by mashing two of my older works together and rewriting them into this. Any constructive criticism is gladly welcomed as are your general thoughts. Please read and I hope you enjoy. ---------------------------------------------- It's a strange town that we live in, one of the kingdoms that allows humans and their guides to co-exist in peace until the age of eighteen. At eighteen, your guide is either brutally murdered before your eyes or they can stay with you, if you're lucky. They call it a test, but with so many deaths from the actual humans that are put through it each year, it really doesn't seem worth it. No other kingdom has the test and I think of running away, I beg my guide to run with me but he tells me that we must stay put. I know we can do it, even if all he sees is a weak girl with her pale features on the outside, and I know that he knows. I cease my thoughts and rise from the mattress that I'd been sat on for the past hour or so, deciding to try to find my guide. It isn't long before I see the messy brown hair and long ivory wings that protrude from his broad shoulders standing over the stove. "Alex," I mutter, causing him to turn away from the frying pan and look at me with his kindly hazel eyes, "We need to talk." Alex sighs, lifting a hand to push a few stray strands of hair from his eye, "Cammie, we are not talking about this again." "But I--" "Forget it. We're not running, we're staying put." I sigh and shake my head at him, "If we stay here, we'll die." "If we leave we could die! It's no better out there than it is here!" He shouts back, "Do you really think that anything's better out there!?" "'Lex..." I move over to him, place a hand on his arm as he turns back to his cooking, "Calm down. I just... I don't want to watch you die." He doesn't answer me, instead turning off the stove and wrapping his arms around me, pressing me into his body. We both know what the other is thinking, that we'll know for certain tomorrow. Tomorrow is when they reveal the nature of this year's test, it's when they show us the testing grounds or Arena and dress us to fit. Tomorrow the King comes down from his castle to wish us luck. It's a sick tradition, really, but one we're told we need to upkeep. The embrace ends and Alex straightens up, looking around shakily. Maybe he's accepted his fate, even if I haven't. "I... made bacon." It's the first thing that he says to me after we break apart as he turns back to the stove, pulling out two plates so that we could eat our last meal in silence. The tension's unbearable, but there's nothing to say between us anymore. We can't run, we can't hide. We have to stay. It's these thoughts that stay with me throughout the night, until morning comes and Alex is waking me. It's the day of the test, and fear grips me as I dress in an old blue dress and walk out to find Alex, who is wearing a shirt for once. He gestures to the door and we silently walk out, we haven't eaten breakfast since we're both too nervous for it and it's the same nerves that are strangling our words. We turn into the alley that will take us towards the Town Hall from where we'll get a carriage that will take us to the ceremony. It's in this alley that Alex suddenly stops and places his hands on my shoulders, "Cam, I have something to ask you before we--" He loses his voice for a second, looking down at our feet. "What is it?" I ask, trying not to cry at the thoughts of what could happen. "Before your parents died, they made me promise that if anything happened to them, I'd raise you." He mutters, "Please, Cammie, tell me that I raised you right." I smile at him, stand on tiptoes, kiss his cheek reassuringly. "You couldn't have raised me better." He smiles slightly and lets go of my shoulders, taking a firm grip on my hand as we walk almost certainly to our deaths. We reach the Hall, and see the lines of carriages as well as boys, girls and their guides. I immediately notice how different they all are, there's guides with horns, some with jewels set into their skin as well as some with different wings like Alex. The other humans vary as well, in size, weight, hair and eye colours. I see a girl with her pink hair in bunches and wonder how many times she's been waiting to say goodbye to her guide, a woman with obsidian hair and full red lips. There are parents seeing their children off as well. I quickly count over 30 people and try to make sense of how only 15 get to the test, but I don't question it, instead I sign my name and wait clutching Alex's hand. We're told to get into carriage fourteen so we do, Alex heading in first and helping me in. As we set off towards the test site, I turned to him to say the one thing I needed to, "Thank you for everything 'Lex." "At least I raised you right, and I'm not letting anything happen to you in the test. I promise." We sit in silence for the rest of the way, watching the scenery pass us by until we pulled up next to the test center, where the King was stood in front of a podium, waiting for us to climb out and onto the stage beside him.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wait, was I drunk last night? LIZ! DID WE DRINK LAST NIGHT?" ...Because I'd be in a hotel room, with my sister. In fact, she's probably the one who wrote it after a weird sing-along or something.
Oh hey. I've just been playing a load of video games xD How are you?
Yeah? What about the whisk? xD I suppose you could have it hanging out of your top pocket, maybe? But the plunger and whisk are basically Dalek arms. And when you do this your voice must always be robotic and you must move fast and fluidly, turns should be fast and mechanical. Also, be deathly afraid of Jammie Dodgers. They cause TARDISes to self-destruct.
1: I have tried telling her (over FB) that I didn't think it was good for her to be in this relationship, and next thing I knew, he was cussing me out over Twitter and text saying that I was just jealous that I didn't have anything as perfect as them. 2: I am seriously thinking of cutting all contact with her, it's just too much stress that I don't need.
It's hard to get hold of her without him being around, he looks at her Twitter/Facebook messages constantly. I can't be sure about calling/texting her either. The best I can do is wait until she's here alone and then talk to her. About issue 2, she's bisexual herself which just makes it all the more weird in a way. I don't want to just end up saying to her "You're SERIOUSLY freaking me out." But yeah, I've tried to talk to her, but it always starts up again soon >_>
Or hear movie quotes. I'm gonna get KILLED by ALL THE AVENGERS. Including Spider-Man, yep. View attachment 32975 I don't even....
I have two friend issues, the first one started about a year ago but I wasn't really aware of it until about April this year (which I constantly beat myself up about). The second started March this year and is still going on, and making me feel as if I need to break friends with this person. Issue 1: My best friend, who is in university in London, is in a relationship with a guy who just keeps hurting her. She told me about how he messes her around and asked if she should break up with him when they first got together, since I didn't know him, I said that she should just do what feels right for her. She went back to him, and a few weeks later she asked me if she should leave him again, I told her (again) to do what she felt was right but if he keeps messing her around, she should at least take a break from him. She went back to him to give him a second chance. I met him this April, and he was just really rude to me. He even got jealous of my friend talking to me and told her that he would break up with her if she didn't send me home. She refused, telling him that I couldn't go home due to not being able to get back. Later, he saw me taking two pills for my epilepsy and told my friend that I was a druggie and a ******. Basically, he was just really rude to both of us and I could see how much he messed someone I truly care about around, making her cry and then telling her to hide it. Right now, she doesn't think anything's wrong with him, but I know how he messes her around. He's cheated on her about twice and I'm worried for her and for our friendship. Maybe I'm overreacting, I don't know. Issue 2: Another friend who we'll call Sigyn (due to her extreme love of Loki), basically read some fanfiction I wrote that involved a bisexual character and assumed that I was bi because I could write for this character. I just told her that I'm straight and left it at that. Well, until she started calling me a tease amongst other things and putting me down about everything. She even told the guy I like and some of my friends some rumours that she made up about me. She keeps calling me names as well as asking me if I'm dating/sleeping with one of my best friends who I see as my brother. I don't really wanna cut her off completely, but I do want her to stop.
X-Men marathons are the best.
Riku wouldn't really work for me xD Nothing wrong with him, except I highly doubt I could remotely pull it off. And there's the issue of the wig again. I did go to a con as Misa Amane a few years ago, and that's why I don't particularly like wigs, since mine kept falling off even though I practically pinned it to my head. At the moment, I'm thinking Mary Jane, since it looks more comfortable than anything else.
Hmmm, problem with that is the sheer amount of Kairis that'll be hanging around xD But I'll keep it in mind I could try that, but I do see the tight-costume thing coming back up again xD And the fact that probably the ONLY Batman thing I own is my Men's Batman costume hoodie... Hope is definitely going on my list, especially if I get to carry a big gun around. Other than that, I did bring up the idea of Mystique before but there are problems such as painting myself blue, the others, I will have to think about.
Haha, my cosplay buddy just said I could bring Perfect Parker along if I went as MJ... xD I coudn't do a female Petey, my hair's red now and I don't particularly wanna wear a wig.
I'm 5'3, red hair that ends JUST below my shoulders when straight, a full fringe, blue eyes and a UK size 14. Now, my friend said that I should cosplay Black Widow but I'm kinda "ehhh" about it, first of all, I would NOT be comfortable in a catsuit and secondly, I don't think I could pull it off. But I would like to cosplay someone from the Marvel Universe. But yeah, I need suggestions as to costumes really. Or just ideas...
Take a drive in my car, he said We'll find a place for your pretty little head Lying somewhere we don't know oh oh. So what did he want from me? How could he ever think that I was so cheap? I'm not that girl, not that girl. Take a ride in my car, you said We'll find someplace to talk instead So what's wrong baby? I can't believe that you'd come here to leave me. Don't think that, one moment This moment lasts forever Don't trick yourself, trap yourself Into forever. 'Cause I know this moment, one moment That I wish could last forever And it belonged to me and you, me and you. So don't worry about me, I used to be your queen But it's over, it's over because of you And I'll worry about you, hating to see what you'll do As long as somebody else is in your scene. Did I ever mention, the lengths I went to get your attention? And you took that feeling away from me. Now I'm driving in my car Fifty in a forty zone And I'm out here on my own, driving someplace we used to know oh oh So what do you want from me? Do you want me on my knees? I thought that we worked this out way back when Never thought this would be the cause for such a good thing to end. So don't worry about me, I used to be your queen But it's over, it's over because of you And I'll worry about you, hating to see what you'll do As long as somebody else is in your scene. Did I ever mention, the lengths I went to get your attention? And you took that feeling away from me. And you took it away, I waited all of the next day For you to talk, for you to call For you to beg, for you to plead For you my king, for me, your queen And I'm walking away. And I relive this moment, one moment The moment could last forever Don't trick yourself, trap yourself Soon it's over 'Cause I know this moment, one moment That I wish could last forever And it belonged to-- Don't worry about me, (Don't think that this moment...) I used to be your queen But it's over, it's over because of you And I'll worry about you, hating to see what you'll do As long as somebody else is in your scene. Did I ever mention, the lengths I went to get your attention? And you took that feeling away from me. And it belonged to me and you. (These came about, strangely, while I was reading Fantastic Four, listening to Sum 41 and browsing Twitter. IDK how this came out of any of that. Really. xD)
Cool. bro!