Cheater your suppose to not think about other stuff when mindlessly watching viedos!
I realize your title syas your a ninja..... well my Name says I'm a ninja..... So who's more ninja then?:ninja:
Holy crap it gots moved to spam. This shock calls for an outragous (spelled that wrong i think....) smilie:poke:
Liar! L is Lollypops cause only sugar or drugs can start these kinda topics since I can't think of any drugs starting with L I'm stickin wit Lollypop
HAHAHA!!! I almost pissed my self then started laughing. But good lord I hate you for that, yet I feel like you made my day. Or gave me a nightmare.....
You can look through photo bucket to find some premades. If your like me I'm too lazy to do the work to make one. thus my WTF sora
New dude, don't know you. But good ta meet ya.
:china: I don't care its a freakin china dude smilie!
I would laugh at your pain but that would be mean.... :censor2: there I cesored my laughter.
Well I'm in the school computer lab now. I got nothing better to do untill work... :star-wars-smiley-02 God these smilies are beast.
These smilies are freakin awesome this is the first site I've seen such crazy things. :starwars::guiltygearXpc37::badimg::cheers: I mean look star wars!!! People can have alot of fun with these buggers. Or I just might be too amused by little things :ff10sora: :stupid2: Heh...
It's easier when your sixteen or eighteen. Jobs don't hire people who can't drive themselves around all that much. I waited until I was eighteen and got a job easily. Now I'm applying for a job at Game Stop. I work in a deli and it sucks. But if you still want a job I wish ya luck.
this is the forum for CHAIN OF MEMORIES. But to answer the question in the first post, happened to me once as well. I think I got out of it as well, but I forgot as to how. Though that last form was kinda a joke. It was an easy last boss form.... I thought when he was just using his scythe the guy was harder to beat.
Wouldn't this go into the spam forums?:registro5B15D:
Yeah everyone else is pretty much saying what I think. It's while Sora is out of it that roxas and riku go at it. I kinda like how they show how riku still has some sorta command over heartless still. Unless I'm wrong about that.
Geeze I don't think anyone else can explain after this. You covered everything I could think of easily. So yeah, what Repliku said
Well even at 60-70 it's harsh to beat him. I really beefed up my stregnth like I do in every game and took him on. Of course to replace my slow casting speed I used elixers and mega potions to heal me. I beat him at level 62 I believe.... Then I took him on again at 99... I didn't even have to use any healing items that time.:)
Hmmmmm.... Muffin Man could be right. Except I think both those scenarios (spelling? Too lazy to word it) are true regarding the key hole.
So then mickey is the gangsta? No if he was Sora would have been shot for stealing the bling.
Well yeah, it's because psychotic fan girls write that stuff. (No offence to any one here) The most obvious pairings work out fine with me. And when I say that it's stuff like Kiari/Sora. And so on