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  1. Bite the Dust
    Well, it seems that a dub is going to happen. There really isn't much known about the dub other than that it will be premiered at Anime Expo in two months and that the scriptwriter, Animation director, Ami Koshimizu, Ryoka Yuzuki, the producer, and Eir Aoi are going to be there. It's likely we'll be getting more info as we get closer to the actual dates. But it's happening. This is not a dream.

    With the announcement of the dub, I have to ask: Are you excited for it? Any worries about things getting lost in translation? Would you want them to change the on-screen text to English or keep it in Japanese with English text superimposed over it? Would you want the dub to air on Toonami? Specific people/voices you want on the dub cast? Specific people/voices you don't want on the dub cast? Why or why not?

    Here are a few personal choices for voice actors:

    Nonon Jakuzure - Kari Wahlgren (You're free to think anyone else can voice her, but you're wrong and I hate you)
    Hoka Inumuta - Lucien Dodge
    DiscoMILF Ragyo Kiryuin - Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
    Post by: Bite the Dust, May 12, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. Bite the Dust
  3. Bite the Dust
  4. Bite the Dust
  5. Bite the Dust
    Ooooh, I'd like to participate in this little revival of KN. Sign me up with STAND PROUD (I'll add in the instrumental when I get home later tonight)

    Edit - And here it is:

    Post by: Bite the Dust, May 6, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  6. Bite the Dust
    True, but the added rule really cements that effect.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, May 4, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. Bite the Dust
    Man, it's really do or die time now.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, May 4, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. Bite the Dust
    Info updated. This weeks episode was amazing~ And:


    Suck it Bandai Namco. Suck a fat one.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, May 2, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Bite the Dust
    Vote: Jiku Neon
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. Bite the Dust
    Well damn. This does not bode well for the Townies. At all.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. Bite the Dust
  12. Bite the Dust
    e3, no fear
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Apr 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Bite the Dust
    Really. Have you seen their casts lately? I don't even know more than half of the cast from the Attack on Titan dub Funi is doing, and there's only a handful from their usual picks. Attack on Titan is gonna mark the first time Bryce Papenbrook has worked with Funi at all, so that's definitely something, and I'm not too sure how many times Matt Mercer has worked with them, but I don't think it's been that many times. So if Funi does get the rights to dub it, which is a very slim chance, I wouldn't doubt the quality of it.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Apr 26, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Bite the Dust
    Changed the header of the first post and added the OP to it.

    As for the whole DIO using Hermit Purple thing, I'm assuming that David is going to go with it being Jonathan's Stand since he is still somewhat resisting his full control. Regardless of how they do actually explain it, it will definitely be amazing when they do get to the climactic battle and show off The World.

    Anyways, we'll see next week whether our favorite Frenchie retains his name or gets the change to Eiffel. I really hope they call him Polnareff. I really, really do.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Apr 26, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  15. Bite the Dust
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Apr 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Bite the Dust

    Edit: I totally meant that. Totally. <.<
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Apr 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Bite the Dust
    Let's go, d4
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Apr 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Bite the Dust
    I prefer not to say too much because it really doesn't matter whether or not I do. People are going to find reason to be suspicious of any tiny thing: whether it be reading the thread and not saying anything, taking a word or phrase out of context, immediately going after someone that voted for you. Really, any little thing can be found suspicious if you give it that twist.

    Ok, so I played a joke on you guys, bite me. If I hadn't been getting voted for the way I was, I wouldn't have done that. I did vote for myself, but that was because it seemed like I was a goner anyhow. I've said this before, so I'm not gonna dwell on it.

    Personally, I'm trying my hardest not to overthink this and get myself caught in a loop of "Are they or aren't they." I'll wait and see to make a final decision on who to vote on. I'm not fully convinced on who we should be voting on. Especially considering how things have been going.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Apr 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. Bite the Dust
    Updated the OP with more more Episode Titles, though I forgot to change the episode count while I was editting, so I'll get to that next time. Anyways, tomorrow is the release of the Full version of STAND PROUD so I'm excited for that. On top of that, David Production is releasing the Creditless version of the Opening to mark the release of the Single. That means high quality gifs without credits getting in the way. Super excited~
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Bite the Dust

    The Serpent's Unholy Wrath Pt II


    Leviathan flew higher and higher into the sky. The higher he went, the smaller everyone else looked. Looking down at everyone at that height, it seemed appropriate that they all looked like ants. Tiny, insignificant creatures that he could crush underfoot. He had already made an example of that girl, but it looked like he had to make more to show them how pointless the struggle really was. How much higher would he have to go to show him that he won't be able to hold on?

    Sven was finally starting to reach his limit, but only in how long he could make the whip. Sven set his footing in order to attempt to pull him down. He grabbed onto the whip which, fortunately because they were his own flames were not hurting him as much as they could be. He began to tug down with all of his strength.

    The tugging at his arm told him that it was probably getting close to the limit of his reach. Admittedly he was impressed. He didn't think he'd be able to keep this up for this long. But now, the struggle of power had begun. One that he had the clear advantage to. He let him tug and tug at his arm before starting to rise further up into the sky. "C'mon, just try to make me come down, just try it!"

    Sven let out a quick grunt in annoyance before whispering, "Alright fine then." and he came up with a plan he wasn't entirely sure would work. He stopped tugging at Leviathan and instead gathered up as much fire as he could before he shot it off down the whip. He used his sword to cut himself off from the rest of the whip and the flames kept gathering more and more up the whip heading straight towards Leviathan.

    The tugging had stopped, and he soon realized that a large mass of fire was headed for him through the whip. When the fireball finally hit him, there was a large explosion. A few coughs escaped him as the smoke around him cleared away. "Not bad, not bad. That one actually hurt," he muttered to himself before flying back down at top speed. Leviathan landed with a loud boom and an insane smile plastered across his face. "That was good, that was good! I actually felt it, small fry! Now it's my turn!" With fist reared back, he lunged at the whip wielder.

    Sven quickly stepped back and used his flames to make a shield which he used to help to block Leviathan's punch, although he still felt as if he had recoiled a bit. Sven used fire to flame up his sword and he stabbed at Leviathan's abdomen hoping to do some damage.

    After defending himself, the fool stabbed his sword at him to try to hurt him. Like a fly, he swatted the blade away and reared his head back to headbutt the whip wielder.

    Sven's eyes widened as he looked over at his blade now away from him. He quickly moved his fire shield up and forced it towards Leviathan to deflect the headbutt while he shouted, "A little help would be great rather than you all just standing there!"

    Now that Leviathan was back on the ground, Allen didn't have to worry about accurately aiming his attacks at him. So he took this chance to again fire at the angel.

    As he pulled his head away from the flaming shield, he was hit from the back by a few fireballs from behind. "I grow tired of your antics, gnat!" He turned around and flew towards the distraction at high speeds, ready to slam his foot into his face.

    Sven watched the speed at which Leviathan ran towards Allen and ran over to grab his sword. He then created his whip again but instead of trying to get a grip on him, he flew the whip at full speed at Leviathan's back.

    This was exactly the kind of thing he was hoping to avoid, getting up close and personal with Leviathan. He did notice Sven's whip, but didn't put all his faith in it so he attempted to move out of Leviathans way.

    As he approached the shadow controlling gnat, a flaming whip trailed behind him. It wrapped around his foot as he sharply changed direction. "Damn persistent brat!"

    Sven quickly pulled the whip back and aimed it to hit Leviathan, it twisted in the air and he wasn't entirely sure if he could get it to move fast enough, but when he felt it gained enough momentum, he forced it down to flog him.

    The whip cracked down and hit him, pain shooting through his body. "You pitiful, little shit, don't think you can win this!" He flew straight for him and tried to grab him.

    It seemed that luck was on Allen's side as Leviathan went after Sven once more, leaving him open to yet another attack.

    Sven tried his best to back up and shrink the sword into a dagger quick enough but within the time it took for him to do all of this he felt Leviathan grab him and whispered, "Oh fuck."

    Logan, who had finally managed to get back into the fight, had noticed the predicament that Sven was in and ran over to help. No shadows this time, mainly due to how the constant summoning was starting to effecting him. No this time he was going to attack him with his weapon and just hope that he would be able to land a solid hit on him.

    After grabbing him, he lifted him into the air and dropped him onto his knee. The tip of his knee connected with his ribs, breaking a few of them in the process. As he lay there writhing on the floor, he stomped on his leg repeatedly, breaking it in several places. "That should keep you in line for a while." He turned to face the annoyingly distracting gnat and launched himself to attack him.

    Sven felt in horrible pain but he knew he couldn't just lay around on the ground. He turned his sword back into it's full length and propped himself up with it. He almost let out a cry but kept himself fro, doing so by mumbling a small prayer under his breath. He then transformed the sword back into a dagger and attached it to what looked like a rope of fire that he began to form, and he threw the dagger straight at Leviathan's back, doing his best to keep himself from falling.

    Now that the short window of opportunity that he had was gone, the threat of Logan charging in increased, but it was too late to turn back now. So instead he started to swing the scythe horizontally towards Leviathan.

    The scythe blade caught his arm, but it couldn't go all the way through it. It only made a small cut into the arm. "You should've stuck to distractions, gnat." He reared his head back and moved to headbutt him.

    Richard, for the most part, had been stunned during the fight. Leviathan's raw presence was enough to shatter parts of the Earth, and though Richard had managed to damage him with his first attack, all that paled in comparison to what he had done. As Lauren had been crushed by the Kraken and her corpse tossed around like a rag doll, Richard felt something weird. He wasn't angry at all. In fact, he felt strangely calm. Something inside him had clicked, something triggered by Lauren's death, and letting out a deep sigh he muttered, "Dumbass, you didn't have to go and die like that."

    He saw everyone else, including Sven coming into the scene, take on Leviathan in an attempt to bring him down. He felt like he had done practically nothing this entire time, and was going to fix that. "We'll be sure to make up for our lost time here. For everyone's sake. Especially her's. You ready Richard?" Maalik had appeared by Richard's side, with his ever serious expression.

    "Yeah, let's do this." With that, Maalik had turned into mist that covered Richard and slowly dissipated. When Richard opened his eyes next, they had become a darker blue color and had trails of white mist coming from them. Richard and Maalik were now in perfect sync. When Leviathan went to headbutt Logan, Richard created a large white hellfire mist arm that shot towards Leviathan's head, grabbed at it , and pulled back. "Unfortunately for you, he seemed to distract you quite enough."

    "Shit, this is gonna hurt." With no where to go, Logan was expecting a potential skull shattering blow. What instead happened was a white misty arm came and grabbed Leviathans head, preventing him from completing his attack. Logan took this chance to forcefully free his scythe and take some steps back.

    A giant scowl crept across his face as a large, white hand grabbed his head. "You worthless, arrogant, insignificant cretins!" He forced himself to stand his ground. With a raging howl, energy seemed to dissipate, the knife that was flying at him was knocked away, and the ground beneath him cratered. "You're putting up much more of a fight than I expected, but this is beginning to become tedious! You should learn that all of your efforts are useless! Useless, useless, useless, useless, useless, useless, useless!" He made a mad dash towards the retreating shadow user and grabbed at him.

    Sven pulled the dagger back and moved it up in the air and closed his eyes and whispered for the blade to change, it listened to his command and changed into an axe while connected to the rope. He quickly brought it down aimed at Leviathan once more and shouted, "Don't be so cocky when you're not doing so hot!"

    Leviathan was quick, and he was getting pissed, which only meant he was going to actually start trying more. While that was going to make things more difficult, it actually meant that they were making progress. However, Richard was not going to allow Leviathan to just ignore him and kill Logan as well. So instead he did something that was probably going to be considered the most reckless thing he's done. He started running straight towards Leviathan, running at a rate faster than he had ever gone before. As he saw Sven use his blade axe to attack Leviathan, he followed up with three more spears of much more concentrated mist than the last ones and fired them at the beast as he continued running towards him, waiting for his response.

    Seeing everyone get serious in this fight lead to Logan doing the same. First off he called forth three more shadows, however these three were different from the previous ones that he'd summoned. Showed by how one of the arms on each of them were more blade like, these were made specifically for fighting. That also meant that they would last a little bit longer than the previous ones did. Logan took a moment to heft the scythe on his back before the three shadows charged at Leviathan, with Logan following behind them.

    An axe dug into his back and that was the last straw. A thundering roar sent the axe flying away, the shadows scattered, spears were deflected. He spread his wings wide as he slowly levitated off of the rapidly cratering ground. "I see. You will not learn until you experience it. I had thought that this form would suffice in facing you, but clearly I was wrong. You have proven yourselves more than worthy to see it." Rising higher and higher, his eyes began to change, his wings began to grow, his body started shifting. "I will show you the oblivion of death!" Leviathan's body stretched and contorted, his skin became scaly and a brilliant white as he turned into his giant draconic form. A boisterous cry sounded as he ascended higher into the sky before it dove back down, energy gathering in its gaping maw.

    Sven was staring in absolute horror at the sky and barely paid attention to the fact the ground was cratering. He slid into the crater to retrieve his axe and he looked at the three in absolute pain and spoke, "D-do any of you know how to heal?" he looked up in the sky at the dragon and yelled, "I have to say I'm disappointed! I was expecting something more powerful or more menacing!" He looked over back at the three and whispered, "Have you guys ever fought a dragon before?" he changed his sword back into a dagger and summoned out the whip of fire yet again and replied, "Because this sure as hell is not common for me."

    "Shit, what the hell do we do now?" An angel that could easily kill them was one thing, but a freaking dragon is an entirely different story. Unfortunately there was no way that he knew how to fight one, nor did his powers did anything to help in this situation. He took a moment to shift his scythe back into a sword, seeing as how they were fighting a dragon a sword seemed more appropriate. "Anyone got any ideas?"

    Richard hadn't thought that this was what was going to happen. Though he remembered that in almost every media outlet ever that Leviathan had appeared in, it was as a giant dragon serpent. The beast came crashing down, and looked ready to blow them up at an instant with some sort of energy attack. Richard then heard Sven and said, "Sorry, healing isn't anything I can do. And as for Dragon Slaying, can't say I've done it either." Mist started exploding off of Richard and started to gather in a large amount in front of Richard, who was straight from the dragon beast. "If this is going to work, I'm going to need you all to get back, because I'm not quite sure what's going to happen next." Sheesh, Bahamut was the one with Mega Flare, what did this dragon serpent think he was doing?

    "If you say so." Logan replied. He had little intention of behind in the blast zone of whatever would happened when the two forces clashed together. So he started to make his way back whatever distance he felt would be good enough, though it was pretty hard to tell how far was safe.

    Sven nodded and listened to Richard's advice and he limped back to where Logan had gone and nearly collapsed on site.

    Allen too had moved away to where Logan had went upon seeing Leviathan turn into a dragon

    The energy gathering in its mouth compressed into a tiny ball before firing off a torrent of energy with a deafening roar. As it fired its unrelenting stream of energy, he coiled around himself, its tail touching its own body.

    When the beast let out its roar, Richard simply flicked his hand to create a giant portal made of hellfire mist. "Someone once told me, that the only one who could beat him was him. Let's see if that saying remains true for you as well." Suddenly, a new portal opened on Leviathan's side, carrying the entire torrent of energy was let out straight at the beast.

    A wailing cry of pain came from the dragon as its own energy was sent back at it. The flow of energy stopped as it severed the dragon's body. It was ludicrous, absolutely ridiculous. The parts of its body that was falling to the ground began to transform back into his human form. Heavy thuds marked the landing of his severed body parts. His upper body was separated from his legs, one of his arms was missing, and a large chunk of one of his wings was gone. Leviathan writhed on the ground in abhorrent agony. Though the majority of his body was separated from him, he still smashed the ground around him, screaming all the while. "THIS CAN'T BE! I DON'T BELIEVE IT!" Blood splattered across the ground as he thrashed about. "IT HURTS! AAAAAAAAAH! IT HUUUUUUURTS!" Slowly, the squirming calmed, his voice receded. "I can't... believe this... This... is... impossible... Brother..." His final breath escaped him as what was left of his body fell limp.


    Post by: Bite the Dust, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame