I'm dating one. Not only that but he's a furry. So I'm prejudice or anything XD
Most swords that are under $50 at cons are crap. X3 Just letting you know that.
Lol I did that at school carnival thing I was volunteering at for art club XD I scared some chillens.
I-Don't-Know ;/
http://hissora.deviantart.com/#/d2sa2if Took me a little over a week and I worked on it about 3+ hours each day. OMG SO MUCH WORK. But here's the final product. cnc, pl0x?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ this one's better.
@Ashwa <3 - R& J ftw? ;D @Array - BEJUZUS You look perdy. I like the sun glasses! @Juicy - That skirt is adorable! :O @beezygee - Lol I like your srsly serious face ma'am @Rediculous Lunatic - Lol I like the 80s dress and that party sounds like fun :U @moshimoshi!!! - LOLOMG I LOVE THOSE THINGS I was in a duck one yesterday XDD Spoiler lol me and mah boyfriend before the rave at A-kon 21 this year.
LOL sorry. I haven't been on LJ in forever... The only websites I ever go on anymore are deviantArt, facebook and sometime 4chan x3 Yeah I know how you feel. I just finished my freshman year, but it wasn't that bad. I hang with all the upperclassmen and most of them though I was a junior or a sophomore. XP
The biggest misconception is that Science can't create. It just explains how things in this world came to be. Everything from what different cells consist of to what happens when we mix A and B. Even though I may be atheist/agnostic/I-really-don't-care-for-believing-in-religion-atm it angers me that people say that science did or did not create life, people, everything etc. If it really was evolution then it was natural selection and everything, not science it's self. Anyway, I believe both, possibly, in the sense that there was some being that started something which resulted in a chain reaction. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go pray to some god.
Because that's how you make babies. A woman and a man. /thread XD but seriously, yeah I would guess it's just because well, that's how you make the population increase, isn't it? How you reproduce? I mean animals are instinctively hetero even if some species do some homo thing, they just know how to mate with the opposite sex by default. Humans can make that choice later in life of what they want.
Mmmm Prettyyyy good. I'm dating a gay guy. You? :U
I used the abortion hack. :/
Aw crap. Mine's smaller. .______________________.
LOLOLOL Sucks to be you. I got a tooth pulled a few weeks ago. It felt like my mouth was high. Peeerrrrddy gud. :] I've had too much pizza today Dx Lucky loser >.>
Just taking my every-3-months-just-about visit back to KHV. How is everyone even though no one is on atm? :3 Let me start. I'm starving. Now it's your turn.
Cake or not I can't wait for this game. GLaDOS is freaking amazing. One of my favorite villains, hands down. Really, besides the new fallout, this is the only game they showed at E3 that I'm actually excited for.
It's not really blood, it's supposed to be dirt and ants, sorry if that wasn't clear. But I understand what you mean. And thanks :]
The theme and drawings are nice, it's just I don't really agree with your composition. The way everything is laid out it looks more like practice sketches than a serious piace. There really is no focal point. What I would do is separate it into two different pieces, one being Nature and other Nurture of course, then they would be in a set, giving each one it's own focal point. If you have it all together like that it's just a bit confusing.