I'm a potato. Hear me potato.
Time-Turner. Only way to patch these plot holes :) Spoiler Anyways, I arrived at the movies four hours before the very last movie. Longest four hours of my life, I might add. I wore the closest Gryffindor student outfit I could possibly wear, and I wore a lion's hat, though it wasn't that close to Luna's. Anyway, when the lights finally dimmed, everyone was dead silent. The Warner Bros. Logo popped out and it finally hit: My childhood is actually ending. I felt like crying manly tears bro. I couldn't stop shaking the whole night. The movie was absolutely great! I couldn't ask for anything more. Sure, there were parts left out or altered, but it's no big deal. Though I have to say Voldemort's death scene should have been faithful to the book. It was epic the way it was. Well, Hollywood flair took over, but again, it's no biggy, I suppose. I actually visited the same movie place when I went to watch Captain America with my friends. Harry Potter was still selling like hot cakes. For that, I'm proud that have been a part of a generation. MANLY TEARS BRO...MANLY TEARS T_T EDIT: Fun Fact: I was 7 when the movie series began, and now 17 when the movie series ended. :3
Ain't Thinking About You by Chris Brown Don't judge, it's stuck in my head. :P
You're welcome :) Hearing that, I'm actually glad I came back :)
I'm going to grab it whenever I can. I'm still very skeptic when it comes to modding my stuff. Then again, I can always re-download the application. And yeah. It lets you capture any mob and release them afterwards. It helps, cause the materials to have one isn't much. Looks like it can be a primary escape weapon. P.S. I enjoy texture packs, myself, but when I bumped the game up for HD, it looks nice as default. Anyone else excited for 1.8?
Thank you :D And what would you mean by rendering? And I know. Considering I'm taking both, I'm going to need 48 pieces in total. Think I'm making this hard for myself :P And oh dear. My teacher hates cartoonish looking style, which is sad, because I love combining Impressionism with a bit of contoured modern style to it. She looks like she could be a witch herself, and I don't mean the nice Harry Potter kind of witch lol.
So a statement is empowering your internal conflicts. Sure know how that feels. I think you need to find either someone to talk to (I don't mean a psychiatrist, but a friend would do well), or an outlet to relieve you of the depression. Often times when I see my friends go through some internal conflict building up, especially when it comes to lack of self-respect or confidence, venting out comes first, then it's knowing what you need. Just hang tight to what matters really. After all, you're born to live a life you can carve into something great if you persevere. If this isn't who you really want to be, then it starts with you.
You have a great point. The world we inhabit today exhibits statements we no longer can counter-argue...for they have nukes. The Sheepple truly tends to what the Sheppard blindly commands.
Haha, now you're previous post would make sense if the person either suffocated, got stuck...or wore incredibly tight skinny jeans.
Who said about tearing it down? I believe it's doing that itself.
I am quite down with the establishment of the corporate system. That, or I'm just hungry :3
Democracy then.
Been so long since I posted here, I'll make an extreme comparisson. Before (Around when I joined): Spoiler After: Spoiler Ugh...skinny's >.>
Is it me, or is this thread anarchy driven? :P
Haha, I would believe that were moderator then. But awesome knowing you're admin now :D Great to know I'm still coming back home with lots of...
I save those just in case...I still need to solve the area using integral of those two functions >:(
I feel smarterer than evar.
So I hear it's invalid, then.
Explains why I couldn't solve the area within the two functions from -1 to 2.
Haha, that's not even trying XD