Do you guys really think it's a smart idea to off me? Just saying.[DOUBLEPOST=1396840346][/DOUBLEPOST]I mean wondering.
Oh yeah. Uhh... Uhh... Damn, I really can't find any reason to find suspicion with any of you because I just don't really see anything suspicious. So... I'm just gonna vote for the person with the most votes right now and vote for Jiku Neon.
Samuel Riviera DAY: 88 | DATE: December 19th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: The Gates in Al-Qurnah A demon dropped as he turned to see Leon holding himself up with a cane, giving him a disapproving look. "DO YOU PLAN TO SPEND EVERY LAST MINUTE OUT HERE FIGHTING? IT'S NOT GOING TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS, JUST EXHAUST YOU." Sam looked at him wordlessly, his breathing a a little heavier than normal. Dispatching a countless number of fiends can do that to a man. The golden eyed angel rested his chin on the back of his hands, leaning over the cane in a squatted position. "PERSONALLY, I DON'T BELIEVE IN RUNNING FROM ONES PROBLEMS. I TAKE EVERYTHING WITH PURIEL HEAD - ON. EVEN WHEN IT GETS ME STABBED FOR IT LATER ON. THERE'S JUST NO POINT IN WASTING PRECIOUS ENERGY." As much as he hated to admit it, fighting was his only excuse to stay away from them. He had himself convinced that his son would be better off without him, but maybe that wasn't being fair to his kid. A defeated sigh escaped him as he put away his weapon. "Yeah. You're right." He walked over to the sickly man and helped him stand up properly. "But first, we should get you away from here, you shouldn't even be out here." "I'M FINE. I MADE MY WAY OUT HERE, I CAN MAKE MY WAY BACK IN DUE TIME. I'M NOT READY TO BE STUFFED BACK INTO THAT BED." "If that's what you want, just don't die out here. I'm gonna head back and talk to Hana." He let the man be and started to head towards the nearby hotel. It was odd to just leave the battlefield out of the blue, but this was something he'd have to deal with. Dealing with it now rather than later would hopefully turn out for the best. He ran to the hotel as quick as he could and started to make his way for Hana's room. With Reuben in tow, Hana turned down the hall to see a familiar Mexican face heading their way. She gave him a sad smile and dropped her hand to her side. ❝ Hey stranger. We were just coming to find you. ❞ He slowed down as they walked towards him. The look on her face pained him, but he just bore it. "Oh really?" he answered in a breathless manner. His gaze fell to the little boy at her side, he knelt down and forced a smile. "Hey there, kiddo." Hana smiled sweetly at the interaction and released Reuben's hand to lean against the wall. ❝ Yeah. Iris approached me. She's taking Anna and they're leaving. I agreed that it would be a good idea for Reuben to go with them. ❞ She shook her head, red bangs falling in her face. ❝ I thought you might want to see him, just in case ... ❞ "I see," He answered as he picked up his son and held him. The boy really had gotten big. "Listen, we need to talk, and I'd prefer to do it while he wasn't listening." ❝ Sure, ❞ she nodded, teary - eyed, ❝ just two more minutes. ❞ Hana swallowed down a lump in her throat and watched the boy in his father's arms. ❝ I can already tell he's going to be just as big and broad - shouldered as you are. ❞ "Well, I really hope he takes after you when it comes to brains," His smile softened. "I sure don't have much when it comes to that."
A demon dropped as he turned to see Leon holding himself up with a cane, giving him a disapproving look. "DO YOU PLAN TO SPEND EVERY LAST MINUTE OUT HERE FIGHTING? IT'S NOT GOING TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS, JUST EXHAUST YOU." Sam looked at him wordlessly, his breathing a a little heavier than normal. Dispatching a countless number of fiends can do that to a man. The golden eyed angel rested his chin on the back of his hands, leaning over the cane in a squatted position. "PERSONALLY, I DON'T BELIEVE IN RUNNING FROM ONES PROBLEMS. I TAKE EVERYTHING WITH PURIEL HEAD - ON. EVEN WHEN IT GETS ME STABBED FOR IT LATER ON. THERE'S JUST NO POINT IN WASTING PRECIOUS ENERGY." As much as he hated to admit it, fighting was his only excuse to stay away from them. He had himself convinced that his son would be better off without him, but maybe that wasn't being fair to his kid. A defeated sigh escaped him as he put away his weapon. "Yeah. You're right." He walked over to the sickly man and helped him stand up properly. "But first, we should get you away from here, you shouldn't even be out here." "I'M FINE. I MADE MY WAY OUT HERE, I CAN MAKE MY WAY BACK IN DUE TIME. I'M NOT READY TO BE STUFFED BACK INTO THAT BED." "If that's what you want, just don't die out here. I'm gonna head back and talk to Hana." He let the man be and started to head towards the nearby hotel. It was odd to just leave the battlefield out of the blue, but this was something he'd have to deal with. Dealing with it now rather than later would hopefully turn out for the best. He ran to the hotel as quick as he could and started to make his way for Hana's room. With Reuben in tow, Hana turned down the hall to see a familiar Mexican face heading their way. She gave him a sad smile and dropped her hand to her side. ❝ Hey stranger. We were just coming to find you. ❞ He slowed down as they walked towards him. The look on her face pained him, but he just bore it. "Oh really?" he answered in a breathless manner. His gaze fell to the little boy at her side, he knelt down and forced a smile. "Hey there, kiddo." Hana smiled sweetly at the interaction and released Reuben's hand to lean against the wall. ❝ Yeah. Iris approached me. She's taking Anna and they're leaving. I agreed that it would be a good idea for Reuben to go with them. ❞ She shook her head, red bangs falling in her face. ❝ I thought you might want to see him, just in case ... ❞ "I see," He answered as he picked up his son and held him. The boy really had gotten big. "Listen, we need to talk, and I'd prefer to do it while he wasn't listening." ❝ Sure, ❞ she nodded, teary - eyed, ❝ just two more minutes. ❞ Hana swallowed down a lump in her throat and watched the boy in his father's arms. ❝ I can already tell he's going to be just as big and broad - shouldered as you are. ❞ "Well, I really hope he takes after you when it comes to brains," His smile softened. "I sure don't have much when it comes to that."
01 ♆ KILLS - NONE ☵ MOOD - TERRIFIED ♆ The moment he saw the spikes, he called out for everyone to run before promptly following his own advice.
The moment he saw the spikes, he called out for everyone to run before promptly following his own advice.
Samuel Riviera DAY: 88 | DATE: December 19th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: The Gates in Al-Qurnah Hordes of Demons were rushing towards the Gates that they had brought up. It was a good way to get rid of the stress he had been feeling and the unrest that he had been poorly trying to repress. It had been a full two days already, and the demons just kept coming without end. Cutting them down definitely gave him more time to think to himself without having to worry about his kid. Having spent a few days with him, he had to admit that while there was a sense of uncertainty about the whole situation, he found being around him strangely comforting. A sign that despite what everyone in Prison had called him, there was still some kind of humanity in him. Something that told him he was capable of more than just the monster that they labeled him as. Still, the doubt of his ability to raise him came into question many, many times. It was a good thing that he was with Hana. He should be held by a loving parent, not one who can barely contain his hate and anger. The kid would grow up quickly, and there was nothing useful that Sam could think of that he could teach him. He wasn't exactly a star student when it came to school and he had spent a good chunk of his life in prison, which spoke worlds about his social graces. Desperately, he wanted to change himself to be a better man, for both his son and Hana, but he knew that change wouldn't come easy. If he survived this ordeal, this would be his personal goal in life. He had no idea how exactly he would achieve that, but a good start would be to smooth things over with Hana. They didn't have time to be chatting idly about their relationship with much more important things going on at the moment. It sucked because every time he had looked at her, all he could see was an exhausted look back. Each and every time he looked at her, a little part of him died because he knew that she thought he didn't care for them. That was something he would have to rectify, if he would have the chance. Right now, he couldn't think on that. He had to focus on the task at hand. With blade in hand, he rushed towards the oncoming wave of enemies trying to reach the Gates he was protecting. He brought down his weapon with a heavy swing, splitting more than a few of the demons in half. With swift movements, he moved on from one to the next, felling them with relative ease. Going at this for two days was definitely having its effects on his body, but he couldn't let up. The demons just kept coming and coming, so he had to keep up with them and fend them off with all of his might. His fists glowed with a crimson light as fire flickered around them. As one of the fiends rushed at him, he drove his hand into its stomach and lifted it up into the air. When he clenched his hand tightly as he held it up, the demon exploded, sending out more fire around him. He looked around as he watched more and more just keep coming. "Damn, these guys just don't know when to quit," he commented as he prepared himself to take down more them. How many had he cut down today? He couldn't say, he had lost count so many times before hand. In sheer numbers, they had them beat. Strength was a different matter entirely. While most of them hadn't been trained too well, they were more than enough to deal with a couple dozen of them. He hoped that none of them would have the pleasure of facing off against one of the tougher demons. Those ones he wanted all to himself if he could help it.
Hordes of Demons were rushing towards the Gates that they had brought up. It was a good way to get rid of the stress he had been feeling and the unrest that he had been poorly trying to repress. It had been a full two days already, and the demons just kept coming without end. Cutting them down definitely gave him more time to think to himself without having to worry about his kid. Having spent a few days with him, he had to admit that while there was a sense of uncertainty about the whole situation, he found being around him strangely comforting. A sign that despite what everyone in Prison had called him, there was still some kind of humanity in him. Something that told him he was capable of more than just the monster that they labeled him as. Still, the doubt of his ability to raise him came into question many, many times. It was a good thing that he was with Hana. He should be held by a loving parent, not one who can barely contain his hate and anger. The kid would grow up quickly, and there was nothing useful that Sam could think of that he could teach him. He wasn't exactly a star student when it came to school and he had spent a good chunk of his life in prison, which spoke worlds about his social graces. Desperately, he wanted to change himself to be a better man, for both his son and Hana, but he knew that change wouldn't come easy. If he survived this ordeal, this would be his personal goal in life. He had no idea how exactly he would achieve that, but a good start would be to smooth things over with Hana. They didn't have time to be chatting idly about their relationship with much more important things going on at the moment. It sucked because every time he had looked at her, all he could see was an exhausted look back. Each and every time he looked at her, a little part of him died because he knew that she thought he didn't care for them. That was something he would have to rectify, if he would have the chance. Right now, he couldn't think on that. He had to focus on the task at hand. With blade in hand, he rushed towards the oncoming wave of enemies trying to reach the Gates he was protecting. He brought down his weapon with a heavy swing, splitting more than a few of the demons in half. With swift movements, he moved on from one to the next, felling them with relative ease. Going at this for two days was definitely having its effects on his body, but he couldn't let up. The demons just kept coming and coming, so he had to keep up with them and fend them off with all of his might. His fists glowed with a crimson light as fire flickered around them. As one of the fiends rushed at him, he drove his hand into its stomach and lifted it up into the air. When he clenched his hand tightly as he held it up, the demon exploded, sending out more fire around him. He looked around as he watched more and more just keep coming. "Damn, these guys just don't know when to quit," he commented as he prepared himself to take down more them. How many had he cut down today? He couldn't say, he had lost count so many times before hand. In sheer numbers, they had them beat. Strength was a different matter entirely. While most of them hadn't been trained too well, they were more than enough to deal with a couple dozen of them. He hoped that none of them would have the pleasure of facing off against one of the tougher demons. Those ones he wanted all to himself if he could help it.
JOJO FRIDAYS ARE BACK, BAYBEE!! *ahem* Anyways, first post updated with Episode Titles and a link to CrunchyRoll, who has decided to pick up the series and simulcast it. They also have the entirety of the Phantom Blood section of the 1st Season uploaded, with the Battle Tendency section to follow next week. I am a bit wary about having a legal streaming service showing JoJo because of possible name changes to avoid Copyright Infringements and all of that good stuff. To those who are unaware, which I'm sure is most of you, the All Star Battle game is going to be released here, and not without casualties. With changes like Sticky Fingers to Zipper Man, Stray Cat to Feral Cat, as well as the incredibly odd choice of changing Jean Pierre Polnareff to Jean Pierre Eiffel, I am a little reserved about the series moving forward. However, I am more than delighted to see that CrunchyRoll has decided to show the series because that means JoJo as a series will get more exposure Internationally. So if it takes a few objectionable name changes, we'll just have to grin and bear it. Now, that 1st episode. Man, that first episode. It is just... Ugh. This was pretty much me the entire time I was watching it: Between the vastly improved quality, the art, seeing the Stands in motion, and the background music, that was just a pure dose of JoJo goodness. I couldn't help but be giddy while watching. I look forward to the coming week, however slow it may come.
Wandering about his brother's Palace had been fun and all, but now it was getting to be boring. He was certainly glad to be rid of Semyaza and her host, though his curiosity about their so called "plans" still bothered him. Right now, though, that didn't matter. There wasn't much else he could do around this place without destroying anything. In fact, there was nothing at all he could do now that he had taken a look around the place. There was just one more thing that could be done. He made his way to the throne room of the palace and peeked his head in through the doors to see that it was empty. "Sheesh, and I was being nice by not disturbing him in his own room." Leviathan shoved the doors open and walked towards the throne. He let his wings extend outward as he sat himself on his brother's seat. "How does he stand sitting on this thing?" The Kraken muttered as he fidgeted uncomfortably on the throne. "I simply do not stand while sitting," his voice rang out through the virtually empty room. A gust of wind blew and the flames in the sconces took on a greenish hue. "Out of my chair, brother." Black feathers spun in a cyclone of mist until the Prince of Hell materialized in the large room. "Tch, whatever. It's your awkward chair," He answered back. His wings folded onto his back as he popped his neck from side to side. "Anyways, I'm here now. What do you want from me?" The Morning Star stood in place and looked at his brother with an indifferent bored expression. "What do you think? I sent for your release and called you here so that we may seek revenge on those that imprisoned us. We can take back what is rightfully ours." "Good, I've been itching to get back at them," He looked to his brother with a wry smile. "When does it happen? Soon? Please tell me it's soon!" Leviathan could barely contain his excitement for the coming havoc. Lucifer looked thoughtful for a moment, then set his golden eyes on Leviathan. "It's about four more Earth days. It'll come soon enough. Temper your desires." He rested a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Soon we will take back what is ours, together. Azazel will not have a choice but to follow my every will and Father will come face to face with those of true power." "Four more Earth days, huh?" He muttered as he cracked his knuckles. "I've waited centuries for this to finally happen, four more days is nothing."
Wandering about his brother's Palace had been fun and all, but now it was getting to be boring. He was certainly glad to be rid of Semyaza and her host, though his curiosity about their so called "plans" still bothered him. Right now, though, that didn't matter. There wasn't much else he could do around this place without destroying anything. In fact, there was nothing at all he could do now that he had taken a look around the place. There was just one more thing that could be done. He made his way to the throne room of the palace and peeked his head in through the doors to see that it was empty. "Sheesh, and I was being nice by not disturbing him in his own room." Leviathan shoved the doors open and walked towards the throne. He let his wings extend outward as he sat himself on his brother's seat. "How does he stand sitting on this thing?" The Kraken muttered as he fidgeted uncomfortably on the throne. "I simply do not stand while sitting," his voice rang out through the virtually empty room. A gust of wind blew and the flames in the sconces took on a greenish hue. "Out of my chair, brother." Black feathers spun in a cyclone of mist until the Prince of Hell materialized in the large room. "Tch, whatever. It's your awkward chair," He answered back. His wings folded onto his back as he popped his neck from side to side. "Anyways, I'm here now. What do you want from me?" The Morning Star stood in place and looked at his brother with an indifferent bored expression. "What do you think? I sent for your release and called you here so that we may seek revenge on those that imprisoned us. We can take back what is rightfully ours." "Good, I've been itching to get back at them," He looked to his brother with a wry smile. "When does it happen? Soon? Please tell me it's soon!" Leviathan could barely contain his excitement for the coming havoc. Lucifer looked thoughtful for a moment, then set his golden eyes on Leviathan. "It's about four more Earth days. It'll come soon enough. Temper your desires." He rested a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Soon we will take back what is ours, together. Azazel will not have a choice but to follow my every will and Father will come face to face with those of true power." "Four more Earth days, huh?" He muttered as he cracked his knuckles. "I've waited centuries for this to finally happen, four more days is nothing."
♆ KILLS - NONE ☵ MOOD - PENSIVE♆ He listened to Liberty talk about everyone grouping up and fighting back with the weapons they provided. With a heavy sigh, he stood up and adjusted his glasses. "Sorry, but I don't think it's going to be that simple," the bespectacled young man started. "I've given some thought to this, and I don't think they'd give us weapons if they weren't confident they could stop us. If they've been able to keep at this for this long, they had to have considered the possibility of the students fighting back." He tapped at the collar at his neck. "No doubt these collars are some sort of countermeasure to prevent any disobedience. For all we know, these could have explosives planted in them, or even some kind of toxic substance that will be injected into us if we fail to comply." "Remember, this is a game to them, and they'll want to make sure everything goes right. If we want even the slightest sliver of a chance to get out of here, we need to be realistic and consider everything." In all honesty, Nolan deeply wanted to entertain the notion of being able to escape with everyone that was still alive. He wanted to believe that they could do it, that they could at long last put an end to this horrible game. However, thinking about it realistically, the chances of that happening are the same as a snowball's chance in Hell. "That means we also have to consider that not everyone might want to group up, for whatever reason they have." His throat felt itchy, he hadn't talked this much in a long time. "That said, I think that there is a chance we can get out of here." He ran his hand through his hair, slicking it back before falling back into place. "Just like a hunter, we need to be patient and attack at the right time, otherwise it's game over."
He listened to Liberty talk about everyone grouping up and fighting back with the weapons they provided. With a heavy sigh, he stood up and adjusted his glasses. "Sorry, but I don't think it's going to be that simple," the bespectacled young man started. "I've given some thought to this, and I don't think they'd give us weapons if they weren't confident they could stop us. If they've been able to keep at this for this long, they had to have considered the possibility of the students fighting back." He tapped at the collar at his neck. "No doubt these collars are some sort of countermeasure to prevent any disobedience. For all we know, these could have explosives planted in them, or even some kind of toxic substance that will be injected into us if we fail to comply." "Remember, this is a game to them, and they'll want to make sure everything goes right. If we want even the slightest sliver of a chance to get out of here, we need to be realistic and consider everything." In all honesty, Nolan deeply wanted to entertain the notion of being able to escape with everyone that was still alive. He wanted to believe that they could do it, that they could at long last put an end to this horrible game. However, thinking about it realistically, the chances of that happening are the same as a snowball's chance in Hell. "That means we also have to consider that not everyone might want to group up, for whatever reason they have." His throat felt itchy, he hadn't talked this much in a long time. "That said, I think that there is a chance we can get out of here." He ran his hand through his hair, slicking it back before falling back into place. "Just like a hunter, we need to be patient and attack at the right time, otherwise it's game over."
"Well you clearly don't seem to be amused but I think you know that your brother would also not be amused if I were to go back down to Hell without you. He's a busy man at the moment and I know for a fact it would make if day if he didn't have to come up here and get you because you're having too much fun destroying Australia." "Yeah, well what if the point was to piss him off a little? I've waited for so damn long to get out of that prison. It would've been nice to have him greet me in person instead of sending an errand boy to do it for him." He lay down on the rooftop with his hands behind his head. "Do you even know what he's actually doing? Have you ever seen him doing anything?" Adam's eyes narrowed and he took a deep breath before speech clearly changed so it was no longer his own, "Listen. If you were expecting some grand celebration the moment you were free, you clearly had a lot of time to think in your imprisionment." He walked a few steps closer to Leviathan without nervousness or any appeared loss of energy, "And to be quite honest. No, I have not seen him do anything. I have my own agenda I would rather fulfill then sit around and follow your brother around all day to see what he does." There was a brief moment of silence before he continued, "If you would seriously rather I go down there and get him I could... but..." Adam's eyes started glowing gold as he looked Leviathan directly in the eyes and spoke, "I am kindly asking you to consider coming with me and just saving us all this trouble." Immediately after his eyes flashed back to blue.
"Well you clearly don't seem to be amused but I think you know that your brother would also not be amused if I were to go back down to Hell without you. He's a busy man at the moment and I know for a fact it would make if day if he didn't have to come up here and get you because you're having too much fun destroying Australia." "Yeah, well what if the point was to piss him off a little? I've waited for so damn long to get out of that prison. It would've been nice to have him greet me in person instead of sending an errand boy to do it for him." He lay down on the rooftop with his hands behind his head. "Do you even know what he's actually doing? Have you ever seen him doing anything?" Adam's eyes narrowed and he took a deep breath before speech clearly changed so it was no longer his own, "Listen. If you were expecting some grand celebration the moment you were free, you clearly had a lot of time to think in your imprisionment." He walked a few steps closer to Leviathan without nervousness or any appeared loss of energy, "And to be quite honest. No, I have not seen him do anything. I have my own agenda I would rather fulfill then sit around and follow your brother around all day to see what he does." There was a brief moment of silence before he continued, "If you would seriously rather I go down there and get him I could... but..." Adam's eyes started glowing gold as he looked Leviathan directly in the eyes and spoke, "I am kindly asking you to consider coming with me and just saving us all this trouble." Immediately after his eyes flashed back to blue.
Hmm... Decisions, decisions. I vote not to lynch anyone because there's really no reason to suspect anyone. Yet.
As the monster of an angel continued on his roaring rampage of destruction, a sensation nagged at him that forced him to stop. He felt that there was an angel using their power nearby. "Who has the gall to alert me to their presence like that?" Excitedly he rushed off to find the source of the disturbance. He was sorely disappointed to find that the source was just Semyaza's host standing on the top of a building. Halfheartedly, he descended from the skies and landed close to the kid. "Well, you've certainly got pluck calling my attention out like that, but look at you. You look like you're ready to fall over from causing such a miniscule amount of damage." The Kraken looked around the surrounding area, looking for something. "And my brother is nowhere in sight. You didn't even go back to tell him to see me, did you?" After letting out an exasperated sigh, he sat down on the roof, a bored expression clear on his face. "Since you have my attention, thrill me. Do it quick before I change my mind."
As the monster of an angel continued on his roaring rampage of destruction, a sensation nagged at him that forced him to stop. He felt that there was an angel using their power nearby. "Who has the gall to alert me to their presence like that?" Excitedly he rushed off to find the source of the disturbance. He was sorely disappointed to find that the source was just Semyaza's host standing on the top of a building. Halfheartedly, he descended from the skies and landed close to the kid. "Well, you've certainly got pluck calling my attention out like that, but look at you. You look like you're ready to fall over from causing such a miniscule amount of damage." The Kraken looked around the surrounding area, looking for something. "And my brother is nowhere in sight. You didn't even go back to tell him to see me, did you?" After letting out an exasperated sigh, he sat down on the roof, a bored expression clear on his face. "Since you have my attention, thrill me. Do it quick before I change my mind."
Quick update to let you all know that the 19 second preview of the upcoming OVA is out. EPISODE 25 PREVIEW Here's a quick translation of what the preview tells us. (I'm not including anything beyond the the Episode Title because it basically tells you that it will be available with the 9th and final volume of the Blu-Ray and DVD release) Spoiler: Translation The sisters' fight against fate is over. However, there is one last story left to tell, and that is the story of the Honnouji Academy's Class Graduation. Kill la Kill, Episode 25, One Last Goodbye. THE FIGHT IS OVER STORY GRADUATION STORY EPISODE 25: ONE LAST GOODBYE
Updated the OP with Episode Titles beyond Episode 16. There are no links to what the episode titles reference because I haven't looked for all of them. I will eventually get around to finding them when I have the wherewithal to do so. Anyways, this Anime's run has been great and, while this last episode could have been a bit better paced, was an excellent series overall. We'll be getting an OVA Episode that will be included with the Final Volume of the DVD/BD release of Kill la Kill, so we still have something to look forward to from this show. My guess is that it will be an episode dedicated to showing how everyone's lives have been since the finale, which would be nice to see. Although, I hope that it might be set up a possible season 2. We'll see when September rolls around. In regards to the future of this anime, I ask all of you that have watched this show: "Would you like to see a dub of Kill la Kill? If so, which actors would you want to see voice which characters?" Personally, I think Sam Riegel should voice Sanageyama, to mirror how his Japanese voice is also the voice of Viral in TTGL.
♆ KILLS - NONE ☵ MOOD - DISHEARTENED♆ There were some expected reactions from the others. A few hitched breaths here and there amongst the small group of people. "What... More details..." He let out an exasperated sigh. It would be natural that everyone would want to know more details. He should've thoroughly explained everything from the start. After taking in a calming breath, he started. "After I left the room, I was instructed to pass through the supply room to grab a knife. There weren't any lights on, so I had to feel around for it in the dark. After that, I entered the room beyond it and found Rae Anne, assembling a gun out of a box. I walked towards her very slowly, doing a miserable job of controlling my breath and keeping myself calm. When she almost completed the gun, she pinched herself on the slide, but still managed to get a hold of it. After that, Sancia walked into the room and..." He paused and stared distantly at the floor. Describing everything that happened in that room reminded him of the horrid feeling he had in his gut. "She was shot. Even though she had a shield, she was shot and killed as soon as she entered. From what I saw, Rae Anne shot the gun off in a panic. Her face said as much, anyways." He recalled how she dropped the gun almost immediately after she had done it. "Don't blame her for killing someone else, after all, I was in there for the same reason. I expect that by the end of this, all of us will have killed at least one other person." It was harsh to say any of that, but it was the truth. That really was what he thought about their situation at the moment.
There were some expected reactions from the others. A few hitched breaths here and there amongst the small group of people. "What... More details..." He let out an exasperated sigh. It would be natural that everyone would want to know more details. He should've thoroughly explained everything from the start. After taking in a calming breath, he started. "After I left the room, I was instructed to pass through the supply room to grab a knife. There weren't any lights on, so I had to feel around for it in the dark. After that, I entered the room beyond it and found Rae Anne, assembling a gun out of a box. I walked towards her very slowly, doing a miserable job of controlling my breath and keeping myself calm. When she almost completed the gun, she pinched herself on the slide, but still managed to get a hold of it. After that, Sancia walked into the room and..." He paused and stared distantly at the floor. Describing everything that happened in that room reminded him of the horrid feeling he had in his gut. "She was shot. Even though she had a shield, she was shot and killed as soon as she entered. From what I saw, Rae Anne shot the gun off in a panic. Her face said as much, anyways." He recalled how she dropped the gun almost immediately after she had done it. "Don't blame her for killing someone else, after all, I was in there for the same reason. I expect that by the end of this, all of us will have killed at least one other person." It was harsh to say any of that, but it was the truth. That really was what he thought about their situation at the moment.
♆ KILLS - NONE ☵ MOOD - DISHEARTENED♆ After grabbing one of the waters he had gotten and taking one of the blankets, Carlie asked a question he knew he'd have to answer eventually: "What happened?" He took his glasses off, trying to pick how to say it to everyone. Wearily, he rubbed his eyes, just stalling. In truth, he didn't want to have to tell them what happened. It would be better if he wouldn't have to say anything at all about it, but curiosity was bound to take them over. They would want to know what happened, although he had no doubt they would regret asking when the answer came. He put his glasses back on, adjusting them so that they sat right, before finally saying something. "Sancia is dead." Never have three little words hit him so hard. Reality was a cruel mistress. "She was shot by Rae Anne. When it was over and done with, we got these as rewards." He lazily held up the flashlight that they received. "I was lucky enough to pass through a supply room, which is where I got those." It was horrible that this had to happen. Even way back when he had first read about these things, he couldn't wrap his head around how the participants felt, the same as now. He couldn't even begin to understand how everyone that was there was feeling. Aside from speculation, he could never truly know what was going on in their heads. The only thing he could ever really understand right now was how he was feeling. He could say with one hundred percent certainty that at this moment, he wasn't feeling very motivated. What could possibly going on in the others' heads?
After grabbing one of the waters he had gotten and taking one of the blankets, Carlie asked a question he knew he'd have to answer eventually: "What happened?" He took his glasses off, trying to pick how to say it to everyone. Wearily, he rubbed his eyes, just stalling. In truth, he didn't want to have to tell them what happened. It would be better if he wouldn't have to say anything at all about it, but curiosity was bound to take them over. They would want to know what happened, although he had no doubt they would regret asking when the answer came. He put his glasses back on, adjusting them so that they sat right, before finally saying something. "Sancia is dead." Never have three little words hit him so hard. Reality was a cruel mistress. "She was shot by Rae Anne. When it was over and done with, we got these as rewards." He lazily held up the flashlight that they received. "I was lucky enough to pass through a supply room, which is where I got those." It was horrible that this had to happen. Even way back when he had first read about these things, he couldn't wrap his head around how the participants felt, the same as now. He couldn't even begin to understand how everyone that was there was feeling. Aside from speculation, he could never truly know what was going on in their heads. The only thing he could ever really understand right now was how he was feeling. He could say with one hundred percent certainty that at this moment, he wasn't feeling very motivated. What could possibly going on in the others' heads?
After he finished off Temeluchas, some of her remains still splattered over his body, he noticed another angelic presence approaching. When he saw the source of the presence, he was less than impressed. It didn't seem like he was very powerful at all. Though, perhaps it wasn't fair comparing everyone else's power to his own vastly superior strength. Despite how weak he seemed, it was intriguing to see that he actually approached him. The curiosity led him to want to know just what he was planning. Before anything else could come from him, one of the other angels stepped up and told him to back off. Just great, now he really wanted to know what he was going to say next. The other angel talking now seemed less pathetic than the one that backed off, though just by a little bit. Whatever the reason, it seemed that he was the one who was going to talk. For his sake, he hoped it would be something important and not something that would piss him off. "Hello. I am the current host of Semyaza. Your brother has sent me up here to tell you that he wishes for you to return to Hell to see him. I do not know what he wishes, only that he has requested it." "Did he now?" The Kraken's voice was filled with boredom. He was expecting that his brother would want him to come join up with him. "Well, I'm not inclined to listen to small fry like you, so I'll tell you what: If my brother wants me to help him out, he can come get me himself." Everything happening now was boring him. This was boring. He didn't even feel like killing the rest of them now like he had wanted to earlier. "I mean, if he really wants me on his side that badly, I'm sure he can spare a few minutes of his time to come see me." The winged monster turned around and started to walk away from them. "I'm bored now. This is boring. Come on, let's go." As soon as he was finished with them, he grabbed the Nephilim by the arm and flew off to wreak more havoc.
After he finished off Temeluchas, some of her remains still splattered over his body, he noticed another angelic presence approaching. When he saw the source of the presence, he was less than impressed. It didn't seem like he was very powerful at all. Though, perhaps it wasn't fair comparing everyone else's power to his own vastly superior strength. Despite how weak he seemed, it was intriguing to see that he actually approached him. The curiosity led him to want to know just what he was planning. Before anything else could come from him, one of the other angels stepped up and told him to back off. Just great, now he really wanted to know what he was going to say next. The other angel talking now seemed less pathetic than the one that backed off, though just by a little bit. Whatever the reason, it seemed that he was the one who was going to talk. For his sake, he hoped it would be something important and not something that would piss him off. "Hello. I am the current host of Semyaza. Your brother has sent me up here to tell you that he wishes for you to return to Hell to see him. I do not know what he wishes, only that he has requested it." "Did he now?" The Kraken's voice was filled with boredom. He was expecting that his brother would want him to come join up with him. "Well, I'm not inclined to listen to small fry like you, so I'll tell you what: If my brother wants me to help him out, he can come get me himself." Everything happening now was boring him. This was boring. He didn't even feel like killing the rest of them now like he had wanted to earlier. "I mean, if he really wants me on his side that badly, I'm sure he can spare a few minutes of his time to come see me." The winged monster turned around and started to walk away from them. "I'm bored now. This is boring. Come on, let's go." As soon as he was finished with them, he grabbed the Nephilim by the arm and flew off to wreak more havoc.
♆ KILLS - NONE ☵ MOOD - DAZED♆ After hearing that they were getting rewarded flashlights for the first death of the game, Rae Anne lashed out at their captors. He didn't blame her one bit. It had to be hard for her to be the one to have pulled the trigger. Thinking about it now, if he had plunged the knife into her body, if he had dragged its blade across her throat, he would be in the same position as her. The thought of it was terrifying. In a small way, he had felt a sense of relief that he had not killed anyone. However, that was a feeling dwarfed by the myriad of emotions and thoughts running through him. Once he grabbed his flashlight, he went for the door he had come through. The flashlight turned on with a click as he shut the door behind him. He took a look around the room he got the knife from and saw that there were various supplies there. Food, blankets, matches, a few knives, and several other things. He had considered grabbing a few weapons to give to his friends, but he couldn't risk getting his group punished for taking something he shouldn't have. They were most likely monitoring him somehow in the darkness. Still, there were a few things that would be good for them to have. Before heading down the hallway to his group, he had grabbed a bunch of blankets and food for them. Surely they wouldn't mind if he took a few of those things. He doubted that there was any poison in the food since they wanted everyone of the participants to entertain them by killing each other. Poisoning everyone wouldn't be as fun to watch. After struggling with opening the door for a little while, he brushed off a part of the dirt covered floor and placed the supplies he had gotten there. "Here." He went to a corner of the room and leaned against the wall. Even though he had brought food, he didn't take any of it himself. With what just happened, he didn't feel very hungry to begin with. Just sick. The image was stuck in his mind, constantly reminding him of the girl that had just died.
After hearing that they were getting rewarded flashlights for the first death of the game, Rae Anne lashed out at their captors. He didn't blame her one bit. It had to be hard for her to be the one to have pulled the trigger. Thinking about it now, if he had plunged the knife into her body, if he had dragged its blade across her throat, he would be in the same position as her. The thought of it was terrifying. In a small way, he had felt a sense of relief that he had not killed anyone. However, that was a feeling dwarfed by the myriad of emotions and thoughts running through him. Once he grabbed his flashlight, he went for the door he had come through. The flashlight turned on with a click as he shut the door behind him. He took a look around the room he got the knife from and saw that there were various supplies there. Food, blankets, matches, a few knives, and several other things. He had considered grabbing a few weapons to give to his friends, but he couldn't risk getting his group punished for taking something he shouldn't have. They were most likely monitoring him somehow in the darkness. Still, there were a few things that would be good for them to have. Before heading down the hallway to his group, he had grabbed a bunch of blankets and food for them. Surely they wouldn't mind if he took a few of those things. He doubted that there was any poison in the food since they wanted everyone of the participants to entertain them by killing each other. Poisoning everyone wouldn't be as fun to watch. After struggling with opening the door for a little while, he brushed off a part of the dirt covered floor and placed the supplies he had gotten there. "Here." He went to a corner of the room and leaned against the wall. Even though he had brought food, he didn't take any of it himself. With what just happened, he didn't feel very hungry to begin with. Just sick. The image was stuck in his mind, constantly reminding him of the girl that had just died.
Watching the Nephilim, Malignavérunt, refuse to go over to that woman started to make him laugh. His laughter grew louder as he assessed what was going on. "Well, it looks like she doesn't want to go back to mommy." He ran his fingers through her long hair as he spoke. "I've taken a liking to this one, so I'm keeping her." The winged man pulled his hand from her hair and approached the bandaged angel standing across from him. "So, I'm guessing you're Temeluchas. That's funny, I remember that name, but I don't quite remember your face looking like this." He brought his face close to hers, inspecting every detail of it. She smirked and ran a sharp nail along the bandages, letting them all fall to the ground. "Mm, yes. I've gone through a few different phsyical changes. The scars and decay are part of my punishment for falling. As for my body, it's newly acquired after a few pleasant angels tried to kill me." "Oh really?" He walked away from her, getting closer to the mist wall and looking at the other side. "Yes, it seems you have a knack for getting into fights with other angels, don't you?" The monstrous angel didn't bother to turn his attention to her. "So for what reason are you here?" "To help you destroy things," she admitted simply. "After all that time being locked up, I figured you'd want to rain all your vengence down on Earth to your heart's content. I'm just making sure no one gets in your way of that." "Is that so..." He commented darkly. "You think I need an insignificant worm like you to make sure no one gets in my way?" He turned to look at her, anger clear on his face. "Do you think those useless angels can do anything to me now? The only reason I was imprisoned was because they couldn't kill me. They couldn't muster the strength necessary to end me for good, and you think I need your help to keep them away?" The angered angel strode towards Temeluchas. Each step he took towards her left an imprint on the ground. She held her ground, looking more bored than anything. "If you're trying to intimidate me, it will not work. I intimidate others. I also stood by your brother's side in your absence for a very long time. I am not trying to protect you. That is a thought for fools. The Kraken needs no protection. I am well aware of your capabilities Leviathan. If you're going to kill me, then do so; but threatening me will get you nowhere." "Good. Don't mind if I do." In an instant, he smashed her head into the ground. As she lay there, he firmly planted his foot on her and tore her limb from limb. He savagely continued to stomp on what used to be her head as he dropped her lifeless limbs to the ground. After he finished crushing her head into little more than a paste, he pummeled the rest of her into dust, her heart destroyed in the process. As the wall of mist dissipated, he stood up tall, licking whatever viscera got on his thumb off. "That could've ended much quicker, but there's always a certain satisfaction to be had when I do it that way."
Watching the Nephilim, Malignavérunt, refuse to go over to that woman started to make him laugh. His laughter grew louder as he assessed what was going on. "Well, it looks like she doesn't want to go back to mommy." He ran his fingers through her long hair as he spoke. "I've taken a liking to this one, so I'm keeping her." The winged man pulled his hand from her hair and approached the bandaged angel standing across from him. "So, I'm guessing you're Temeluchas. That's funny, I remember that name, but I don't quite remember your face looking like this." He brought his face close to hers, inspecting every detail of it. She smirked and ran a sharp nail along the bandages, letting them all fall to the ground. "Mm, yes. I've gone through a few different phsyical changes. The scars and decay are part of my punishment for falling. As for my body, it's newly acquired after a few pleasant angels tried to kill me." "Oh really?" He walked away from her, getting closer to the mist wall and looking at the other side. "Yes, it seems you have a knack for getting into fights with other angels, don't you?" The monstrous angel didn't bother to turn his attention to her. "So for what reason are you here?" "To help you destroy things," she admitted simply. "After all that time being locked up, I figured you'd want to rain all your vengence down on Earth to your heart's content. I'm just making sure no one gets in your way of that." "Is that so..." He commented darkly. "You think I need an insignificant worm like you to make sure no one gets in my way?" He turned to look at her, anger clear on his face. "Do you think those useless angels can do anything to me now? The only reason I was imprisoned was because they couldn't kill me. They couldn't muster the strength necessary to end me for good, and you think I need your help to keep them away?" The angered angel strode towards Temeluchas. Each step he took towards her left an imprint on the ground. She held her ground, looking more bored than anything. "If you're trying to intimidate me, it will not work. I intimidate others. I also stood by your brother's side in your absence for a very long time. I am not trying to protect you. That is a thought for fools. The Kraken needs no protection. I am well aware of your capabilities Leviathan. If you're going to kill me, then do so; but threatening me will get you nowhere." "Good. Don't mind if I do." In an instant, he smashed her head into the ground. As she lay there, he firmly planted his foot on her and tore her limb from limb. He savagely continued to stomp on what used to be her head as he dropped her lifeless limbs to the ground. After he finished crushing her head into little more than a paste, he pummeled the rest of her into dust, her heart destroyed in the process. As the wall of mist dissipated, he stood up tall, licking whatever viscera got on his thumb off. "That could've ended much quicker, but there's always a certain satisfaction to be had when I do it that way."
As he gleefully continued to destroy everything in sight, he stopped mid-destruction and looked around. Something was going on. From the feeling he was getting, there were angels close by. Very close by. Was this his lucky day? A determined look fell upon his face as he flew through the air, searching all over for the source of this sensation. He looked and looked and when his eyes settled upon a group getting into a fight, his lips curled into a sinister sneer. "Found you." With a powerful impact, he landed near the group engaged in battle. "Well, would you look at this?" He commented as he slowly surveyed their faces. There were three angels in total, with one halfling accompanying them. This was good. This was going to be fun. "A fight is starting and I've been left out. Well, I guess I'm used to that feeling. After all, I've been left out of the fighting for ages." He loudly popped his neck from side to side, as if he were limbering up to join in. "So, right now, excluding me, there are three angels and a halfling, all gathered up in this one spot. Close enough to watch me, but far enough away for you not to be affected by my little spree of destruction." His eyes darted from person to person as he spoke. "Hmm... I have to wonder if any one of you sent that Nephilim to free me. And if you did, why did you do it? Was I released under my brother's orders? Do tell, do tell, I am quite curious." He approached the group slowly. "You have my interest for at least a little bit. Answer my questions before I lose that interest and decide to kill you all here and now."
As he gleefully continued to destroy everything in sight, he stopped mid-destruction and looked around. Something was going on. From the feeling he was getting, there were angels close by. Very close by. Was this his lucky day? A determined look fell upon his face as he flew through the air, searching all over for the source of this sensation. He looked and looked and when his eyes settled upon a group getting into a fight, his lips curled into a sinister sneer. "Found you." With a powerful impact, he landed near the group engaged in battle. "Well, would you look at this?" He commented as he slowly surveyed their faces. There were three angels in total, with one halfling accompanying them. This was good. This was going to be fun. "A fight is starting and I've been left out. Well, I guess I'm used to that feeling. After all, I've been left out of the fighting for ages." He loudly popped his neck from side to side, as if he were limbering up to join in. "So, right now, excluding me, there are three angels and a halfling, all gathered up in this one spot. Close enough to watch me, but far enough away for you not to be affected by my little spree of destruction." His eyes darted from person to person as he spoke. "Hmm... I have to wonder if any one of you sent that Nephilim to free me. And if you did, why did you do it? Was I released under my brother's orders? Do tell, do tell, I am quite curious." He approached the group slowly. "You have my interest for at least a little bit. Answer my questions before I lose that interest and decide to kill you all here and now."
Vincent Antonio Zeppeli DAY: 84 | DATE: December 15th, 2013 [Sunday] | LOCATION: Al-Qurnah, Iraq At the sound of Leon's beckoning, Vincent made his way over to the bed-ridden man. He stood over him, prepping himself to do some healing. It looked like he was experiencing intense pains whenever he tried to move. If only he had been able to treat him properly when they first found him. Over the course of three days, who knows how much of his body had been compromised. It was a miracle that he was even alive to begin with. Though, perhaps he himself wouldn't describe it as a miracle. Indeed, a man suffering through that much pain must think he was cursed. "Alright, let's ease your pain, shall we?" Gingerly, he lay his hands on Leon's body, making sure not to apply too much pressure and cause him any more unnecessary pain. After adjusting his breathing rhythm, he got to work on easing his pain. He had no idea how to extract the poison from out of him. Unless he could figure out how to do that soon, he'd have to wait until the toxins in his body went into a dormant state. There had to be someway they could get rid of the poison. If only he actually knew how. The first time Leon had been poisoned, they had the help of the doctor that was accompanying Temeluchas. Unfortunately, he wasn't around this time, and that meant they didn't have access to the odd herbs they might need to cure him. At this point, all he thought they could really do was pray that the effects of the toxins would subside within a few days. However, those might be the longest days Leon will ever experience unless he helps ease the pain.
At the sound of Leon's beckoning, Vincent made his way over to the bed-ridden man. He stood over him, prepping himself to do some healing. It looked like he was experiencing intense pains whenever he tried to move. If only he had been able to treat him properly when they first found him. Over the course of three days, who knows how much of his body had been compromised. It was a miracle that he was even alive to begin with. Though, perhaps he himself wouldn't describe it as a miracle. Indeed, a man suffering through that much pain must think he was cursed. "Alright, let's ease your pain, shall we?" Gingerly, he lay his hands on Leon's body, making sure not to apply too much pressure and cause him any more unnecessary pain. After adjusting his breathing rhythm, he got to work on easing his pain. He had no idea how to extract the poison from out of him. Unless he could figure out how to do that soon, he'd have to wait until the toxins in his body went into a dormant state. There had to be someway they could get rid of the poison. If only he actually knew how. The first time Leon had been poisoned, they had the help of the doctor that was accompanying Temeluchas. Unfortunately, he wasn't around this time, and that meant they didn't have access to the odd herbs they might need to cure him. At this point, all he thought they could really do was pray that the effects of the toxins would subside within a few days. However, those might be the longest days Leon will ever experience unless he helps ease the pain.