I'm gonna go ahead and do Bloody Stream by Coda Big surprise coming from me...
Do bear in mind that, for the most part, the scripts between CrunchyRoll and Commie are very similar, with changes thrown in here and there at their discretion. While I haven't been keeping up with Commie as much since I watch the CrunchyRoll subs, I have watched the first couple episodes of Commie's subs and noticed that a substantial amount of their scripting is identical. It does make sense since they've been taking the CrunchyRoll subs and re-encoding them.
Yeah, 13 episodes have been released so far. Commie is lagging WAAAAY behind. Although, that's probably because of all of the re-encoding, typesetting, and timing that they have to do. Well, that and all of the extra effects that they do. I do like that Commie is making an honest effort to actually sub the SFX as it moves and use interesting ways to have the text exit the frame, but it is taking too long. I just watch CrunchyRoll since they get their subs out an hour after it airs (Airs 11:30 AM EST, subs out at 12:30 PM). Plus, I do want to know which names get changed now that a dub has been confirmed.
OP Updated with Episode info as well as new voice actors for Jotaro and Joseph. The only VA info that hasn't been put in the OP was DIOs (Patrick Seitz) because he lacks a tab in the OP, though I'll add it eventually. Anyways, for the voices, other roles from these actors include: Matthew Mercer - Levi from Attack on Titan, Kiritsugu Emiya from Fate/Zero, Aikuro Mikisugi from Kill la Kill, Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4 (replacing Troy Baker starting with the animated series onward), Tygra from the 2011 ThunderCats cartoon, Chrom from Fire Emblem: Awakening, Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil (starting with the Damnation CG animated movie), and Alvin from Tales of Xillia Richard Epcar - Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo from Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Batou from Ghost in the Shell, Argent Heinkel from Bravely Default, The Narrator from Bayonetta, Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness and Terra-Xehanort from the Kingdom Hearts series (KHII and onwards), and The Joker from Injustice: Gods Among Us Patrick Seitz - Isshin Kurosaki and Kenpachi Zaraki (From Episode 244 onwards) from Bleach, Senji Kiyomasa from Deadman Wonderland, Simon Brezhnev from Durarara!!, Charles Beams from Eureka Seven, Sloth from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Ira Gamagoori from Kill la Kill, Franky from One Piece, Ragna the Bloodedge from the BlazBlue series, Dracula from the Castlevania series, Frederic Francois Chopin from Eternal Sonata, Scorpion from the Mortal Kombat series, The Announcer, the Malevolent Entity, and Nyarlathotep from the Persona series, Dhaos from Tales of Phantasia, and Bob from the Tekken series. What do you think about the casting for the English dub of Stardust Crusaders? Let me know below.
I sent in my song, finally... *collapses*
I've seen them. It looks really good, though, I'm a little disappointed he's gonna be DLC.
It's been a while, but I've updated the OP with more episode info. Next week, Part 3 ends early, woo~
Username: Bite the Dust Name: Duke Pendleton Age: 25 Appearance: ♘ Class/Occupation: Knight Location: Holmfirth Barracks Special Ability: Leadership Weapon: Longsword and Shield Personality: Strong Sense of Justice ♘ Idealistic ♘ Straightforward ♘ Gentlemanly ♘ Loyal ♘ Avoids direct conflict as much as possible Other: Avoids talking about his lineage.
With this red fog going around, everything is gonna be all fogged up
I'll just go ahead and take Maiden Heaven Made in Heaven
Oh, that is awesome. Thanks for showing me that.
Bumping this thread to inform those of you that care about JoJo that Viz Media has officially announced that they are releasing the Phantom Blood manga starting next year in the month of February. Yes, you can own an official copy of JoJo's Bizarre Adventures in proper English. On top of that, they are reprinting the entirety of their Stardust Crusaders translation, which means you can also get your hands on the manga volumes for a reasonable price. And yes, they are going to be releasing it as "JoJo's Bizarre Adventures" over here in the States.
Participating for: All of them Absolutely Cannot Sing: Umm... Extremely fast rapping Anything Else: I can believe it's not butter
東京ESP Tokyo ESP Synopsis: Urushiba Rinka was a fairly normal high school girl, though she was a bit poor and her only family was her father. Then one day, she saw a penguin and some glowing fish swimming through the sky. Rinka might have thought it was a hallucination if there hadn't been another witness with her, a boy from her school with a strangely scratched-up face. Contact with a fish caused her to pass out, and when she awoke, she had developed the power to move through inanimate objects... such as the floor of her apartment! Later, a call from her father showed her that she was not the only one the flying fish bestowed with hard-to-control superpowers! What exactly is going on here? And does Rinka's classmate know more about this situation than he's letting on? (Synopsis courtesy of MangaHelpers) Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Sci-fi, Shonen, Super Powers, Supernatural Author: Hajime Segawa Animation: XEBEC Director: Shigehito Takayanagi Personal Rating: 9/10 Read it at Batoto Opinions: Something has to be said about a series that introduces its female protagonist by having her phase through the floor of her room and fall into the room below with nothing but her bra and panties to the surprise of her downstairs neighbor. I started reading this series out of pure curiosity and fell in love with it. It was extremely quirky and unapologetic about it. There was also the part of me that loved X-Men that made me love the series all the more. The main character is essentially a more badass version of Kitty Pryde, her companion is a mask-wearing, normal skinned Nightcrawler, and the main character's dad looks and fights like Wolverine with the abilities of Magneto. You could essentially call this the Japanese version of X-Men. Another thing that made me absolutely love it was all of the cameos. And not just cameos of other manga characters. I am talking full on Hollywood movie cameos. Is your yakuza boss King Leonidas from 300? Is your mentor a perverted Yoda-looking old man wearing a panda suit? Is your bartender Steven Seagal? Yeah, I didn't think so. Not to mention, Ray and Egon of Ghostbusters fame also make an appearance in there somewhere. Like I said, unapologetic. I would absolutely recommend you read this series and watch the anime when it starts on July 11th. If not for the X-men plotline, then do it for all of the cameos.
Urushiba Rinka was a fairly normal high school girl, though she was a bit poor and her only family was her father. Then one day, she saw a penguin and some glowing fish swimming through the sky. Rinka might have thought it was a hallucination if there hadn't been another witness with her, a boy from her school with a strangely scratched-up face. Contact with a fish caused her to pass out, and when she awoke, she had developed the power to move through inanimate objects... such as the floor of her apartment! Later, a call from her father showed her that she was not the only one the flying fish bestowed with hard-to-control superpowers! What exactly is going on here? And does Rinka's classmate know more about this situation than he's letting on?
You know what, you should have one of the characters in the story be named Buck Dharma.
Alright, alright. Fair enough. Confirmed getting chopped in half And ahah, Blue Oyster Cult
We should call the main Stand Protags the Caravan. Just "the Caravan." The Baddies can remain "the Carnival of Killers" because hell yeah, that's badass. And man, I'm guessing SynK is in for one grisly death.
YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Now, if only we could work in Tim Curry into that mix somehow...