Lol, bad guy politicians in stories. What's up with that? At least she won't have a hunched back. R-right? Also, just because, Ian McKellen
Ahhh, I see. Teleport Spamming through Dimension Hopping. *wipes patriotic tear* President Valentine would be proud. Also, loving the name Jefferson Starship. But yeah, I'm loving the plot points you've got so far.
Well, if we get the Stand-creating Arrow involved and get a few Evolved Stands (and possible Requiem Stands, you know, if you want to) in here, it should be different enough. Also, It's not like they are trying to Dimension Hop around before a certain number of days pass by. I feel that should differentiate it enough.[DOUBLEPOST=1401681883][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, Dimension Hopping. Just, yeah. That's super different, so no worries on that front.
Lol, alright then. Although, if GS is gonna be the Dio Expy of our little story, she'll need little convincing to stop a Dangerously Genre Savvy Evil Overlord Magnificent Bastard who loves to Kick (Read: Burn) the Dog with a Big Screwed-Up Family. Just sayin'.
We have choices for key points as well: 1. Anything to do with the primary JoJo's Stand 2. Major Event going on in the story 3. Primary Setting 4. Key characteristic/affinity of the primary JoJo Trying to name it without knowing which way this is going is gonna be a little difficult. One name that I can think of, if the primary JoJo is still Dinny, right now is "Dimensional Caravan." Not the best, but it's something.
Uh... Uh... We need a major component of the story line, stat. It'll help with making the title.
After repeatedly raping the repeat button on a couple of songs, I've noticed they aren't already on this list. Let me remedy that. Oh, and these are all just for Karaoke Night. Lost Time Memory Original | Instrumental Ayano's Theory of Happiness Original | Instrumental Kagerou Daze Original | Instrumental Kisaragi Attention Original | Instrumental
Yeah, with all of the fabulous posing and excessive gore, it would be difficult to put it out in writing. Though, I think there are a few translations of the JoJo light novels floating around, so maybe you can use those for a frame of reference.
OP Updated. I'm a little surprised that they went with Centerfold instead of J. Geil this time around. I would've thought they could get the right to use J. Geil for his name. Oh well, Centerfold is a pretty good name change regardless. Now we wait to see how Steely Dan fares.
Alright guys, all of us villains gotta do some memorable shit throughout the course of the story. We have a few options for that: 1. Kill off a main character (sure fire way to be memorable) 2. Have an absolutely story breaking power for no reason other than the lulz (granted by the arrow or otherwise) 3. Succeed in our goal 4. Kill a shit ton of innocent animals for the lulz (mostly dogs, but other animals can be offed if you so choose) 5. Nearly kill off the entire group save for one person who ends up getting away and killing you instead 6. Become a good guy via Defeat Means Friendship 7. Use an absolutely mundane power in the most awesome way possible Just a few off the top of my head.[DOUBLEPOST=1401411683][/DOUBLEPOST]An addendum: 8. Be subjected to an absolutely vicious beat down that spans several pages of nothing but punching and Stand cries
ATTENTION, PIGS IN HUMAN CLOTHING!!! We have a release date for the DVDs and Blu-Rays of the English dub as well as the cast and a trailer. The DVDs and Blu-Rays will go on sale July 15th, with pre-orders available as of today. ENGLISH CAST: Ryuko MatoiErica Mendez SenketsuDavid Vincent Satsuki KiryuinCarrie Keranen Mako MankanshokuChristine Marie Cabanos Ira GamagooriPatrick Seitz Uzu SanageyamaGrant George Houka InumutaSteve Cannon Nonon JakuzureSarah Anne Williams Aikuro MikisugiMatthew Mercer Barazo MankanshokuMichael Sorich Sukuyo MankanshokuErika Harlacher Mataro MankanshokuLindsey Eaton Shiro IoriTodd Haberkorn Now the obvious questions have to be asked: Are you satisfied with the voice acting? Do you think they could've done better with the casting? Are you happy that they are using "Goku Uniform" instead of whatever mangled translation it could've been? Personally, I think that Satsuki could've been cast better. Her voice actress doesn't quite have the commanding, authoritative voice she should have. Nonon sounds surprisingly great for not being Kari Wahlgren. Senketsu's voice could've been more gruff. I've never heard of Steve Cannon, though he's as monotone as he should be, so no complaints here. I've also never heard of Erica Mendez, but a quick search on the net showed me that she's relatively pretty new to anime and voice acting in general. She does a pretty good job of voicing Ryuko, though I'll have to hear more to really decide whether or not I like her. Gamagoori is perfect. No comments there. As long as Matt Mercer does the Nudist Beach thing right, we have no problems. Grant George as Sanageyama fits pretty well, I actually kinda like it. And Mako sounds as much as girly girl as she possibly can, so I'm happy with that, even though the pronunciation of her family name is a little awkward sounding at first.
Yeah. You know, like Echoes and Tusk, where it gradually evolves through the story.
I wonder which Stands could have ACTs?
More people who haven't already posted here should post to get Stands. PUNCH GHOSTS ARE LOVE! PUNCH GHOSTS ARE LIFE! And the second part is quite literal. As for Trigger, you'd think someone who was accompanying a lady would have a more portable Stand.
Ah. Hmmm... Who to pick indeed?
I'm gonna guess Beyond: Two Souls. I have no idea if it's terrible or not, but that's what I'm gonna guess. As for the whole good guy, bad guy situation, I'm gonna say one of the early enemy stand users they meet that seems intimidating but really isn't when they finally realize its true nature.[DOUBLEPOST=1401251793][/DOUBLEPOST]You know what, I'm gonna change my guess to CoD: Ghosts.
That would've been great. Also: Spoiler My favorite use of Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.
Alright, we need a companion character who will guide her from place to place named Booker.[DOUBLEPOST=1401250400][/DOUBLEPOST]And yeah, regardless of wording, the nature of the power is the same.
Literally the exact same explanation, just replacing every instance of 'dimensions' with 'timelines' Stand Name: Caravan Palace Power(s): Your stand can distort the otherwise intangible and invisible barrier that separates timelines. This allows Caravan Palace to forcefully shift your own existence to another timeline, traveling through timelines and causing tears within the walls that separate them. Statistics: -Destructive Power: A -Speed: C -Range: B -Durability: B -Precision: A -Development Potential: A Like so. Although, we would have to deal with timeline duplicates and encounters and such. Hmm...
Looking at her powers, I'm wondering if we could actually twist the explanation of her power to "alternate timeline" kinda like D4C