Ok, is this a good idea or not? For my mom's birthday I am planning on my family going out for a meal, but then afterwards I am going to sing one of my mom's favourite songs. I can't decide though if this is a good idea or not? If you were at a meal with someone and then they stood up and went and sang for you would you be embarrassed or what?
So after coming across a thread today I decided to have a wander around the adminCP Long story short you can now use fonts, sizes, allignments etc etc in your Visitor Messages. Don't abuse it or we'll remove it and by that I mean don't deliberately use size 7 font etc.
Loves a good Mysterious Link <3
So not 5 minutes after the whole MP3 player thing, my little sister suggested I start smoking, want to know why? She thinks it will help me since apparently I have started putting on weight >: What the hell ._.
She just handed me this absolutely ****ing beautiful MP3, a real cute one, and she was like "Here you go, I got this today" and I was like really wow because my mom never buys me anything and because it was a real nice one, and then right :/ she was like "So do you like it?" and I was like yeah it's awesome with a huge smile on my face, and she took it off me and says, "Oh good, I bought it for your neice today and knew if you liked it she would like it". ._. how cruel
[Remind me of the babe]
It sounds gross, but do you know what is really delicious? Chocolate and cheese and onion crisps >> Seriously ;~; anomnomnom
Choke Torn into Pieces
You know you want to
I had to fetch something out of the attic for my mom (I hate my attic) So I went up there and it was freezing cold and really breezy and I could hear something moving around in there, I was shining my torch around and there were cobwebs everywhere, real ****ing big ones too ._. and then I heard the thing again, turned around and my torch shone straight into the face of a broken doll ._. I think it is safe to say I nearly died ._. The end.
As of today all warnings and infractions that are over a year old have been deleted. For some of you this now means you have a completely new record, don't mess it up again. This will now be an ongoing occurence. However, a new automatic ban has been set in place. If you get 3 warnings then you will recieve a 24 hour ban. This ban is subject to change and when you are banned the case will be reviewed by the staff, so it is possible you will end up serving a longer ban time (depending on what the warnings were for and how far apart they are). Once you have served a ban for 3 warnings, those 3 warnings will be removed from your account as they will no longer be valid. There will be no more continual verbal warnings, we will give you ONE verbal warning, but if you continue to do whatever it is that requires the warning, you will get a actual one. Peace and love <3 edit: Reversed warnings obviously don't count against you.
How delicious :D Spoiler
I'm leaving forever >: Nah I'm just kidding, I'm going on a fieldtrip for a few days to somewhere in some mountains in Wales. We are also going caving, I am scared of the dark and I don't particularly like the thought of being trapped under ground, so that should be awesome fun :D Anyways, we are also going to go visit some very awesome archaeological sites so woot woot for that <3 I'll be gone like 2/3 days max, don't miss me too much <3 and behave >: I less than 3 you all omnomnomnom <3
My last thread was more nature based, so here are some not so nature based photos. Be warned I am not very good at man made stuff so much >.> One of the oldest parts of my town I hate the blur but I love where the light falls Again I really liked the light :'D Random crap :'D basically a web on a wall Have some stairs (black and white) I was mostly happy with this one except it looks kinda grainy (black and white) This random little opening in an alley (black and white)
Something short, wrote it a while ago, decided I'd let you guys see it. [They say she wanders alone, that on cold grey nights if you look into the moonlight at just the right angle, you will see her pale silhouette as she dances along lost in a song that only she can hear. They say that to see her is a sign of danger to come, that she is an omen for impending disaster, and that if you see her you better run. Rumours are strange things are they not? An underlying truth that is hidden and obscured by exaggerations and lies. Like a game of Chinese whispers played in the school ground the original message and the original words become lost to something new. Perhaps the real power comes from words and not just rumours. They say that when she was alive she was attacked and killed one night as she was making her way home after a dance, and that the violence of her death keeps her trapped in this realm seeking vengeance on people who seek to cause harm. Over time they said that her intentions became twisted and she started to seek to hurt anyone and everyone who crossed her path. Personally I don’t believe that, after all, no human is perfectly moral. Everyone has at some time or another sought to cause someone else hurt regardless of whether they carried it out or not. You know, it is odd the power of human belief. Humans are told something and they seem to almost automatically believe it. You tell one person that something will happen, they tell two more people, those two people tell another two people each and soon enough the rumour becomes a truth. A reality created by the human mind, true for all intents and purposes. I heard that she was beautiful, that her smile could charm most anyone and that her voice could stir the hearts of even the bitterest people. They say that she was going places, that she could have been someone and made it big, that it is a shame that her life was cut short so cruelly and painfully. They made her sing you know, before they killed her. They left her to die bleeding in the snow, frozen and alone with only the moon for company as she died. We live in a society where the word has ultimate power. The majority of our conversations are carried out via words whether it is through text messages, emails or instant messaging services and vocalised conversations are becoming rarer. Funny thing about words, as their power grows so do the messages that they carry. They say I wander alone, that on cold grey nights if you look into the moonlight at just the right angle, you will see my pale silhouette as I dance along lost in a song that only I can hear. They say that to see me is a sign of danger to come, that I am an omen for impending disaster, and that if you see me you better run. That was true at one time, but times have changed, the act of contacting you serves as omen enough. An underlying truth that is hidden and obscured by exaggerations and lies, maybe it is a thing of comfort, we cling to rumours and urban legends because they protect us, C will only occur if A and B occur before it, but rumours are only real in the human mind, and that man behind you will get you whether you turn around or not…]
Ok, so the other night when I was going to bed, it was about 2am and I had just got under my covers when I heard some lads outside talking, they threw something at the window of my neighbour's house and the dude whos room is next to mine opened his window to talk to them. They were planning on going somewhere and Guy A (the one who threw the stone) was saying to Boy C (my neighbour) something like "Are you still coming with us?" Boy C replied "yeah but not until 3, it isnt 3 yet" Boy B (who was on the street with A) said, "I'm not going **** it, I dont want to", so A said "Fine don't then, stay at home" and asked C if C was still going, C said he still wanted to go, but to wait until 3 and then he could sneak out. A kept saying to C you better still be coming, it will be just you and me but it will be alright. C was all like yeah thats fine. Then A said, "Great, we'll go robbing on the way there and back" C replied he was looking forward to it. They were palnning to go rob the area where the old people live (they have like bungalows and stuff and a lot of pensioners live there). Anyways. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't do nothing but I couldn't do anything. Plus my neighbours are really rough, and where I live if you grass someone up its a quick way to get your head kicked in. I spoke to my mom about it and she said it isn't worth getting involved and that I will just get myself in trouble with the guys. She doesn't want me to get hurt. I just, idk ._. for all I know they wussed out and didn't even go robbing in the end, the dude did sneak out but idk where they went. What would you have done or do? :/ it is bugging the hell out of me.
One of my most favourite posts ever.
Well, it has been a while since I shared anything here (most of everything I do going to dA now instead) so I thought I would be nice and subject you all to some disasters that is my photography. Not all taken on the same day, but all taken between the 5th and today. So what do you think? I am improving yet? Still life practice More still life practice ...and more Random flowers Yay Spring <3 Wall Flowers I have no idea why I like this one so much Some plant thing >> Trees Bark <3
[If you say gullible out loud it sounds exactly like elephant]
B| go team go