Sweet. Now we just need a JoJo protagonist and we've got ourselves the makings of a story.
Eh, unless he has something explicitly related to time, I'm not too sure about the whole big bad thing.
Oh children. It's mind raping time. Spoiler Umm, damn. I'd say that's even more powerful than Killer Queen Bites the Dust.
Oh, let the Requiem play silently
I'll throw a few suggestions into the pool here. Made in Heaven - Freddie Mercury Spoiler: Song Spoiler: Instrumental Another One Bites the Dust - Queen Spoiler: Song Spoiler: Instrumental Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen Spoiler: Song Spoiler: Instrumental http://youtu.be/RTfxbjHsgCY Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles Spoiler: Song http://youtu.be/YrUGrsEBCOo Spoiler: Instrumental http://youtu.be/6W774VU8zW4 Abbey Road Medley (yes, the whole shebang) - The Beatles Spoiler: Song http://youtu.be/RXV1Fkh9D_I Spoiler: Instrumental http://youtu.be/X3x0tc29Iv4 Uprising - Muse Spoiler: Song http://youtu.be/OqPVz101nd0 Spoiler: Instrumental http://youtu.be/MWaREofGCIU Knights of Cydonia - Muse Spoiler: Song http://youtu.be/GjXWtEqs8I4 Spoiler: Instrumental http://youtu.be/3khGyr1ipoU
Samuel Riviera DAY: One Year Later | DATE: Someday One Year Later | LOCATION: Church in Spain "Okay. Nothing to be nervous about, just go up there and when it's time to say your vows, say your vows." The red-haired boy was giving a few pieces of advice to the clearly nervous older man. "Right. Easy for you to say." Everything was getting hotter, sweat streamed down his face as he constantly wiped it away. "Just, relax. It's gonna be over and done with soon enough, okay?" "Fine, fine." He took in a deep, calming breath before going down the aisle in his stuffy suit and tie. The moment it when he can finally ditch his get up would be so sweet when it finally comes. "Reuben," the angel called from behind. He turned to look at her and asked what was up. "Your mother is calling for you."
"Okay. Nothing to be nervous about, just go up there and when it's time to say your vows, say your vows." The red-haired boy was giving a few pieces of advice to the clearly nervous older man. "Right. Easy for you to say." Everything was getting hotter, sweat streamed down his face as he constantly wiped it away. "Just, relax. It's gonna be over and done with soon enough, okay?" "Fine, fine." He took in a deep, calming breath before going down the aisle in his stuffy suit and tie. The moment it when he can finally ditch his get up would be so sweet when it finally comes. "Reuben," the angel called from behind. He turned to look at her and asked what was up. "Your mother is calling for you."
Samuel Riviera DAY: One Year Later | DATE: Someday One Year Later | LOCATION: Church in Spain After straightening out a few more things on his dad's appearance, he stood back and looked at him. "There, good to go." "Thanks." Sam scratched at his neck, wanting to loosen the tie a little. "But couldn't you have not tied this thing so tight around my neck?" "No," The red-haired boy answered with a smile. "That's what you get for shredding a fifty dollar tie." Upon hearing those words, the groom choked on his words. "Fifty bucks? For a long piece of fabric you tie around your neck?" "It was a brand name tie." "You couldn't have just picked up a four dollar one at some discount store?" "We were not about to cheap out on you looking nice. It's rare to even see you wearing a dress shirt, let alone a tie." "Yeah, well dress shirts aren't exactly clothes I can freely move in." He stepped out of the church as he cracked his knuckles. "Don't be so nervous, you'll do fine." He nudged him to go. "Just relax." "Easy for you to say." Sam was doing his best not to show how nervous he was about this whole deal. On the outside, he was keeping himself calm and collected, on the inside, he was sweating bullets.
After straightening out a few more things on his dad's appearance, he stood back and looked at him. "There, good to go." "Thanks." Sam scratched at his neck, wanting to loosen the tie a little. "But couldn't you have not tied this thing so tight around my neck?" "No," The red-haired boy answered with a smile. "That's what you get for shredding a fifty dollar tie." Upon hearing those words, the groom choked on his words. "Fifty bucks? For a long piece of fabric you tie around your neck?" "It was a brand name tie." "You couldn't have just picked up a four dollar one at some discount store?" "We were not about to cheap out on you looking nice. It's rare to even see you wearing a dress shirt, let alone a tie." "Yeah, well dress shirts aren't exactly clothes I can freely move in." He stepped out of the church as he cracked his knuckles. "Don't be so nervous, you'll do fine." He nudged him to go. "Just relax." "Easy for you to say." Sam was doing his best not to show how nervous he was about this whole deal. On the outside, he was keeping himself calm and collected, on the inside, he was sweating bullets.
OP Updated. As I thought they would, CrunchyRoll used the Soul Sacrifice name used by the Viz release of Stardust Crusaders. I can't say I'm terribly surprised, but it makes me wonder how they are gonna handle Rubber Soul. Are they just going to change it to Robber Soul or are they going to change the name completely this time around? They haven't done everything exactly like Viz, like changing Captain Tennille to Captain Dragon, so I guess we'll have to wait and see. Springboarding off of that, I wonder how they are going to handle Steely Dan? He's a ways off, so we won't know for a while, but it doesn't hurt to wonder.
Samuel Riviera DAY: One Year Later | DATE: Someday One Year Later | LOCATION: Church in Spain In a bit of a sweat, Sam poked his head out from the church and looked around. After a bit of looking around, he spotted the familiar red hair of his son and motioned for him to come over. With an exasperated sigh, Reuben walked over and asked, "What's wrong?" "Hey, so, uhh... You wouldn't happen to have an extra tie on you, would you?" Without missing a beat, he pulled a tie from his pocket and held it out. "Here. What happened to the tie you had with you?" It really was a wonder what he could've done to it. "Look, that's not really important. The important thing is that I need a tie." Sam was getting really flustered as he took the tie. "You ripped it apart trying to tie it, didn't you?" A long moment of silence passed between them as they just looked at each other for a while. "Yeah..." He finally admitted. "I thought I taught you how to tie it properly, did you forget already?" Sam didn't answer, he just looked away embarrassed. "Do you want me to tie it for you so that you don't rip it again?" "Yes, please." He hung his head in defeat as his son tied his tie for him. "You're lucky Mom thought this might happen ahead of time."
In a bit of a sweat, Sam poked his head out from the church and looked around. After a bit of looking around, he spotted the familiar red hair of his son and motioned for him to come over. With an exasperated sigh, Reuben walked over and asked, "What's wrong?" "Hey, so, uhh... You wouldn't happen to have an extra tie on you, would you?" Without missing a beat, he pulled a tie from his pocket and held it out. "Here. What happened to the tie you had with you?" It really was a wonder what he could've done to it. "Look, that's not really important. The important thing is that I need a tie." Sam was getting really flustered as he took the tie. "You ripped it apart trying to tie it, didn't you?" A long moment of silence passed between them as they just looked at each other for a while. "Yeah..." He finally admitted. "I thought I taught you how to tie it properly, did you forget already?" Sam didn't answer, he just looked away embarrassed. "Do you want me to tie it for you so that you don't rip it again?" "Yes, please." He hung his head in defeat as his son tied his tie for him. "You're lucky Mom thought this might happen ahead of time."
Hol Horse should be showing up in 2 episodes, based on this pacing.
Added a section in the OP about name changes. It'll be updated as they come up. So far, we've had Captain Dragon and Enyaba in place of Captain Tennille and Enya the Hag. Personally, I think these name changes are acceptable, and the name change for Captain Tennille maintains the reference ( The 'Captain' of the 'Captain & Tennille' duo is named 'Daryl Dragon' ) and Dio actually says Enyaba so it's fine. I hope they try to maintain the references, though I won't hold my breath.
My interest has been piqued.
I think I'd like to spend those achievement points I just got to sing Fireflies. Except, not the normal version. A special parody version of it.
Oh shit. I mean not. Not a mislynch. NOT. Jeez.
Really, really, REALLY hoping this is a mislynch Vote: Beau
Japanese broadcasting laws. They aren't allowed to show under-aged people smoking, and since Jotaro smoking was actually relevant to how they found the imposter, they censored it.
OP Updated with currently available info. Lots of Lolibutt and Rape Ape in this episode. Also, hurray for smoking censors. Oh, and of course: ZA WARUDO
Well, if you want me to say something, I'll just say this: I suspect the following people of being Mafia based on the info we have: 1. luminous 2. Beau 3. Cstar 4. Judge Sunrose One of them is not like the others, but since we don't have a cop, we can't exactly be certain of who. It would've been great if the Doctor could've kept skull joke/Below alive so that we could've had solid confirmation, but oh well. Not sure if I should believe it or not
Well then. Not like we didn't see this coming, but still. I really, REALLY hope we off a Mafia member next.