Omg, I can't believe you actually made this XD Username:Snow White Name(first and last) : Mya Randle Gender:Female Age(no lower than 14 and no higher than 19) :16 Ranger(Red Ranger, Blue, etc.) : Pink :3 Personality: Optimistic, Curious, Naive. Bio:She is a waitress at that juice bar, I forgot the name of it, and she enjoys to do gymnastics. Appearance(picture or description): Can we start now? And Go go Power Rangers~!
Guess what, it's gonna be me~
Listen to the Jungle song~
Believe me when I say I love you~
D:< It's my life~
MSN is also getting on my nerves. Simple and Clean is the way you make me feel tonight, it's hard to let go~
I'll take Cid too if you don't mind :3
KHV is REALLY makin me mad >: Everybody wanna to go to heaven but nobody wanna die now~
It's like me when I have Dr. Pepper o.o
Lay all your love on meeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
Stupid KHV is being a bish....>: Anyway, Username: Snow White Name: Megan "Meg" Clarkson Gender: Female Age: 16 Personality: Friendly, caring, stubborn, clumsy. Appearance: Bio: She is a guard-in-training and the king sent her to live with Briar Rose to keep her out of trouble. She lives with Briar Rose and her "father" and she acts like their housekeeper. Other: Her father was a guard for the king and she wants to be one like he was. Job: (Begar, Shop Owner, Trader/Merchant, Gaurd, etc.): Guard-in-training/Housekeeper. Murder meh ghosts.
I'll take Leon and Yuffie. Sound teh alarm :3
It's gonna be me~ :3
No problem ^^
I...I just died in your arms tonight~
Another TWEWY fan, eh? Anyway, hello :3 Welcome to KHV. Follow the rules and such. Hope you have a great time here and have fun.
Like the others said, you and your friend did the right thing by getting her away from him and telling her parents. I hope he did learn his lesson and not try to do it again to another girl and put her in turmoil. But if it was me, I seriously would've went frickin crazy. I dunno, he would probably feel humiliated by getting his butt kicked by a girl =/
I'll be a girly man :3 My life would suck without yooooooou~
I can't help falling in love with you~
I would add you but mine is being a pain and won't let me add anyone =/