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  1. Bite the Dust
    It's certainly possible. I've heard people say that the Channel JoJo is running on has Episode 25 listed, though I'm not sure how valid that info is.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Sep 5, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. Bite the Dust
    Yes, I was viewing the thread awhile ago. That's called keeping up, baybee~.

    Well then, to answer this one, here's another reason I don't really say much: I don't feel I have much to contribute intelligence wise. Yeah, I could give out more snarky one liners, but that doesn't help much, does it? Everyone will probably read into that as me being a distraction trying to throw you off of your game and possibly be a Mafia member, which I don't want at all. Not that anyone would want that, mind you, but still.

    Yeesh, so harsh. Not that I mind being tugged around by dangly little pieces of meat like you~♥
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Sep 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Bite the Dust
    Updated OP with most current Episode info.

    Ah, we're almost to Egypt, and with that, we'll possibly get a new Opening as well as a new Ending. We won't know for sure until the Fall Season Break is over, but we should hear something about it before the Winter Season starts. C'mon Iggy! I want my damn dog already! Anyways, for the upcoming Egypt arc, I'm most excited for the Daniel J. D'Arby "fight", the Bast fight, the Anubis fight, the Terence T. D'Arby fight, the Vanilla Ice fight, and, of course, the DIO fight. I just cannot wait. Winter can't come quick enough.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Sep 5, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. Bite the Dust

    Oh, myyy... Getting prodded like this again, makes me wish I had a socket for every plug and a plug for every socket. Well then, to answer the booty call:

    I have no thoughts on who I think is definitively Town because no one is above suspicion right now. At least, not to me, anyways. As for The Fuk?, well, not too much I can say other than I suspect him just as much as I suspect everyone else. However, if he does get lynched and he ends up being Town, I'll be that much more suspicious of all of the people who are leading the group right now. Lastly, I'm not going to tell you that I am not suspicious, you can form your own opinion of me without me spoon feeding you info about me. However, my silence really shouldn't be a reason to suspect someone of being with the opposite faction. Just saying.

    Well, anybutt, that's what I've got to say. So please, keep prodding all up inside of me. Just like that~♥
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Sep 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. Bite the Dust
    Letting you guys know that a sub for the OVA is out.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Sep 4, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. Bite the Dust
    Well, I guess this is a thing, now. No need for a Second Opinion, I guess.

    Vote: default
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Aug 28, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. Bite the Dust
  8. Bite the Dust
    Hmm, who, who, who indeed? Well, there is still time before a vote must be made, so I'd like to wait a little longer before I make my actual vote, but to answer your question: Right now, you're on the top of my list, buddy.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Aug 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Bite the Dust
    Hmmm, beginning to get a sense of deja mustard deja vu right about now.

    Fine, you guys want to hear who I'm wary of at this stage? I'm wary of all of the people actively trying to get people to vote for people and people who read way too deeply into things. Given how things have been going so far, that's about the majority of the active members right now. Yes, I'm aware that I should try to participate a little more since it is better to have more heads collaborating than fewer. But I honestly think that at this stage, where not a lot of solid info is available other than who is dead and how many votes there are for whoever, we can't really do much other than pick out people to kill off until we get a hit.

    As for why I suspect the people that I do, as I recall, last game a lot of the mafia were the more active of the bunch. It is beneficial for the mafia to take control early in the game and make it seem like they are trying to help the townies. Of course, all of that is simply a misdirection tactic for them to go under the radar for a majority of the game. So, from my point of view, the people so adamantly insisting that everyone vote for certain people because of "scum-tells" are really just drawing more suspicion. Why would you have to insist that someone is mafia when your only evidence is a few misplaced words? Why insist that referring to a group objectively means that they are of the opposing faction, especially this early into the game?

    Granted, I am grateful that there are people hounding others so doggedly. It makes for some excellent data on people who defend others. Right now, it's meaningless data that doesn't hold an ounce of weight on my decision making. However, the moment we lynch a member of the mafia, that once meaningless data will become a lot more significant in how I perceive people.

    So there. There's my two cents on the whole situation. Satisfied?

    Man, I feel like I am Under Pressure. I might just have a Sheer Heart Attack from it all.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Aug 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. Bite the Dust
    Me, I don't feel I have anything intelligent to contribute beyond what you guys have got going. Plus, it's only the second day, and what a Heavy Day it's been. I'm a slow starter, baby. What else can I say?
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Aug 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. Bite the Dust
    Hey man, I'm just letting you guys do most of the legwork. I'm not one for making huge leaps of faith without any stable footing, ya dig? It's the first day, and it's been a whole ton of fun trying to slog through all of these posts, but I'm not very good at making compelling arguments.

    You guys can discuss all of this at length and try to figure out who is who on this first day based on a couple of hunches, and you may or may not be right, and I'll just go with the flow. And I will go with the flow because that...

    [​IMG] the Dandy way of doing things.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Aug 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. Bite the Dust
    [​IMG] my response to that.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Aug 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. Bite the Dust
    Whoa damn, didn't realize this had already started. Uhh, uhh, uhh...
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Aug 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. Bite the Dust
    Updated the OP with new episode information. Also, just to let you guys know, there will be a mid-season break for SC so that they can put out the highest quality of episodes possible for the upcoming Egypt half of Part 3. Most likely the Mid-Season break will start after Episode 24, since that is the final episode of the currently listed Blu-Ray/DVDs. Of course, that means a longer wait for Iggy and a much longer wait for Diamond is Unbreakable, but since it is for the sake of quality, waiting is a must.

    As for the recent episode, it was simply amazing. The camels, the laughing, the Engrish, all of it was perfect.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Aug 1, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  15. Bite the Dust
    A couple days late, but I think we can all appreciate this image

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  16. Bite the Dust
    *vacant stare* ....huh.... How'd this happen?
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: 2014
  17. Bite the Dust
    Been a while since I made some updates, so here you go. Updated with current Episode information, Test Dub VAs, and Changed Names and References. I was somewhat disappointed with the route they went when changing Steely Dan's name, but there really isn't much they could've done. I would have preferred to have the original name intact, but oh well.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Jul 18, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. Bite the Dust
    Alright, I've had a chance to sit down and watch the four episodes of the KLK dub that are out now because Aniplex is soooooooooooo generous and I've found that almost all of the voices fit the characters very well. After only watching one episode, I already got used to the voices. The only voice out of the bunch that I had a gripe with was Senketsu's. I'm pretty sure they are trying a different approach on the character over here, but I just couldn't get used to the voice over the course of the 4 episodes.

    Also, watching the dub helped point out one of the background jokes that happened in episode 4. I had no idea that the girl behind Ryuko was commenting on Gamagoori sleeping in the nude. I had to go watch it in Japanese to hear if she did it there too and sure enough, she did. So there's that.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Jul 17, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Bite the Dust
    Sign me up for this. It'll be interesting to see how things turn out this time around.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Jul 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. Bite the Dust
    Oooh, sign me up.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Jul 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone