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  1. Bite the Dust
    I've left a link at the bottom of the OP to a site where you can read scanlations of the Series. Thankfully, the Parts with horrible scans have been getting re-scanned and translated, though you will have to deal with a few chapters of them. Part 4 is the closest to being completely retranslated, though I do ask that you at least give a read through of the DUWANG scans, as the fans have dubbed them, because it is a source of great humor and memes throughout the JoJo fandom.

    And yes, this manga has inspired its fair share of fighting game characters. Most notably, the greatest American hero, Guile, was inspired by the greatest Nazi soldier, Rudolf von Stroheim. Lisa Lisa from the same Part as Stroheim also inspired a Street Fighter character, Rose. She even has a move in which she uses her scarf to support herself as she kicks her enemy. On top of that, the main protagonist from Part 6 of the series, Jolyne, was the basis for Juri from Street Fighter 4.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 14, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. Bite the Dust

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 79 | DATE: December 10th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Outside of Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    The doors of the church were flung open as a panting Hana came rushing in. She grabbed the back of a pew for support as she caught her breath. After a wheezing for a moment, she looked up and pointed directly at Vincent. Vin -- hah, hah, -- Vincent She took in a shuddering breath. We need your help immediately. Leon - he took a dive for Sam. He's in serious condition. We gotta get him out of the danger zone. Logan, Kai; I need you both to help carry him while Vincent channels Raphael to heal him. She waved them all over to her aid. Kai grabbed her arm to steady her, but Hana shook him off. Quickly, she urged them before heading back out the door.

    He barely had time to react before they were all rushing out of the church and out into the battlefield. As soon as they got to Leon, he couldn't help but cringe at the sight of him. It looked like he had gotten some pretty bad burns all over, and the color seemed to be draining from his face by the second. He needed to get to work healing him quick. As the others steadied him onto his feet, he placed his hands on him and concentrated on the healing. It took no time at all before he felt his curative powers going to work. Hopefully, nothing major would happen that would interrupt his concentration.

    Right on cue, the ground began to shake as the building they were just in began to crumble. As the others rushed out of there, he could only help but wonder what on Earth was going on. Did something happen inside there? He couldn't afford any distractions at the moment. What he needed to do right now was focus on helping the injured angel in front of him. For now, all he could hope was that it was nothing too serious as he continued his healing work.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 14, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Bite the Dust
    Update OP to include the latest PV featuring our favorite Frenchman, Polly Polnareff
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 14, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. Bite the Dust
    12 & 11

    Alejandra Rojas
    DAY: 79 | DATE: December 10th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Abbey/Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    She had thought getting inside of the building would be safer compared to being outside where all of the demons and fighting was going on. The sudden shaking of the ground told her otherwise. At this rate, the building would most likely collapse on top of them. Despite all of the danger outside, getting crushed under some rubble would be just as bad if not worse. They needed out, and quick. With the amount of training they had gotten, they should be able to hold their own in a fight. Hopefully. Quickly, she grabbed whoever was nearest to her, Sal, and dragged them out along with her as she rushed out the doors. It was a knee-jerk reaction to drag someone along, but she wanted to make sure that as many people as possible could get out of there.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 14, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 79 | DATE: December 10th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Outside of Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    After Leon shielded them from a barrage of shots from Lu, Hana made a break for the doors to get Vincent to heal him up. She had to be quick about it, he looked like shit and at this rate, he may end up dead. "DON'T," the dying angel started weakly. "DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME. JUST -- YOUR FAMILY, YOU NEED TO PROTECT THEM."

    "Save your breath, dumbass! We're get you healed up real quick, just sit there and wait!" Sam didn't want to hear any of this talk. If he wanted to say something important, it could wait until after the fight was over.


    "Tch! Dumbass!" The moron kept on talking like the stubborn mule he was.

    "Keep your composure, the fight is only just beginning. "

    "I gotcha, I gotcha." Intense crimson flames coated his blade once more as he walked straight towards Lu. He stood in front of her, hatred boiling inside of him.

    "Man, no matter how many times I look at your fucked up face, I can never get used to it." A wry smile crept across his face. "Just looking at it is making me sick to my stomach, so why don't you do me a favor and just burn!" He savagely rushed at her, swinging his blazing sword down on her.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 13, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 79 | DATE: December 10th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Outside of Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Something had pressed against his back, but he didn't care, all that mattered to him was killing Lu. Killing, utterly destroying, anything that would satisfy his ever-growing blood lust. Not even the screaming fazed him. "What the- Damn that Ariel, sticking his damn nose in like that !" Abaddon quickly realized how he could calm him down after seeing Leon getting hit. "You dumbass, get a grip ! If you don't stop raging about like this, Xathanael is more than likely to jump in and get hurt, just like the idiot behind you !"

    "WHAT?!" Quickly, he looked behind him to see the injured Leon. He turned back to look at Lu, making sure she hadn't moved. His intense hatred kept him from wanting to look away, but he realized that what Abaddon said was true. Hana would've definitely jumped in if she had the chance. In his blind rage, he was likely to harm, or more likely kill, her. That was something he wanted to avoid at all costs. He grit his teeth as he stared at the dark angel's hideous form that was hidden behind the bandages.

    He let out a roar as more flames erupted before finally calming down. The pillars of flame that danced around him had dissipated and the crimson flames that wreathed his body and mellowed. His blade transformed into something more reasonable in size as he stared daggers at the thing in across from him. The temperamental man audibly popped his neck from side to side as he calmed himself down. "Dammit, just looking at this hideous bitch is pissing me off so damn much!"

    "Finally calmed down, I see. It's about time, you idiot. Keep your wits about you, this one is not some mindless creature. " The Angel of Destruction reprimanded.

    "Yeah, yeah, whatever. First things first, though." Swiftly, he moved around and sliced the snake head from its neck and lifted the main body of the chimera up with one arm. After slamming its body down to the ground and engulfing its body in flames, he chopped it in half before kicking part of it at Lu. While she was hopefully distracted by that, he took Leon and sat him against a nearby wall. "Shit, this is bad!"

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 13, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Bite the Dust
    I am down to clown.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 13, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 79 | DATE: December 10th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Outside of Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    The despicable woman defended herself with a black sword made of mist. She shot mist up from the ground and shot it at his legs. Quickly, he jumped over the dark angel and landed behind her. "SHUT UP!!" With great force, he slammed his blade on the ground, causing massive pillars of flame to rise up around him. "I DON'T CARE FOR ANYTHING YOU SAY!! ALL I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU IS YOUR CRIES OF AGONY AS YOU DIE!!"

    Lifting up the sword, he dashed straight at the black-eyed woman and swung at her wildly. "DIE ALREADY!!" He screamed with a bellowing voice. Flames littered the area he had struck, as he left even more like footprints.

    "Calm yourself down, moron! Don't let your anger get the better of you !"

    "SHUT UP!!" He yelled as he recklessly continued to pursue Lu.

    "Damn, I need to find a way to calm him down before something serious happens... "

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 13, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 79 | DATE: December 10th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    When Ahranna had opened the door, she was greeted by the sight of multiple angelic beings standing in the room, with one standing right in front of them. The scarred form of Lucifer knelt down and took her by the hand. Just making contact with him made her spine tingle. Her heart raced as the girl with the polychromatic hair let her go. "Welcome, my dear," he greeted her lowly. She let out an involuntary whimper as the crowds parted for them. The throne that once sat at the center of the room disappeared with a flick of the wrist.

    Azazel felt absolute disgust just looking at the obsidian wings that sprouted from his back. It was a sight she had wished she would never have to see ever again, yet here she was, looking right at them. The angel really wished she could just fly away, get rid of anything that stood in her way, and get far away from this horrid place. But she couldn't. She had neither the means nor the power to pull off a feat like that. Not to mention that none of the other inhabitants here would be sympathetic to her feelings, especially not if it was going against Lucifer's wishes.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 13, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 79 | DATE: December 10th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Outside of Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    In a single instant, the little girl had disappeared, his son along with her. He was too shocked to process what was going on at the moment. Between the clashing of blades, Lu escaping Hana's shadow hold, and Birdface coming down with more demons rising up, he barely noticed a portal opening and the girl making her escape. When he finally had noticed, his blood began to boil intensely. The billowing crimson flames that shrouded his body amplified as his fury magnified.

    As everyone around him engaged in battle, he set his sights on the bandaged figure standing away from them. It was Lu, the same bitch that had met them on the plane. She might have looked different, but the hideous air about her was exactly the same as before. Looking at her pissed him off even more. His already flared temper overflowed and he let out a deafening roar as he charged madly at the bandaged woman. "LU!!" He screamed with a booming voice.

    His wand appeared in his hand and it transformed into a sword with a giant blade that he swung down at the dark angel with all of his might. Flames coated the excessive blade from point to pommel as it fell.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 12, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Bite the Dust
    As far as I know, they've only announced PVs for Joseph, Avdol/Abdul, Kakyoin, and Polnareff who is getting his this Friday before they have a Live Show with the voice actors. After that it's a one week break before the anime premieres. I doubt that are going to show much of Dio in the early PV stuff because everything that pertains to him directly fighting the protagonists happens at the end of Stardust. That being said, seeing sexy Shadow Dio in the other PVs was great.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 12, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  12. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 79 | DATE: December 10th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    The demon girl with prismatic hair guided Joslyn, now wearing an elegant champagne-colored dress with sandals and a red flower clip in her hair, up a flight of stairs to where she assumed Lucifer would be waiting. As much as she didn't want this to happen, there weren't many options left to her now, if any at all. There was no way out of this for her. Her fate was essentially sealed. Each step brought her closer to it, and yet, now that it was upon her, she found herself completely calm. She had no more tears to shed.

    "I... I'm so sorry.... " The fallen angel said through sobs. "I am so, so sorry. "

    "Please don't cry." Joslyn asked meekly. "It's making everything worse than it needs to be."

    "I love you, honey. Remember that, okay ?" The sobbing had become more infrequent as she continued to speak. "I love you !"

    "I know you do."

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 12, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Bite the Dust
    Since I haven't been able to find translations for the full song, and because I have a lot of time on my hands, I figured I'd post a translation of the full version of "ambiguous" by GARNiDELiA, along with the Kanji and Romaji because why not?

    運命の意図を 断ち切った その先に..

    靴擦れだらけの 狭い 世界で

    だけど いつも 君には
    こんなのは はじめてで 戸惑うけど

    他の誰にも 着こなせない
    なんだか わかんない 熱さが 胸を焦がすから
    運命の糸 手繰り寄せた その先に
    今 新しい夜明けが来る

    かじかんだ指で ずっと 探してた
    煌めく 世界の
    答は いつだって ティーカップの中

    火傷しそうな 温度
    甘すぎるし 苦すぎる
    自分達だけの美学(フレイバー) 飲みほして

    あの日 君が 教えてくれた
    なんだか わかんない 熱さが 頬を伝うから
    それぞれの想い 絡み合った その先に
    今 新しい夜明けが来る

    この愛おしい 世界を 守りたいだけの
    たった それだけの 無茶な きもち
    だけど 一縷の望みは 君が 今 隣にいること

    他の誰にも 着こなせない
    なんだか わかんない 熱さが 胸を焦がすから
    運命の糸 手繰り寄せた その先に
    ほら どこまでも続く未来

    今日も 君が 教えてくれた
    なんだか わかんない 熱さが 頬を伝うから
    それぞれの願い 絡み合った その先に
    今 新しい夜明けが来る

    想いは きっと ひとつ

    unmei no ito o tachi kitta sono saki ni...

    senobi shiteitanda
    kutsuzure darake no semai sekai de
    RANUEI o aruku egao no uragawa
    kakushita tsumori de

    dakedo itsumo kimi ni wa
    minukarete shimatte ite
    konna no wa hajimete de tomadou kedo

    hoka no dare ni mo kikonasenai
    nandaka wakan'nai atsusa ga mune o kogasu kara
    unmei no ito taguriyoseta sono saki ni
    ima atarashii yoake ga kuru

    kajikanda yubi de zutto sagashiteta
    kirameku sekai no
    kotae wa itsudatte TIIKAPPU no naka
    utsutte itanda

    yakedo shisouna ondo
    ama sugirushi niga sugiru
    sou jibun-tachi dake no bigaku (FUREIBAA) nomihoshite

    ano hi kimi ga oshiete kureta
    nandaka wakan'nai atsusa ga hoho o tsutau kara
    sorezore no omoi karamiatta sono saki ni
    ima atarashii yoake ga kuru

    kono ito'oshii sekai o mamoritai dake no
    tatta sore dake no mucha na kimochi
    dakedo ichiru no nozomi wa kimi ga ima tonari ni iru koto

    hoka no dare ni mo kikonasenai
    nandaka wakan'nai atsusa ga mune o kogasu kara
    unmei no ito taguriyoseta sono saki ni
    hora doko made mo tsuzuku mirai

    kyou mo kimi ga oshiete kureta
    nandaka wakan'nai atsusa ga hoho o tsutau kara
    sorezore no negai karamiatta sono saki ni
    ima atarashii yoake ga kuru

    omoi wa kitto hitotsu

    Before we sever fate's intentions...

    I've been overdoing things
    Wearing out my shoes in this cramped world
    I walk the runway behind a smile
    With hidden intent

    However, you seem to always
    See right through
    This is the first time and I have no idea what to do

    No one else can wear it well
    Somehow, I don't know why, heat burns our hearts
    But before we drag the threads of fate
    A new dawn will come now

    I've been looking for the sparkling world
    With numbed fingers
    The answer always lies reflected
    Inside of the tea cup

    The heat could burn you
    It's too sweet to be too bitter
    Our own aesthetic (flavor) makes me want to drink it

    You told me that day
    Somehow, I don't know why, heat flows down her cheeks
    But before our feelings intertwine
    A new dawn has come now

    You want to protect this world you dearly love
    With just your reckless feelings
    But now a ray of hope stands beside you

    No one else can wear it well
    Somehow, I don't know why, heat burns our hearts
    But before we drag the threads of fate
    Look, at our never-ending future

    You told me today
    Somehow, I don't know why, heat flows down her cheeks
    But before our wishes intertwine
    A new dawn has come now

    Our thoughts are now as one
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 10, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Bite the Dust
    OP Updated to have Subbed PVs and new Character images that include their respective Stands.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 10, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  15. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 79 - 1/4 | DATE: December 10th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    After waking up and remembering that his son was in the church, he went to go check up on him. The sight he was confronted with caused both fury and terror to course through him. His son wasn't there. He rushed to the exit and found everyone outside, with a little girl holding his son and a bitch with familiar bandages standing behind her.

    Bright crimson flames engulfed his torso as he took heavy-footed steps to the outside. "What are you all doing out here?" He spoke with a quiet fury. His head turned to look at the little bitch holding his son. "Actually, the better question is: What are you doing with the kid?"

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 9, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 78 - 4/4 | DATE: December 9th, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    Semyaza had taken over Adam's body and explained why he was even here to begin with, and why Semyaza did nothing to stop him from doing so. Azazel had a disappointed look on her face the entire time she explained herself, and she shook her head when she had finished. "Dumb kid. Although, you're not exactly without fault either. I had hoped that you would let him make an informed decision by telling him exactly what could happen if he came here. But, I've known you're one to respect other people's decisions." She sighed.

    "You really are a piece of work, you moron," She muttered off-handedly. "Well, I better get this girl to her room, she'll be plumb ready to pass out when I return control to her. Keeping her out of the loop is straining her body too." The angel brushed her hair back with her hand and turned to walk back. However, before she got to her door, she turned around to say one last thing. "Oh, and you know I can't stay mad at you, Semy." The angel smiled lightly at the boy and the other fallen before entering her bedroom.

    She fell into her bed, where the aches and pains of her joints re-asserted their presence. "Damn, this girl is a lot tougher than she looks if she can stand up with pain like this." After getting into a good-enough resting position, she released control of Joslyn's body, the girl passing out immediately for the rest of the night.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 78 - 4/4 | DATE: December 9th, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    After leaving the Hall of Mirrors, she heard footsteps coming after her. It was probably Adam following after her, but she didn't want him to see her crying the way she was. She kept walking along, hurriedly wiping the tears from her eyes as she did. The footsteps behind her continued until she heard a loud thud followed by a brief silence. The girl walked a few more steps before stopping in her tracks, worried about what may have happened.

    She was about to turn around when Azazel commanded, "Don't. He's not worth it, and right now, I'm not in much of a mood to talk to Semyaza. "

    "But, shouldn't you try talking to her? She might help us if you can convince-"

    "I said I'm not in the mood to talk to her. " The angel interrupted.

    "Please. We need any kind of help if we wanna escape from here. Don't you think you should at least try? I mean, weren't you two partners?"

    "That was a long time ago. It doesn't apply to the here and now. Besides, I doubt she would do anything even if I tried. "

    "That's funny."

    "What is? "

    "Just a few days ago, you were trying to convince me to try to escape, and I had adamantly refused because I thought it was pointless. Now look, the roles are reversed." Silence fell between the two for a few minutes. Azazel knew she had a point, and she knew that there was a slim chance it would work. She felt like total shit when Joslyn brought up that point. It irritated her to no end but the girl made absolute sense.

    After a deep sigh from the angel, she finally answered back. "Fine. I'll talk to her. "

    "Thank you." The girl thanked her before having her body taken over by the angel.

    Azazel, now in control of Joslyn's body, walked over to the boy that had been hugging his pet cat close to him. "I know you want to talk to me, Semyaza, so let's talk. You have Joslyn to thank for this opportunity. If you're curious, I haven't told her about how she ended up here, though we can sort that out later."

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 78 - 4/4 | DATE: December 9th, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    Adam shook his head and replied, "I wasn't kidnapped, I'm here because I want to be." He took his hands out of his pockets just to cross his arms. "Considering how much you were refusing to talk to me, I don't understand why you have a problem with this... it seemed like you wanted me gone. Or at least it felt that way. And, this isn't a new thing... I've been with them all along. You were there when you all tried recruiting me, you know I tried breaking the compass..."

    He took a step back from the girl, distancing himself from her even more. "So... I can't tell you it isn't so. I'm sorry."

    "I see..." She said simply. "You know, I w-wanted to believe that you were with us. I didn't want to think ill of people I had come to l-like. After we found the knife on you and Azazel confronted Semyaza, I really wanted to b-believe that you were going to help us. I really did. But I guess..." The teen stopped short. She looked for the right words to say to him at that moment.

    "I guess that was n-n-naive of me." Her milky eyes looked directly into his. It was hard for her to convince herself that he was an enemy. Deep down, she just wanted him to be with the others, to be with them and hopefully fight together. She wanted to believe that he could save the world. To believe that he was capable of that. But now, she was certain that he was someone who would threaten it.

    She was about to leave, but she turned to look back at Adam. "Oh, and one o-other thing. When I avoided you... It wasn't because I wanted you g-gone. No, it was because I wasn't sure h-how to act around you, not after what Azazel did. I didn't k-k-know how to handle it emotionally, so I s-shut you out. And if that was one of the reasons you left us, then, I'm s-sorry." With that, she walked away from the room filled with mirrors. That entire time she spoke, she could feel herself start to cry. Tears already pricked at the corners of her eyes when she turned back. She tried her hardest not to cry in front of him. It seemed like Adam was already feeling horrible about this. She didn't want to make him feel even worse.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 78 - 4/4 | DATE: December 9th, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    He had turned around, sighing and shoving his hands into his pockets with resignation. "Hi Joslyn..."

    "Adam.... W-What are you doing here?" The girl asked in confusion. "Why are you h-here? Did they kidnap you t-too? Or... are you...?" She looked at him, the aches and pains going to the back of her mind. Was he really here because he was aligned with them? She had been hoping that he hadn't done anything too stupid. In fact, she had hoped that he was with the others, trying to find a way to save her. And yet, here he was, talking with someone who was presumably on Lucifer's side. "I just... don't understand." Azazel said nothing, only letting a sharp breath out when Adam turned around.

    "Are you... Are you with t-t-them now?" She finally managed to say after a tense silence. "Please t-tell me it isn't so. Please..."

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame