It's 12:59 and I'm working on my Legend of Zelda "fanfic" because I can't sleep. (:
You're in Daxa! Unique wand! The thread will probably be posted later tonight. I'm going out to cosplay soon. :3
Alright, I'll add Tracy. But if you look at your last post you'll see that all you said was (Should be "they're") Rules have been updated! Sorry I wasn't on much today. I was doing college stuff (that's what I get for procrastinating!). Hopefully tomorrow I will post my Slytherin character, put up the actual RP, and we can get this thing started! But before we do... Does anyone have any questions or concerns??
I just did that today! XD But, hey, don't worry. We understand that life gets in the way sometimes. lol
I'm sure people will be able to handle it. lol Just take a break. Come back to it tomorrow or something.
Yeah. I've thought more about it and I think making a set of classes for each year; instead of having each student with their own set of classes....
What she said. XD And, jojojojo97, either give me a good reason or change the eye color. I'll add Loretta and Erin.
Little too much! XD So many people want to join!!
Accepted. Don't worry about the appearance because all the characters are in Hogwarts uniforms nearly the whole time. I've specified that I'm not accepting any more Gryffindor characters. There are 3 other houses to choose from. Why does Tracy have "bright red eyes?" Is he somehow related to Voldemort (against the rules), the only other character with red eyes? Or did he aquire red eyes the same way Voldemort did (splitting his soul and killing people)? The phoenix gave only two feathers. Choose a different core. Other than those problems (and the many un-spaced words that I fixed) you're good. Also, as a general note to EVERYONE: please do not spam the thread. If you're not talking about this thread, don't post it here.
@Britishism: Don't worry; I know how frustrating typing on a phone can be (learned it last night). >< Okay, so I'm throwing together a Slytherin student right now just in case no one else does. I might end up keeping the character any way. And yeah, Slytherin has a history, but remember the epilogue of the 7th book? Am I the only one who thinks it's sad there's only one Hufflepuff? lol
In a way. There are the generals that everyone takes (every first year anyway) like Potions, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Herbology, and...
Alrighty. I'd have trouble writing that character too! XD She's so unique. But we all want to see what you're gonna do with her! =D
We'll just have to see. I'll be posting a list of classes on the actual RP. Who is hurting your brain??
Writer's block?! DDD<<< Where's my hammer?? I'll smash that block to bits! ....... But really, lol, want help?
Okay. My laptop seems to have recovered from its technological coma. What a relief! Alrighty. The character list and rules are updated. If no one takes a Slytherin (this is for plot purposes), I will. It would be nice to have 2 though. @Aqua101: Careful with your spelling. It's "GrYffIndor." Don't sweat it though. ^^ Oh, and I really like your wand. XD
It's perfectly okay to have friends in other houses. In fact, these characters we've made (save for Al) are the group of friends mentioned in the plot I put up. How close they are can be up to us.
Not a problem. Also, you should have seen from the rules posted that there are no relations to characters from the books. This is an all OC thread. I'll add your character to the front page (once I can). Sorry, everyone; my laptop has decided to severely crash. I don't know what's wrong with it. I'm on my itouch right now; will be going to the store tomorrow if it's not back to normal in the morning.
I like those characters! Just one thing, since we're starting half-way through the year, I'd be totally fine with Juliet already being the Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. @kingdomhearts530: Change the last name and you're good.
White chocolate chip cookies! Eeee!! :3 I was thinking more along the lines of a Muggle home ec class. Wonder how many students would take it... XD
Haha! XD That's cute! I'll add her to the list. My characters are up now too!