I only like Hello Seattle and Dental Care from them. Otherwise, the other songs are unoriginal and annoying. :/
Edward Scissor hands was defiantly his best work. I was extremely disappointed with Alice in Wonderland though. It was pretty but extremely boring, didn't introduce the characters right and couldn't keep my attention.
Playing around with my inking pens and copics http://hissora.deviantart.com/art/ANTS-158435616 CnC pleeeaaase? :3
Most recent drawing. http://hissora.deviantart.com/art/HAPPY-158979717 cnc pl0x?
You get your period?
I'd dance like them hot babes in your sig.
lol omg gais hey. Guess what I found... Spoiler lollmao this is from my old myspace on old KH-V XDD and here is me now I guess lol Spoiler
Cool story, bro.
Thanks. I've had it for liek, forever I think now.
1-Hissora 0-Yew
I miss this place. And I need to paint my nails.
: D looove that movie
OMFG YES. But Cartoon Network is going to ruin it. All their cartoons now suck. They try and take ideas from the internet, but just butcher them, so we just resort to only watching the channel after 10 pm.
No Parents = no hot loving sex = no baby = no you Logic flawed.
No, it's because couches aren't supposed to post threads, silly.
I want to be with you and make believe with you in harmony harmony... oh love.
Well, so is a peacock, but you don't eat it until it's cooked.
It's just an image with a transparent background.