Or Eragon. God all these children series that are good in their original version but are butchered by these damn directors.
Duuuuude. That's awesome.
-molests your face- You're such a rape-able creature. ;3 That was badarse btw.
xD This is totally something I'd expect you to do~ ;3 I missed you Darky.
Aw that was our 2nd favorite song :< You work horse you :3 Wow.... That really sucks. I once got my door knocked down by tough tall black men. Eh. We ended on a good note. We were in a long distance relationship and I guess he was took weak to handle this. :3 ooooooh. Oh crap. Try not to kill anyone.
What did you do today? Me? My boyfriend broke up with me. :<
Water. I wanna blood bend. >3
I really don't want to go see it anymore. Like me and my friends planned to go see it and make fun of it... but is THAT bad? Holy shiznuggets. :<
Aqua has to be the coolest of the female characters in the series! So excited for this game!
AH OMG! I love that little dragon. :3 He makes my heart smile. Ryptos rage was always my favorite. Did anyone know supposedly there's going to be a movie? You speak the truth oh, wise one. Srsly I played an old 101 dalmations game for the ps1, funnest stuff ever!
Zuko is not hot enough. i r disapoint.
Lol werewolves weren't even in the first seasons. They had maednads! Woo greek mythology.
This seems like a quick sketch. If it is, it's pretty good for one. Very nice job with the face shape and the neck along with the neck shading. It looks good! The proportions are all nice, too, except the lips seem a little slanted, but it's not too bad that it ruins the picture. I like the emotion in this piece as well. Is this charcoal..? or pencil...? either way I can tell you tried shading in some spots and others you just outlined the details. You can only go with one of the two ways with this time of media. What I mean is, in life there aren't set lines that are there like in a cartoon that are filled in with color. The lines instead are made by the highlights and the shadows on the surface, showing us, for example, how the nose is further out than the cheek. Using the different shades and contrast you can show the volume of the figure. Now look at my crudely drawn example: The left represents just average cartoony style outline. Note how the nose and cheek are shown as lines and just that. Now the right is more of a realism shading. I'm guessing you were going for realism in this piece so I'll talk more about the later. See at the edge of the nose how it's black but on the cheek it contrasts just a bit with the gray? Sorry for the bad example, I tried to get my point across. x3 I really hope this helps!! I can't wait to see your next drawing. :3
I REALLY want to see this D: pixar just keeps getting better and better.
Man I wish i had sound Dx
When you're close to me, When you're close to meeeeeee
Well... you can't get what you want... But you can get me! >3
-raep- .
Spoiler It never really shows him dieing, actually. Just Sebby being like it won't hurt or something and being like OMNOM. :/ We never really SAW him dieing, truthfully. So who knows? He could still be alive. I still think it's BS that the main characters in Season 2 are just like Sebastian and Ciel. I mean, can't it be a little different?