Warning: Contains scenes that may not be suitable for those who are sqeamish and/or sensitive. If you are easily offended then I suggest you do not read. Now this was tough for me to write, I am not very good at writing outside of first person so I was out of my comfort zone in that respect. I would really appreciate some feedback on this, CnC is love <3 Spoiler “Now this might sting just a little my dear.” The disconnected voice sounding from somewhere within the darkness of the room, the girl struggled against the bindings that kept her attached to a table of some form, her hands and feet unable to move. Thick belts and buckles held her down, across her knees, across her waist, across her chest and shoulders. Her head was held down by the same thick leather, all she could move were her eyes; her eyes which danced around the room wildly, searching the dark grim space for a sign of hope. There was none. Fear. Panic. Confusion. Emotions dancing in a matter of seconds as she continued to struggle trying to break free. She felt cold fingertips brush her arms and she shivered involuntarily trying to squirm away. “You’re only making this harder on yourself.” The same disconnected voice echoed around, bouncing off stone walls and repeating. The air smelt damp, like mildew and stale water. It was cold, not unlike the temperature of a storage room. It was this that led the bound girl to assume she was in a basement of some kind. How long she had been there she had no idea, all she knew was the damp, stale air and the bite of leather immovable on her flesh. “You must pay for your crimes.” Her mouth and throat dry from dust and little air she desperately searched for the spit to be able to talk, “wh..what crimes?” she rasped, it hurt to talk, the straps across her chest making it hard to inhale enough oxygen to speak. There was an answering chuckle from somewhere within the space, but nothing more. Footsteps sounded hollowly but she could not tell the direction they came from, the echoing walls distorting the sound until it flowed around her. There was a creak like an old door long out of use being opened on rusted hinges and for a brief moment there was a delicious burst of fresh air into the room as the staleness rushed to escape into the outside. She longed to become a part of the air and escape too, but she settled for the taste of clean oxygen in her lungs, how odd to find such pleasure in something taken so much for granted. Her pleasure was short lived as a new sound registered on her consciousness; it was an odd sound, shaky and somehow terrifying. There was regularity to it, almost a rhythm of squeaks and the sound of metal against metal. She recognised the noise but couldn’t place it, but somewhere within the depths of her memory her mind was screaming at her to try and break free. She continued to struggle, but the leather only bit further into her flesh. She winced against the pain but something told her that staying still was not an option and to fight for even the small slim chance of breaking free. The noise came closer and closer, now accompanied by a deep humming. It disturbed her how happy the hummer seemed to sound, as though it was just an ordinary person out for a stroll in the park in summer. The series of squeaks and creaks continued and with it came the memory of a dozen horror films watched on sleepovers with friends as they laughed at the absurdity of it all. Her eyes widened at the realisation as her captor wheeled the trolley into the room and closed the door behind them. The fresh air once more staring its transition into stale as she inhaled and exhaled, her heart beating faster than it should even be possible. “It is time for you to pay.” “WHAT ARE MY CRIMES?” “An act of innocence will get you no where.” “But I have done nothing wrong!” She was met with silence. She was exhausted; she didn’t even know how long she had been here, let alone where here was. She closed her eyes to fight back tears refusing to give in and break down. She heard the faint sounds of metal scraping metal and behind her closed eyelids she could sense movement. Opening her eyes she was blinded when a light bulb flickered on above her. The light was dingy and minimal, but after so long in the dark it was like seeing the sun for the first time. In the few moments that her eyes were open, she deeply regretted not keeping them closed. Her assumption was correct; she was indeed in a basement of some kind. The walls were dirty and stained with an odd sheen that looked like damp and slime. The floor was covered in dust with the exception of thin wheel marks and footsteps scuffed into the layers. There were no windows and rust appeared to be growing from the majority of the surfaces. In the corner was a large sink that looked like it was originally an off-white colour but was now a stained and mouldering yellowish-brown. The light bulb flickered throwing her back into darkness before flickering back to life again. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the dim light reflect off something shiny, her eyes moving to look she saw her reflection in the blade of some instrument wielded by a gloved hand. Her reflection made her choke on laughter as she registered her eyes wide and frightened, her face dirty and streaked with lines of grime, her hair a mass of knots and tangles. She noted the cracked lips and bruise on her cheekbone. She looked a mess. The girl laughed, the belts hurting her chest, digging into her body as she laughed but she didn’t care as she lost herself in hysteria before her laughter dissolved into tears and sobs. She sobbed, hollowly and deeply and knew she would not live for much longer. Her reflection came closer as the gloved hand moved the blade tracing along the skin of her arms down to her hands. She closed her eyes as the metal swung downwards. Pain. Unbearable. White hot and burning as her fingers dropped to the dirty ground one after another. She screamed as the blood ran down to pool on the floor, gritty and slick mixing with the dust forming globs as a ringing echoed in her ears shrilly and loudly, she felt as though she was falling off the edge of the world. Tears of pain flooded down her face freely as her body twisted in agony, the belts and bindings keeping her in place as she choked on pain. “For your crimes.” “I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG!” “Still you deny it? Have you not learnt your lesson?” The girl shook, her body sweating as pain gripped her tightly. She barely registered the hands trailing over her skin along her stomach and over her breasts, moving upwards to her jaw. The gloved hands were slick with blood as the pulled her jaw open, she struggled, her eyes widening in terror as she saw the hands reaching for a different instrument, she screamed and screamed but it didn’t matter. She closed her eyes tightly as her jaw was held open, the thick leather straps still holding her head in place as her tongue was removed slice by tiny slice and thrown to the floor with her fingers. The blood ran down her throat, down her face as she choked and coughed drowning in crimson. Locked in a world of pain fuzzy and distorted the girl floated into her mind, locking herself away from the torture. She could feel herself slipping away, dissolving into rivers and air like sugar dissolving in hot water. The ringing sound continued to surround her consciousness as did the noise of metal slicing through flesh, the sound of blood raining freely to the floor and above it all the sound of delighted humming as the one who held her captive continued to “teach a lesson” to the girl. The release of the straps across her chest registered briefly before the pain of her flesh being torn and ripped open. She slipped gratefully into unconsciousness as her still beating heart was exposed, gloved hands reaching out to wrap around it, squeezing the life out. Crushing the heart, broken and irreparable. She died in a bloody and broken mess, her fingers and tongue removed. Her heart crushed and destroyed. The death of Art, the death of Creativity. Her means of expression lost and removed. The one who killed her removed their gloves dropping them to the ground amidst a pool of blood and grime. Censorship walked out of the door leaving its victim destroyed and disfigured, forgotten by the world.
Can someone please change the links in this announcement Linkity link link since I am getting PMs about the fact the links I posted are now dead o: so can someone either replace my links or delete the announcement or something. And yes, I could have sent this in PM, but let's face it, it will be seen by more staff here which means there is a higher chance of something being done about it. Please and thankyou <3
A man who loses everything, is capable of anything I went to the cinema last night and I saw this trailer, it looked like it will be a pretty awesome film IMO. I couldn't find a thread for it already, if there is then my apologies etc etcSo what do you think? The friend I was with and I argued over which side we would have backed. One thing is for definite though, it is true what they say, when you have nothing else to lose you are capable of anything.
Ramblings from the Mould So I am thinking maybe I shouldn't get back into writing after all. Lately it is like everything I write is like something scraped out of the mould at the proverbial rock bottom. Anyway, there was a point to this thread other than me being emo and blah. I will present to you in here the newest offerings from said mould. Twisted Romance Spoiler Twisted Romance Twisted romance how sweet you taste The bittersweet salt of tears And the tangled honey of tongues Limbs wrapped Bodies entwined Breath of sighs hot on the skin Fingertips resting lightly Grip tightening The rush of fire and the dance of flames Race through the veins and run to the heart Pulled together Torn apart Over and over Crashing and falling Twisting and dancing The smell of flesh and the taste of skin Connecting of the mind Connecting of the body Losing control letting go Freedom calling Losing grip on reality Senses clouded and overwhelmed Caught in a tidal wave Thrown over the edge Drowning, drowning Coming up for air Twisted romance how sweet you feel How cruelly you take me over To leave me breathless on the shores Something a lot shorter than the piece I just uploaded, so I think nobody can tl;dr this one. Anyways, again not really loving it, but again I need the practice, crit and comments more than welcome, though please don't just go omguh it r gud/no gud because I will shoot you in the face. Writer's Block Spoiler Writer's Block Scrunched up paper floods the floor A room littered with emotions A room drowning in ideas Inspiration fading as fast as the ink Wash away the blue and black from your hands Wash away the characters and distant lands Erase the fairytales Start over Scribbles and scrawls Adorn these walls Sketches and quick notes The pulse of your imagination Growing and fading Each idea breathing a spark A spark that dies in a burst of glory Fighting against the closing walls No escape to the outside A prisoner bound by the confines of a room That exists within ourselves Hit the walls start over The bricks blocking the way forward Outside through the window see The possibilities are endless Yet out of reach Taunting and teasing they perch On the glass Press your face against it like a child Concentrate concentrate Scrunched up paper floods the floor A room littered with emotions A room drowning in ideas Inspiration fading as fast as the ink For a writer there is no worse prison Than the prison of your mind When bound by the stone and the chains Of art out of grasp She Who Wanders Spoiler She Who Wanders Whispered secrets Beneath blackened skies Unanswered questions Show in her eyes Twisted torment Tangled by lies A painful betrayal An untimely demise No rest for the wicked As she wanders un-free Caught up in hatred And lost jealousy Beware her gaze Avoid her path Pay no heed to her cries Or you too will be trapped Forever searching Underneath blackened skies For answers that don’t exist And unfaithful lovers who have Long since fled For revenge and justice Executed by your hand To the living from the realm of the dead Trick or Treat Spoiler Trick or Treat Distracted by the sound Of children running ‘round Screaming in delight On this Halloween night Running from door to door Hands held open asking for Toffee apples and delicious treats Sugary chocolates and candy sweets Ding Dong Ding Dong Hear the ringing of the bell Welcome the little darlings into hell Smile at their wide, open eyes Frozen in fear and lost in surprise As they see The smile carved into place On such a pretty, pretty face Insides scooped clean Flesh perfect, pristine The pulpy mush So sticky and lush Smeared between my fingers The satisfaction lingers As I toss away the seeds Out amongst the weeds In my garden See their delighted smiles They think it is all a trick They don’t see the mess So bloody, so thick That covers the kitchen floor A flood of flesh and gore The stink of burning skin From the candle placed within The grinning head that overlooks the street A dying breath of Trick or Treat Now I just need to decide What am I going to do? With what is left of you
**CONTENT WARNING: may not be suitable for people with a sensitive mind** (basically do not come crying to me if you find it offensive or disturbing) I am not entirely happy with this and there are quite a few things I would like to change. I am trying to get back into writing more, and this was a practice piece. It is quite long but hopefully you won't get bored before the end. Comments and criticism are welcome, you will probably find that my own dislikes for this piece are the same as yours :b Spoiler Wash the blood away Wipe away the tears What’s done is done And you can’t change it Scrub the floorboards Rinse these dirty sheets Clean away all traces And you still can’t erase it Bury this blade deep Hide it far, far away Cover everything up Yet you can’t forget it Whisper, whisper People are talking See them stop and stare Their fingers pointing They all know what you did Though you keep your eyes to the floor Walk on by pretend you don’t hear But you can’t avoid it Its ok, it’s all ok You tell yourself in the night They have no proof you were too careful Weren’t you... Weren’t you? Yes, of course you were, you laugh away the doubts But your sleep is restless, your dreams are dark You can’t get over it Knocking at your door Glance once check twice No mistaking the dark blue uniforms Open with a smile “...investigating disappearance...” Come in come in, you say with a smile They never tasted the bitter poisons in their tea Hiding the car will be a bitch Faces flash before your eyes How did it come to this? You were the girl next door You were the high school sweetheart The prom queen and the sports star Straight A’s to bloody hands “All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand” Flash back to days gone by Standing on stage Lady Macbeth, standing ovation Thank you thank you, you bow to invisible crowds The drip...drip... of tea as it spills to the floor startles you out of the trance Dancing, dancing you drag the bodies to the car It can hide in the garage for now, good car Shadows move out the corner of your eyes They are gaining on you each moment Blink and they are gone Gone...gone...gone Like the people that you buried in the backyard You giggle at the thought and watch the flowers grow Though you don’t remember planting so many The flowers won’t stop growing You cut them down each morning but by night time they all grow back Filling the garden with the delicate blooms Spilling out their heady scent Though you don’t really mind, it smells better than it did “To die, to sleep; to sleep: perchance to dream” You remember dreaming don’t you? In the time before everything went wrong Now your sleep is filled with malformed shapes and deformed faces Whisper...whisper...whisper... The flowers are talking again; they really need to learn to be quiet “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary” Weak and weary, weak and weary Though no Ravens fly at your window, and no-one taps at the door You can’t shake the feeling that you aren’t alone Footsteps creak along the hallways Unseen hands open closed doors Hide under your covers, close your eyes You can’t see them so they can’t see you You can’t see them so they can’t see you You can’t see them so they can’t see Rinse and repeat just like a hair product commercial Repeat the words that kept you safe from closet monsters when you were a child Footsteps creak along the hallways pausing at your door GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY You can’t see them so they can’t see you But still they chase you down Fleeting shadows Out of the corner of your eyes Do you see them? See their faces and what you did How did it come to this? It started with a kiss A love that grew though it shouldn’t have done A love that grew like the roses that flood the backyard Beautiful and heady but full of thorns You couldn’t let go How could he do this? how could he do this? “Parting is such sweet sorrow” So don’t leave, stay, stay, you wish he would stay But his mind was made up, he found a new Juliet Make him stay for always “The course of true love never did run smooth” You watched him sleeping, his face so calm A tranquil peace a delicate smile That stayed in place even as you brought the blade down A brief startled look, eyes open wide, no kiss goodbye It started with a kiss but ended on a knife Close your eyes and see their faces Open them and see them watching still They taunt you with their glazed eyes Their expressions mocking as they follow you around No peace no peace no rest for the wicked Weak and weary, weary and weak The numbers pile up Caught in a spin A dance of death Spinning spinning turning and turning It won’t stop Make it stop It won’t stop MAKE IT STOP Dancing, dancing, dancing Whirling and twirling Over and over again Over and over again Over and over again Falling and spinning hands raised upwards Caught up in the rush Tangled in the tides of death Pulled along pulled under kicking against the current Can’t stop now People to see People to kill Faces to forget Can’t stop won’t stop don’t want to stop Meet your eyes in the mirror See the horror etched in your face The creases at the eyes The reflection blurs as you’re blinded by tears You can make out the reflections of the ones you have killed Their faces in the glass though they aren’t in the room Their eyes full of pity not even full of hate How did it come to this? Where even the dead pity you Where you can’t even meet your eyes in the mirror Where you can’t even face me I’m your conscience dear But you’ve closed yourself off from me Will you listen now? Take the blade you washed so carefully And with it take your own life too Lay yourself to rest So that we can both sleep
Ok, lately, I have realised that whilst I like to think of myself as being pretty aware of music and music genres, there are some areas where I am seriously lacking any real knowledge and/or awareness. Especially the following: Rap Jazz Country There are probably others too but these are the main ones. Camacaroon has already suggested a few rap artists and albums to me so I am working on that one, but if someone could throw some jazz suggestions at me, or some country then that would be great. I just think that if I am going to say I dislike a type of music I should at least know what I am talking about. So far I have been surprised by the fact I kinda like some of what Camacaroon suggested, especially since to be honest, I have always stayed the hell away from rap. Same with country. Jazz I have always been interested in but I have just never looked into it or even really thought about it. So, any advice on where to start? o: p.s Did I spell broadening right? Because that looks really fucking weird to me.
I guess it is time for the latest "Catch the Rain shows photos that she liked at the time of taking but now more or less wants to throw a spatula at them" Plant related One Two Three Various Flutterblies and a Moth One Two Three Four Five Six Extras Spider Kittypillar
The behaviour of some people is precisely what I was referring to when I mentioned the arrogance and ego of some members. Take a fucking look at yourselves, no please do, because damn, someone dares to do something nice and you pounce and rip them to shreds. You know what really gets to me? Some of you are so fucking two faced that I am surprised you even know how to face a mirror, and it took me leaving to really see the true colours of some people I guess. It doesn’t matter whether the site ever gets new skins, it doesn’t matter whether new KH media turns up and it doesn’t matter if cool new plug ins get done, you know why? Because the members here for the most part fucking stink. There are some good ones, I am not saying everyone is a twat, but damn a number of you are pathetic immature backstabbing two faced hypocritical arrogant egotistical big headed infants and one day you are going to go into the real world, and the real world is going to fucking eat you alive. The members here are nasty, vicious, and malicious. I can’t believe I never saw it before. Does it make you feel big to scare members away? Do you feel proud about being known as one of the bitchiest sites? You all act like you are so superior, some of you denounce other sites and call them out for being cruel, but do you have any idea how downright horrible some of you are? Do you even see how twisted you are? You threaten members and you insult them at every opportunity, you gang together and then when you scare someone away you all pat yourselves on the back and tell yourselves job well done. Watching how some of you are from a different point of view, I really am certain I made the right choice. It is true when members say the site used to be tolerant, there were times I hated the old days, but I don't remember viciousness being anywhere near the same extent. Pretty much every single member here, I have kept your secrets, I have given advice, I've helped when I can and you take take take take take because that is all you know how to do. This isn't even about me, I admit I logged in because I am raging at the twofaced nature of some of my alleged friends, but fuck me sideways, it is about more than that, it is about the member mentality towards everyone. Show some fucking respect, show some fucking tolerance, I can remember when a good majority of you were no better than those members you now ridicule. tl;dr Grow the fuck up and remove your heads from your asses Hmmm something is missing, something is missing :lolface: What? I used the lolface, clearly that means nobody can take this seriously right?
I was bored waiting for my results so I started watching Candyman and now I wish I hadn't ._.
Have you ever heard music that is so painfully bad that it has come almost circle to really good? I randomly found this song today and now I can't stop listening to it, and the rest of the songs from them. The Knife are apparently a Swedish duo who have been around forever, I am surprised I never came across them before, especially since one of my favourite songs is apparently a cover of one of theirs (Heartbeats by José González is actually a cover of The Knife's song by the same name). They have actually won a ****load of awards previously. Anyways, I thought they deserved a thread just for the sheer fact that it is so damn bad but I can't stop listening D: Heartbeats I actually really like this We Share Our Mother's Health this song makes my head feel like it is tripping the **** out @_@ You Make Me Like Charity kinda creepy Bird Creepy as hell, but somehow addictive Lasagna Oddly awesome Pass This On I cannot decide if that is a dude or a chick, I thought for sure it was a dude but apparently not D: MySpace The live version of Heartbeats is wow Ok so, have a listen, tell me what you think, like it? Love it? Hate it? I can't stop listening.
Been a while since I threw anything at you. Advice and comments much appreciated, thanks and all that jazz <3 One <3 this one personally Two hmph :/ Three :/ could do with being sharper Four, I am not sure about this one ierno Five, I liked this one a lot when I first saw it. This one isn't because I want cnc, but I thought I would show it because it is rather kyoot baby swans :B
So, it has been one hell of a stupidly complicated road to get here, not helped by the mindset of some members, but we shall say no more about that. Anyways, after going through the votes for both of the two options. The clear winner was Choice B I want to talk to the other staff before I finalise it, but touch wood, we will finally be able to get this sorted. Thank you to the people who didn't resort to cheating for your patience. Ӎother Ɲature ♥~ gah I still can't get used to typing that.
You know I couldn't play Tetris like at all, well :/ I played it that much trying to get better that now it is too easy and I am bored of it ._. I miss the challenge ;~;
I have posted about these people in a thread before, but I decided to give them their own thread to themselves. I did search to see if anyone else had made a thread, but have you ever tried to search the musice section when one of your keywords is "Sounds"? I absolutely adore this band, they have three albums out currently, Living in America (2003) Dying to Say This to You (2006) Crossing the Rubicon (2009) I have the first two but don't have the third, yet D: Dying to Say This to You is my favourite out of the two albums I have. Some songs and links O: Painted By Numbers Running Out Of Turbo This is the song that first got me interested in them after it was on CSI Miami once xD; Song With A Mission Queen Of Apology http://the-sounds.com/ http://www.myspace.com/thesounds You have to listen to Tony The Beat, it is delicious. Also, Living in America. One of their newer songs No-one Sleeps When I'm Awake Is one of my current favourite songs <3
I was talking with a couple of members on MSN about her the other day and pushed some of her music on them, so now I'll do the same for you. Kate Nash has one of the most delicious voices that I can think of. Very British :B but that is a good thing for once, usually I hate when you can hear so much accent. She is adorable, and only 4 months older than me O: The Nicest Thing: this song is incredibly byootifull. Flourescent Adolescent Pumpkin Soup Mouthwash MySpace Be warned her MySpace has been glitchy as **** lately, so if it freezes or won't load then don't get too pissy.
Also known as Miss Conduct (which is what they were called when I first came across them a couple of years ago now). They are a rocky little Welsh band that I adore. I saw them live a little over a year ago, the lead singer (Emma Jane), got so wasted she couldn't keep still and kept climbing all over the equipment. Waiting For You and Sinner Vs Sinned are two of my favourite songs (though these vids have their old singer singing, who was also awesome) Myspace their new singer is in the songs on here. I love Paint It Any Colour and Creepin For A Beatin. Don't really know what else to say except give them a try, they won't be for everyone, but their music is fun and sounds good to me.
They look like big, good, strong hands. Don't they? I always thought that's what they were.
Basically, I am throwing a lot of the **** from my dA in here too because I fought so long for this section and it is dying :c and I feel bad for neglecting it. One Two Three (haet dis one) Four Five Six Might as well throw these in here too :B O: >:C be warned, quality of this is so **** it makes me want to cry
Have a confession to make [I can't get past level 5 of Tetris D:< ]