As I am sure some of you are aware I am stupidly afraid of the dark. Yeah haha hilarious I know, I am 21 and scared of the dark. I played Silent Hill and it wasn't the game that scared me, it was the fact I played it in the dark and the dark scared me. Anyways, my lamp just blew ._. and there aren't any other lights on because everyone else is in bed and it is late. So now except for my laptop I am in the dark. Yeah so I won't be moving until it is daylight again...
Renegadebiscuitface gave me the idea ctrl v, what is yours? Mine is: Barrow (noun) a large mound of earth or stones placed over a burial site. Yet is this really all there is to it? Is a Barrow nothing more than a heap of earth and stone placed over a burial? Maybe that is all it was, a means of returning the dead to nature, after all this is not unlike our own modern burial practices in the western world. However there is a flaw to this idea. If a barrow was nothing more than a burial, why are there so few of them? The British Isles are rich in Neolithic barrows, but there is no way that these contain the entirety of the Neolithic population that would have required them. Added to this is the bizarre fact that the majority of the burials when studied have proven to be the burials of men. Since clearly the Neolithic was not full of asexual men one has to wonder where are the all the women and children? The fact that their presence is little to none in the preserved record makes it obvious that these barrows were definitely not as simple as just a burial. So if there was more to it than that, what was it all about? The truth is we will never fully know what was the thought process and the reason behind barrows, as Ray, K 1999 writes “The place of death and burial in the world-view of prehistoric societies is only indirectly knowable today because we have no written accounts or observations to draw upon†As a result of this we can only speculate and the speculations regarding Neolithic barrows is vast. ...D: have part of my essay?
Normally I don't like these chipmunk versions of songs, they do my head in, but damn, this one sounds so adorable D:
Some of you know I am a huge Blitzball fan right? To the point of having an obsession. Well today, I finally, finally, after years of having FFX, I finally beat the Luca Goers at the tournament in Luca :'D I have never done that before. Just thought I would share that with you.
My laptop keeps yelling at me because I have no room left, and I need to move stuff and delete stuff but I have no idea where to start ._. p.s I somehow have 2GB worth of chat logs ._.
I maded you a Cookie <3 :] Spoiler
Who else in the UK now hates Youtube? ):
[If she does it like this will you do it like that]
Someone buy me this hat ;~; Please ;~;
I got you a present <3 Some thicker skin: and I threw in this backbone for free =) enjoy
Something short only, but thought I'd post it here too. It’s so dark in here, I can hardly see. It’s so hard to breathe and the air seems desperate to suffocate me. I can’t even see my hands in front of my face, won’t somebody help me? I can’t stand this place. It’s so silent here; I can hardly hear my own thoughts, only empty nothingness that clings to everything. Even the silence seems desperate to choke me. I want to escape; I want to break free of here. I’m so hungry; it feels like I haven’t eaten in forever. So hungry, I wonder if it is only my hunger that keeps me going, the thought that I might get to eat soon. I wonder what it looks like outside? Hours seem to last an eternity in this damn prison, for all I know a century could have gone by whilst I have been held prisoner here. How long must I wait here? The day seems to last so long that I can hardly stand it. How much longer? Is it night time yet? Won’t you please let me out? Please let me out, you only have to open the door a little and I can do the rest myself. I promise it won’t hurt, just a quick bite and then you’ll feel nothing, and I am so sick of having to wait and hide in your closet for the day you forget to close the doors at night.
but I passed last semester, I just got my results back, I was expecting to fail everything because the past semester was so ****ed up but I ****ing passed it and I got 3 ****ing Bs. True I did get a D as well but that was because I handed something in late, but I don't ****ing care because it is still a pass and I don't have to re-do or retake anything omfg I was so scared but ****ing hell I passed D: Now I just have to pass this semester @_@
Lately a lot of threads seems to be focusing on religion, either aspects of it or particular beliefs. Every time it seems to result in some form of Christian Atheism slanging match and it has caused me to think what I am about to say. Atheists continually push that to believe in a god or follow a religion is to be lacking in intelligence and are blinded, that they see the truth and that they are the superior ones with their high levels of intelligence that prove that there can be no god. However, that in itself is blind. To preach that those around you are following the wrong life and that they are acting in ways other than intelligent, surely that is exactly the same as the actions of some religions that you argue about so frequently? "There is no god, to believe so is stupid" "Thou shalt have not other gods before me" Declaring other ways to be wrong and your own way to be right, isn't that exactly the type of thing you fight against? I am an archaeologist, I have seen the evidence for evolution, I do geology, I have seen the evidence proving that the world is older that what religion would expect us to believe. Yet I don't force my opinions down the throats of everyone. Some of those who claim to be of a higher intelligence than those following a religion are really only as blind as those they continuously criticise. As for religon, I do not believe in god, does that mean I will go to hell? I don't know, afterall, if the Christian god is so loving and caring, how could he send people to hell who live good honest lives without worshipping him? What of those who are unaware of the existence of him and Christianity but instead live a humble life showing respect and honesty all their days, would that person be sent to hell? Islam condones the murdering of innocent people in the name of Allah, those who kill are viewed as heroic, how can that be justified? Some religions allow taking of multiple wives, some justify murder. Religion causes war and conflict, people fight over their beliefs and die for them, but if you yourself fight for your faith, then how can you not see that the people you are fighting are doing the exact same thing? Are they not able to feel the same passion for their beliefs that you do? Plus, if most religions think you will go to their version of hell for not believing and following them, doesn't that mean we are all damned to spend eternity suffering? Maybe I can't really comment, I belong to neither side. People who believe in their chosen gods are not all ignorant unintelligent blinded people, just as not all atheists are arrogant, forceful snobs with a superiority complex. Extremsists are when the problem is. Arrogance is just another form of ignorance and I think both sides need to take a step back and realise just how similar they both are before continuing to belittle each other. Believe what you want to believe, follow your faith (applied to both sides since afterall atheism is a form of faith too is not? The belief that there is no god), but the least you can do is let others do the same.
Usually when someone necrobumps an ancient thread, I come across posts I made when I first joined and want to stab myself =) Old posts are embarrassing wouldn't you all agree? xD;;;
The main rules of the site do of course apply here, as do the main rules of the Creativity Corner. However there is something I would like to add for this section. Please can all authors keep their poems in one thread. When you have new poetry to offer please just update your original thread. This way we can keep people's work more organised and keep the section tidier. I will create a stickied list of threads for authors once I have finished sorting out this section and moving the threads over from Original Work.
Just because you cannot see us does not mean that we aren't there. <3 The Staff are watching my loves. I don't expect my break to get disrupted like that again 'k
Ok, I am not back, I am still on break, but I promised you guys this <3 <3 Winner of January's contest is Spunk Ransom with this piece of work, it flows nicely and I like the idea, the only thing that was a slight concern is that some of the rhyming seems a little forced. Ms Scarlet and Fayt, yours were very close <3 Theme for February: well I am pretty sure that it is a repeat, but hey its Valentines Day in a couple of weeks and I am in a romantic mood, so lets see what you can do with Love and Romance Deadline: February 28th Results: March the 2nd Good luck loves <3 See you around.
I'm gone.
:D Finally, one of my bottom wisdom teeth is starting to come through, I can feel it :'D I have no idea why I am happy about this since it hurts like a ***** at the moment, but yay, everyone else in my entire family got theirs when they were in their mid teens, D: I'm 21 so you can imagine that they always laugh at me because of it. :D ...I don't think I have room for another 4 teeth o_o