Considering I get off work at 10PM .... an hour drive back home ... shower and a snack ... I don't see that happening. In case you're wondering, it's almost impossible to go to sleep right after you get home from work, especially after an hour drive. -Nights
I sleep so that the sun doesn't get mad at me and comes back the next day. Seriously though, after extreme sleep deprivation your body starts shutting down little by little. If it were possible to exceed your physical limitations then eventually your heart or brain (any major organ really) could shut down and then you die. Imagine overclocking a CPU, sure you can get more done but eventually it's going to burn out. The longest record for going without is 11 days and I believe 24 minutes. So you can go a few days without sleep but eventually it will kill you. Sleep helps rejuvenate your body and your mind. Sleep is a good thing, get it while you can. When the real world hits you and you find yourself working for a living ... sleep is hard to come by. -Nights
*Posts about hitting 1000 likes, everyone starts unliking posts* -Nights
Welcome back, Makaze. Not sure on the details but I was disappointed to see you were banned. I missed occasionally debating with you here and there. It is really great to see you again ^^ I look forward to chatting/debating with you once more. -Nights
My sleep habits are always changing. Pretty much, if you can name a time I've probably went to sleep then. Lately though, with this new job I've been getting to bed about 3AM and waking up at 8AM. Hopefully no more 12 hour shifts this week so I can go to bed at 3AM and wake up at noon. I need 8 hours or someone gets hurt! -Nights
There's always a way around something, for instance moving the indicator altogether but personally I think it's most appealing the way it is now. It was different adjusting from centered names to the current form but everything fits together so perfectly it was easy to get over it. -Nights
That moment when you're hoping the screen went dark because someone hit an electric poll ... nope, YLOD. -Nights
I've thought about this too and realized the online status indicator would get in the way as Llave stated above. Even when centering names they aren't completely centered in respect to the post info block. They're offset just a tad bit because of the status indicator, well that's because of coding in the username/text but still. Here's an example of why this couldn't work, I used @Llave for this experiment ^^ Spoiler: TheCoolestKid View attachment 38632 -Nights
I was actually thinking about asking for a nickname field for the RP section. I've seen it done on other forums and it would be kind of cool for users to change their names in a single section, not to mention regs could change their name as well. I digress ... I'll give this a +1. -Nights
I want this to be a thing ... but only on one condition: Plums can't be on it xD It would be pretty cool to have, just for the sake of having it. -Nights
I'd be okay with this if it was added to the insert button's drop down box, only problem is that requires either JavaScript or PHP coding and wouldn't be worth the effort. If you use it that much just create a sticky or a word document so you can copy/paste it into the editor. EDIT: Sorry, Misty. I quoted your post but then I changed my mind on what I was typing and forgot to delete it >.< -Nights
I personally like the idea though at the moment I'm a bit short on time. I've started working at a factory again (gawd why?) and I'm on second shift. Between twelve hour shifts and managing to get meals in when I can I no longer have the time to log on whenever I feel like it. If it was a set time (Sunday preferred) then I could work it into my schedule. I can't guarantee I'd catch every weeks prompt but there'd be a better possibility of me being active (somewhat). This idea would be something for anyone to participate in though; not like it'd be for a select group of writers. I think it should be given a go, a trial of sorts, to see what happens. If/when you or someone else decides to get the wheels rolling, just tag me in the post with the date/time/etc. +1 From me ^^ -Nights
I can try but I haven't had any luck so far. This isn't really pertinent until the server issues are worked out anyway. Thanks, SynK ^^ -Nights
I hate to be a bother but would it be too much trouble to get some slimeballs in the spawn chests? I want to make some sticky pistons for my library but slimes aren't easily found in the world. Plz and thank you ^^ -Nights
Hmm, there's plenty of room in the server. I'm not sure what the problem is. I'm not a minecraft server specialist though. As far as I'm aware the server is up and running. You're right about the one hour creative thing. I hadn't thought about that but to be honest I'd spawn a bunch of materials too ... though mine would be for fun (like firework components). We should have a firework factory, those things are pretty fun. Actually I don't think you're alone on this. I've noticed several times just today where members will leave and immediately reenter the server. I've yet to be kicked myself but it doesn't look like you're the only one with this problem. -Periwinkle
Voted. I assumed the creative mode would be for if you could get multiple worlds working. I actually like Survival, I just prefer creative. As for the one-hour a week creative time on the survival world, I think that's an amazing idea. It would attract more attention for anyone looking to finish up their home or even make a new addition. That's odd about the server. Hopefully you guys can get it sorted out, there are wonderful wonderful mods out there. The multiple worlds mod is good for lots of things, including a start map. Coupled with portals and whatnot it makes the game a lot more interesting. I only mentioned the mob-griefing because I've already came close to destroying someone's property by being attacked. I don't mind rebuilding my stuff, though it seems like every time a creeper strikes there's never the same amount of blocks, but rebuilding someone else's stuff I don't care for. It's like ruining a piece of their creative work. It's not their fault they weren't around to stop their stuff from blowing up. I'm connected right now. What kind of internet are you running off of? -Periwinkle
You guys can't have more than one map? I believe, don't hold me to this, individual maps can have different modes. Though, I'm not gonna lie here, I'd spend more time in the creative map. -Periwinkle[DOUBLEPOST=1398899181][/DOUBLEPOST]I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much trouble to set it so mobs can't harm the map? I don't mind when they blow up my stuff but when I'm running away from them and they blow up other peeps stuff it makes me feel bad and then I have to rebuild whatever they blew up. Code: /gamerule mobGriefing false ^Does what it says. I know it's taking away from some of the experience but it's not a fun experience having yours and others things blown to smithereens, especially when you have to work for them. -Periwinkle
/gamerule mobGriefing false
So is this just going to be survival only maps or will there be creative building maps? I'm not the greatest miner, I die ... a lot, so I often play in creative mode. I'm all for helping out with project connect ^^ -Periwinkle
Marry meh, bby. U teh only 1 who gets meh. c; -Periwinkle
Me ripping ducktape off of Harley Quinn's face or PS4 captures from Gamefreak? -Periwinkle