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  1. Garxena
  2. Garxena
  3. Garxena
  4. Garxena
  5. Garxena
  6. Garxena
  7. Garxena
  8. Garxena
  9. Garxena
  10. Garxena
  11. Garxena
    Ben rapped his fingers on the table, trying to think of anything from earlier in the year that would have given them clues to this happening. But try as he may he didn't come up with anything. "I don't remember where the entrance was supposed to be... But even if we did know, how would we do anything about it? I mean, none of us are... are Parseltongues." He listened to Layla and bit his lip in worry. "No. I don't even want to think about that. But..." Without meaning to, he did start to think about it. Lowering his voice, he continued, "It's been so long. What if You-Know-Who has been just waiting for this opportunity? It's horrible to say but what if he never really was defeated?"
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Garxena
    Yes, of course! (: Just be sure to read the rules!
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Garxena
    Username: Garxena
    Cyborg Model: 004 Mk. 2 series
    Real Name: Evelyn Howards
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Around 5 foot, 4 inches (don't call her short!) and about 120 lbs. She has very short, layered, spiky, dirty blonde hair. Bright green eyes accented by long lashes. She loves to wear skinny jeans or short-shorts, both in dark colors. A forest green t-shirt usually accompanies both types of bottoms. Her favorite pair of shoes to wear are her knee-high, black, laced boots.
    Birthplace: New Zeland
    Bio: Evelyn was raised by only her father, who told her that her mother split after saying she didn't want a family life. Evelyn didn't care too much and grew very attached to her father instead. She even adopted his knack of cursing. The two did everything together. When Evelyn went out one day to shop for supplies so she and her father could fix up their porch, she was grabbed from behind. Whomever it was pressed a foul smelling cloth over her mouth and nose before she could see them. Her first thoughts when she woke up (besides Where the hell am I?) were on her father. She was so angry at being taken away from him, she swung her fist in front of her. To her surprise, and soon-to-be great delight, bullets whizzed from her fingers. After getting over the shock of it, she used her new-found abilities to escape her captives.
    Personality: You could say she has a very short fuse. Much like slipping your finger on a gun's trigger, if you say the wrong thing around this girl she'll fire away at you. Known to all for her foul mouth, she doesn't hesitate to speak her mind. But underneath all that harsh exterior is a girl who is absolutely terrified about what has happened to her. She refuses to trust most people now because of it, and that has led to her rather unattractive demeanor.
    Other: I am number four, mosackra! XD (I had to!!)
    Post by: Garxena, Jul 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Garxena
    Aw thanks! I've has this idea stowed away for about 2 years now! XD I hope we can all enjoy it!
    Post by: Garxena, Jun 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Garxena
    No, it was. Sorry 'bout that! I forgot to add it to the list (that was the night my laptop spazzed out). I'll put yoru character up on both lists.
    Post by: Garxena, Jun 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Garxena
  17. Garxena
    Profile Post

    It's up!!! :woohoo:

    It's up!!! :woohoo:
    Profile Post by Garxena for Jayn, Jun 30, 2011
  18. Garxena
    Alrighty, guys! =D The RP is up! Look at the top of the first page here to find the link to it!
    Post by: Garxena, Jun 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Garxena
    OOC thread is HERE


    Harry James Potter – the Boy Who Lived. His story is known all over the world, and he is respected all over the world. It’s been over a hundred years since Harry’s children left Hogwarts, and the school has remained a peaceful learning place. New students flood the school every year, but some of the rules have changed at the school. Students still need to be eleven years old to enter the school as a first year, but they can also enroll or be invited to Hogwarts as a first year if they are older than eleven. Students from different houses can sit wherever they like in the Great Hall, but for formal events, they must sit at their House's table. However, dormitories are still strictly only for the students in that House.
    A group of friends, and new students at Hogwarts, is about to experience a twist of events they never could have expected. Half-way through their school year, their fellow classmates and upperclassmen start vanishing without a word. And then the unthinkable happened: carved into the large doors of the Great Hall were the words “The third round begins.” This new group of friends came to the same conclusion almost instantly: the Chamber of Secrets has been opened again. Who at Hogwarts still thinks so archaically? And who has the ability to open the Chamber at all?
    We start only hours after the message is found on the doors to the Great Hall. We can find our group of first years in a corner of the library, discussing their theories. Students of other years have either already gone to bed or are milling about.


    Resource for second years and up (be smart in choosing your spells; don’t god mod):
    Available to first years (second years and up can use them too):
    Alohomora: opens locked objects
    Diffindo: tears the target or a specific area on the target
    Engorgio: enlarges an item
    Ennervate: counters Stupefy
    Expelliarmus: disarms your opponent
    Flipendo: knocks an object backwards
    Incendio: starts a fire
    Lumos: creates light at wand tip
    Mobiliarbus: moves objects with wand
    Nox: counters Lumos
    Petrificus Totalus: body-bind
    Protego: causes spells to reflect back to the sender
    Reducio: returns items to normal size; counters Engorgio
    Reducto: blasts solid objects aside
    Relashio: releases user from binding (doesn’t work if Petrificus Totalus has been cast on user)
    Rictusempra: blasts opponent backwards
    Stupefy: knocks out opponent
    Wingardium Leviosa: makes an object fly


    1. Follow forum rules, and whatever Jayn says because she's my second-in-command (for helping me put this together).
    2. No relations to any characters from the books
    3. Use reasonable grammatical skills. "THEY'RE going THERE with THEIR friends." Need any more examples?
    4. Be conscious of what spells you use! Make sure they’re appropriate for your year. If you have a question, PM or VM me; or ask everyone in the OOC thread.
    5. Do NOT abuse Protego! Honestly, how many times have you seen it used throughout the books? (It was certainly over-used in the movies.)
    6. You can have up to 4 characters (I will have more, of course, because of the need for staff and minor characters).
    7. No more characters in Gryffindor. Never mind. All Houses are open again for new characters.
    8. Need at least one Slytherin before we start. Taken care of. (:
    9. I am the Headmaster (Professor Alan Clauson). That is all.
    10. More rules may be added.


    Gryffindor values bravery, daring, nerve, and chivalry. Its emblematic animal is the lion and its colors are scarlet and gold.
    Hufflepuff values hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play. Its emblematic animal is the badger and its colors are black and yellow.
    Ravenclaw values intelligence, knowledge and wit. Its emblematic animal is the eagle and its colors are blue and bronze.
    Slytherin values ambition, cunning and resourcefulness. Its emblematic animal is the serpent and its colors are emerald and silver.


    Username: Garxena
    Name: Jack
    Age: 15
    Year: Fifth
    Gender: Male
    House: Slytherin
    Wand type: Walnut, unicorn hair, 9 3/4 inches
    Biography/Personality: Jack and his family don’t appreciate the changes that have occurred at Hogwarts. He believes that Purebloods are still superior to all other witches and wizards. He is calculative and analytical. He can’t wait to see how this year will end.
    Appearance: He has red/brown hair and green-grey eyes. When not in Hogwarts uniform, he likes to wear loose hoodies and comfortable jeans.
    Jack's classes:
    *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --Free period 9-10
    --Potions 10:05-11:05
    --Divinations 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --History of Magic 1:15-2:15
    --Muggle Studies 2:20-3:20
    --DADA 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Username: Garxena
    Name: Allison (Al)
    Age: 17
    Year: Seventh
    Gender: Female
    House: Hufflepuff
    Wand type: Cherry, unicorn hair, 11 inches
    Biography/Personality: Al has studied long and hard at Hogwarts, and is ready to get out into the wizarding world to use what she has learned. She specializes in creating and brewing potions, but is still very capable of holding her own in a duel. She has, along with some other upper classmen in Hufflepuff, created an “adopt-a-lower-classman” program within Hufflepuff.
    Appearance: She has brown/black hair and hazel eyes. When not in Hogwarts uniform, she likes to wear loose, light blue jeans and a dandelion-yellow t-shirt (to show her Hufflepuff pride).
    Al's classes:
    *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --Free period 9-10
    --Potions 10:05-11:05
    --Arithmancy 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --Free period 1:15-2:15
    --DADA 2:20-3:20
    --Free period 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Username: Garxena
    Name: Benjamin (Ben)
    Age: 12
    Year: First
    Gender: Male
    House: Gryffindor
    Wand type: Ash wood, dragon heartstring, 12.25 inches
    Biography/Personality: Ben is very nervous to be starting at Hogwarts. He took an extra year to make up his mind if he really wanted to go or not, and ended up deciding to go after all. While he is often timid, he has the heart of a lion and will stand up for what he believes in when pushed to do so. He easily makes friends and quickly grows close to them. He’s mature for his age, but his innocence often overrides that.
    Appearance: He has dark orange/red hair and bright blue eyes. When not in Hogwarts uniform, he likes to wear straight-leg jeans with a purple and black t-shirt.
    Ben's classes:
    *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --Herbology 9-10
    --Flying 10:05-11:05
    --Transfiguration 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --History of Magic 1:15-2:15
    --Potions 2:20-3:20
    --DADA 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Username: Jayn.
    Name: Rayna Willow Spare.
    Age: Eleven.
    Year: First Year.
    Gender: Female.
    House: Gryffindor
    Wand type: Vine, Unicorn Tail Hair, 6 inches.
    Biography/Personality: Rayna can find herself being clueless at most times, as well as rather clumsy and airheaded. She likes to stay out of long debates and conflicts, for the most part, but also enjoys adventures and helping her friends. She has high standards as well as morals, and doesn't take part in anything she doesn't feel is beneficial or right.
    Appearance: Here.

    Rayna's classes
    *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --Herbology 9-10
    --DADA 10:05-11:05
    --Transfiguration 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --History of Magic 1:15-2:15
    --Potions 2:20-3:20
    -- Flying 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Name: Tybalt Sparrow
    Age: 11
    Year: 1st Year
    Gender: Male
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand type: Mahogany, dragon heartstring, 7 inches
    Biography/Personality: A young boy who is too smart for his own good. While he is a shy boy, he is also very short tempered and sometimes comes off as uninterested. His older sister, Juliet, is a third year Gryffindor.
    Appearance: Almost five feet, short red/brown hair and small hands.
    Tybalt's Classes
    *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --History of Magic 9-10
    --Flying 10:05-11:05
    --Herbology 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --Transfiguration 1:15-2:15
    --DADA 2:20-3:20
    --Potions 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone*

    Username: Tummer
    Name: Juliet Sparrow
    Age: 13
    Year: 3rd Year
    Gender: Female
    House: Gryffindor
    Wand type: Oak, Unicorn hair, 10 inches
    Biography/Personality: As a third year at Hogwarts, Juliet has learned to balance school and fun. She is the Seeker for the house's Qudditch team for the second year in a row. Gets average grades in school, and likes directing Tybalt around. She appears unapproachable, but is really kind at heart.
    Appearance: Almost six feet tall, Juliet let's her orange hair grow out. Her face is is very small and legs somewhat long.
    Juliet's Classes
    *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --DADA 9-10
    --Transfiguration 10:05-11:05
    --Charms 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --Potions 1:15-2:15
    --Divination 2:20-3:20
    --Flying 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Name: Layla Maria Perry
    Gender: Female
    House: Gryffindor
    Wand type: Holly-Unicorn hair- 7 Inches
    Biography/Personality: Layla is a very quiet girl,but is also very lonely. She would like to make friends and to learn magic. She enjoys read and writing.
    Layla's classes:
    History of Magic

    Username: Aqua101
    Name: Silea Luner
    Age: 11
    Year: 1
    Gender: female
    House: Gryffindor
    Wand type: Red Oak, dragon's heart, 10 in
    Biography/Personality: Silea is a kind person, and studies somewhat hard, but can get distracted by anything that's interesting. She hopes to have fun at Hogwarts and learn many skills.
    Silea's classes

    Username: Saxima
    Name: Olivia Lime
    Age: 11
    Year: First Year
    Gender: Female
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand type: Applewood, Griffin's fur, 8 inches
    Biography/Personality: Olivia has always been an innocent girl, never one to do bad things or get in trouble much, but lately, she feels like older people see her as someone who can't do anything on her own and she wants to change that. She's very friendly and easy to talk to, someone a complete stranger can break down to and she'll listen.
    Appearance: Here.

    Username: jojojojo97
    Name: Loretta Jonson
    Age: eleven
    Year: first
    Gender: female
    House: Hufflepuff
    Wand type: holly, unicorn hair, five inches.
    Biography/Personality: Loretta is a half blood. She’s an only child who was well looked after her whole life. She can get homesick or lonely and forces her presence on people. Loretta is eccentric and loving. She has a tortoise shell cat named Cadi (pronounced Cottie).
    Appearance: Loretta is incredibly small for an eleven year old girl; She could pass for eight easily. She has ruddy red hair that she keeps in two ponytails and plain brown eyes with long eyelashes.

    Username: jojojojo97
    Name: Erin Young
    Age: sixteen
    Year: sixth
    Gender: female
    Wand type: Yew, veela hair, ten and a quarter.
    Biography/Personality: Erin is a half blood who likes to think she’s a pure blood. Erin’s mother died when Erin was born, leaving her with her harsh pure blood father. Erin is naturally rude to people, especially people she thinks are under her (Mudbloods, first years and such).She can’t stand it when someone is better then her.
    Appearance: Erin has curly dark brown hair that is cut into a short bob and dark brown eyes. She also has tan, perfect skin and pearly white teeth.

    Username: Name: jojojojo97
    Name: Tracy Chiaroscuro
    Year: fourth
    Age: fifteen
    Gender: male
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand type: oak, dragon heartstring, eight and a halfinches
    Biography/Personality: basically, Tracy was abandoned at age seven by his Muggle parents and left to fend for himself. He doesn't like to talk about it. Tracy can be very shy and timid at times, but other times he's the most obnoxious guy in the world. He thinks he can fend for himself and doesn't like showing weaknesses (this includes friendships or attraction to anyone). Your first impression of Tracy is an obvious Slytherin, cocky and bitter and rude. But he's smart enough for Ravenclaw and has many good qualities to balance out the bad.
    Appearance: Dark grey hair that hangs around his face and sticks out all over the place. Tracy has large chocolate brown and pale skin. He doesn't get much sleep, so his eyeshave bags under them. He's incredibly handsome, but is unconscious of that fact.

    Username: Daxa
    House: Slytherin <3
    Wand type: Ash,Salamander scale,12 inches
    Biography/Personality: Ro is a mugle born witch,and all through her childhood had been showing signs of it (like when she turned her brothers hair blue). She is friendly and laughs a lot,though can get mad very quickley.
    Appearance: Tall and slender,with flame like hair and green eyes.
    Ro's classes
    2: DADA

    Username: Britishism
    Name: Jacob Starlit
    Age: 13
    Year: 3
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand: Holly, Dragon Heartstrings, 8 inches
    Biography: Loud, proud and smart. Jacob can be considered annoying due to his sarcasm and jokes , but he is also popular and friendly. Comes from a rich family.
    Appearance: short cropped brown hair. Short but muscular. pale.
    Jacob's classes
    First: Herbology
    Second: Divination
    Third: Defense Against The Dark Arts
    Fourth: History of Magic
    Fifth: Potions
    Sixth: Muggle Studies

    Username: Slaughtermatic
    Name: Zachary (Zack)
    Age: 11
    Year: First
    Gender: Male
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand type: Redwood, thestral tail hair, 7 inches
    Biography/Personality: Zack is a Muggle-born whose intelligence defines his life. He used to make a lot of money in Muggle school by doing homework for other kids. He studies magic and magic history intensely. His overconfidence and arrogance is often the bane of his friends.
    Appearance: Imagine Ienzo with black hair wearing Wizard robes.

    Username: -dinamplified
    Name: Faye Rosenthall
    Age: eleven
    Year: one
    Gender: female
    House: Slytherin
    Wand type: Hawthorn, Veela Hair , 8 inches
    Biography/Personality: Faye is a pureblood. Her father is a great wizard, and her mother a great witch. However, they choose to live in a muggle society. Faye has never experienced magic, but she is very eager to learn it. The only thing she is more eager than to learn magic is that she would love to finally fly on a broomstick. Her father used to have quite a history for quidditch and she hopes to be as good as him one day. Faye is a sweet girl, and is very resourceful - especially with things to do, as she had no siblings yet knew she was a witch. Imagine 11 years of waiting with that.
    Faye's schedule:
    *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --Potions 9-10
    --Herbology 10:05-11:05
    --History of Magic 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --Flying 1:15-2:15
    --Transfiguration 2:20-3:20
    --DADA 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Username: Luna Lovegood
    Name: Doran Everhart
    Age: 14
    Year: Fourth
    Gender: Male
    House: Hufflepuff
    Wand type: Birch, Ashwinder Ash, 11 ½ inches
    Biography/Personality: Doran is a half-blood wizard who learns quickly and is among the top students in his year. No one would be able to tell from his rambunctious and carefree manner, though. He gets along with just about everybody, and will stand up for anybody who needs it. He often greets people with compliments. Keeper for the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team.
    Appearance: 5’7”, with well-groomed, black hair. He has brown eyes and a sturdy build.

    Doran's timetable:
    *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --History of Magic 9-10
    --Charms 10:05-11:05
    --DADA 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --Flying 1:15-2:15
    --Transfiguration 2:20-3:20
    --Care of Magical Creatures 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Username: Luna Lovegood
    Name: Maren “Mar” O’Byrne
    Age: 16
    Year: Sixth
    Gender: Female
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand type: Elm, Kelpie Hair, 12 ¾ inches
    Biography/Personality: Mar is a Muggle-born witch, who prides herself on her Transfiguration skills. Her magic was strong when she was little. When she was six years old, much to her delight, she had accidently turned a mouse she found in her mother’s garden into a rabbit. She is very observant and inquisitive, and is quick to notice the small things that others miss.
    Appearance: 5’5”, with short curly brown hair and hazel eyes.

    Maren's timetable:
    *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --Free Period 9-10
    --Transfiguration 10:05-11:05
    --Potions 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --Care of Magical Creatures 1:15-2:15
    --DADA 2:20-3:20
    --Ancient Runes 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Username: mrsbaggins
    Name: Taralynn Marie
    Age: 17
    Year: Seventh
    Gender: Female
    House: Slytherin
    Wand type: Walnut, Hippogriff feather, 9 inches
    Biography/Personality: Taralynn comes from a long line of Pureblooded older siblings: with four elder brothers and three elder sisters, her last six years at Hogwarts had been nothing but doing what all her family had done before her: get into Slytherin, get top grades, and make sure that she upheld the honor of her family's blood and history. She'd done as well as she could so far, but this was her last year, and she was going to do things her way this time; she knew all her fellow students that had potential (one of them being Jack, a fifth year that she had been friends with for a while now), and which lesser students didn't deserve her attention. And, with everything that had been going on for the last few months at school, she was more than ready to show her true colors. Taralynn is very proud and not afraid to show her feelings, either with a rude spell or just a punch to the face. She has a hard time controlling her emotions.
    Appearance: Tara has bright, bleached blonde hair that barely touches her shoulders. Her eyes are dark blue, almost black. Underneath her school uniform she usually wears black skinny jeans and tube tops of various colors that show off her shoulders. She always wears heels, inside and outside of class.
    Taralynn's classes:
    *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --Free period 9-10
    --Potions 10:05-11:05
    --Divinations 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --History of Magic 1:15-2:15
    --Muggle Studies 2:20-3:20
    --DADA 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Username: Princess_of_hearts
    Name: Jay Mecka
    Year: sixth
    Gender: male
    House: Hufflepuff
    Wand type: willow, veela hair, 12inch
    Biography/Personality: Jay entered Hogwarts at age 11 as a normal muggle born lad and is now verging on wizarding adulthood. He's known around his house and even the school for being a joker, charmer, and general goof ball. Less well known is his obsession with HOW magic works. The explosions and odd bits of magic that are often traced back to Jay are the products of experiments, not pranks. But he doesn't mind credit for the pranks either.
    Class schedule: (ms. Maren O'bryne, I hope you don't mind me pretty much using your schedule as our characters are in the same year =])
    *breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    Free period 9-10
    Transfiguration 10:05-11:05
    Potions 11:10-12:10
    *lunch* 12:10-1:10
    Care of magical creatures 1:15-2:15
    Arithamacy 2:20-3:20

    Username: Garxena
    Name: Lelouch “Lulu” Quint
    Age: 15
    Year: Fifth
    Gender: Male
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand type: Hawthorn, Hippogriff feather, 10 ¼ inches
    Biography/Personality: One of four quadruplets, Lelouch is one of the Beaters for Ravenclaw’s Quidditch team. He is brilliantly smart and is the brains behind all the mischief the Quints cause. Only his siblings and close friends call him Lulu. Because he and his siblings are quadruplets, they all believed themselves to be magical from a young age; and got into all kinds of mischief. They were homeschooled after the third by their parents (a dentist and an accountant) because they had a hard time controlling their magical abilities (Lelouch once set fire to a test he failed). He and his siblings will be turning 16 soon; they entered Hogwarts at 11, keeping to tradition. He used to be teased for being the typical smart-kid-with-glasses, but once he hexed a kid’s pants down, the teasing stopped.
    Appearance: *pictured edited by Bushy Brow*
    (edited image is by me)
    Here are Lelouch’s classes:
    *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --Care of Magical Creatures 9-10
    --Charms 10:05-11:05
    --Divinations 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --DADA 1:15-2:15
    --Flying 2:20-3:20
    --Free Period 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Username: Webhead
    Name: Lucian 'Luke' Quint
    Age: 15
    Year: Fifth Year
    Gender: Male
    House: Slytherin
    Wand type: Mahogany, Acromantula Thread, 13 1/4 inches
    Biography/Personality: Born to a Muggle dentist and witch accountant, the Quints always believed that they were magical. Lucian himself had grown to think that they were all destined for greater things in life. Upon entering the Wizarding world, Luke (as only his siblings call him) started to envy Pureblood wizards. While not one that particularly supports race superiority, Lucian has the idea that Pureblood wizards are inherently better at magic than others. He had hoped for Ravenclaw but found himself in the ill rumored Slytherin. To those outside his house, he's a perfect match: strange, secluded, and has a knack for DADA. To those inside his house, he's an outcast: horrible at Potions, is constantly on Professor Smive's badsides, supports the other houses (because of his siblings), and is a half-blood. To his siblings, he's overprotective and is simply rough around the edges. At a young age, he learned that he talked in his sleep, but it was strange hissing sounds. He now knows that he's a Parselmouth, though the fact is kept secret to all but his siblings, who have learned to imitate certain things (due to years of sleeping in the same room). In his third year, he became the Slytherin Seeker.
    Appearance: *pictured edited by Bushy Brow*
    (edited image is by me)
    Here are Lucian’s (Luke’s) classes:
    *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --DADA 9-10
    --Astronomy 10:05-11:05
    --Divinations 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    -- 1:15-2:15
    --Flying 2:20-3:20
    --Free Period 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Username: Mrsbaggins
    Name: Iris Quint
    Age: 15
    Year: 5th
    Gender: Female
    House: Gryffindor
    Wand type: Walnut, unicorn hair, 10 ¼ inches
    Biography/Personality: Iris is one of the quadruplets known as the Quints. She has enjoyed her time so far at Hogwarts, but finds school rather boring; unlike some of her siblings, she feels that the order and amount of knowledge that is needed to be considered a “good student” is wrong. Because she isn’t as smart as the other students, she often gets frustrated; she has tried studying in the past, both forced and of her own free will, but grasping all the skills that were necessary to progress with everyone else is something she hasn’t managed yet. Despite being in Gryffindor with her sister Elysia, who was a bit smarter than her, Iris is not confident with herself. She is, however, extremely proud of her family and would do anything for her brothers and sister, no matter what the situation. She is happy to sacrifice anything to help her siblings and stands up for them constantly.
    Appearance: *pictured edited by Bushy Brow*
    (edited image is by me)
    Class Schedule: *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --Care of Magical Creatures 9-10
    --DADA 10:05-11:05
    --Divinations 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    -- Transfiguration 1:15-2:15
    -- Potions 2:20-3:20
    --Free Period 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Username: Bushy Brow
    Name: Elysia Quint
    Age: 15
    Year: Fifth
    Gender: Female
    House: Gryffindor
    Wand type: Pine, Hippogriff Feather, 9 ¼ inches.
    Biography/Personality: The four siblings entered Hogwarts together at the age of eleven. The two girls being placed into Gryffindor and the two males being placed into Ravenclaw and Slytherin respectively. Despite the different houses they are in, they all still get on quite well. After all, they're family, they shared a womb for nine months being completely blunt. Quadruplets, they stick together no matter what.
    They are now 15 and going into their fifth year of Hogwarts.
    All of them are Half-Bloods, their parents however living normal lives as a Dentist and Accountant
    for reasons that the kids can't really understand...
    Elysia is the 'dudette' style sibling. She likes to be laid back, take things easy, and have a laugh.
    Be warned, she can be incredibly hot headed though and stubborn.
    She is very noble and loyal to her friends and siblings and is willing to take any risks to help them.
    Some could call it stupidity while others could call it bravery.
    As for academics, she isn't stupid. She passes her classes well and has a fondness for both Quidditch (being the team's captain) and Dueling.
    Appearance: *pictured edited by Bushy Brow*
    (edited image is by me)
    Class schedule: *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --Care of Magical Creatures 9-10
    --DADA 10:05-11:05
    --Divinations 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    -- Transfiguration 1:15-2:15
    -- Potions 2:20-3:20
    --Free Period 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Username: myoblivion
    Name: So Pinigrim
    Age: 15
    Year: Fifth
    Gender: Female
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand type: Willow, Dragon Heartstring, ten and a quarter inches, supple
    Biography/Personality: Usually dubbed one of the quiet and shy students, her personality actually boasts a warm, friendly, and collected appeal (Though she is very soft-spoken). As her stereotype suggests, So is at first shy and will barely open her mouth but once she feels comfortable, and more importantly accepted, her natural personality will shine through. She is loyal, ridiculously hard-working, and will not do anything considered ‘bad’ or rude. Her mother possesses no magical power but her father was a very respectable and popular wizard (Passed away when she was 8). Ever since So picked up a wand she’s had a special talent for producing quality charms.
    Class schedule: *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    -- Free period 9-10
    --Transfiguration 10:05-11:05
    --Divinations 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --History of Magic 1:15-2:15
    --Astronomy 2:20-3:20
    --Charms 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8

    Username: myoblivion
    Name: Amus Bristlwick
    Age: 15
    Year: Fifth
    Gender: Male
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand type: Pine, Dragon Heartstring, twelve inches, rigid
    Biography/Personality: Distinguished by his usually very bored and unintriguing expression, Amus is exactly what people would think of him: quiet and numb. His whole life he has gone with the flow and has never been truly excited or enthusiastic, though that doesn’t imply that his life is gloomy or unhappy. His outlook on life and personality is simply what makes that permanent expression on his face. However if there is an expression other than his usual, it is usually irritation. Both of his parents are very talented witches and wizards. He has three younger sisters and one older brother.
    Class schedule: *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50
    --Potions 9-10
    --Transfiguration 10:05-11:05
    --Divinations 11:10-12:10
    *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10
    --History of Magic 1:15-2:15
    --Astronomy 2:20-3:20
    --Free period 3:25-4:25
    *Dinner for everyone* 6-8


    Ben sat on the end of the long, rectangular table in the corner of the library and looked at each of his friends -- Rayna, Tybalt, Layla, Silea, Olivia, Loretta, Ro, and Zack -- and could see they were as uncomfortable as he was. He was a year older than them, but that didn't seem to matter because they were all learning the same new things about magic. They must have come to the same conclusion he had: that message clearly meant that the Chamber had been opened. Taking a deep breath, he decided to be the one to say it, "It meant the Chamber of Secrets, didn't it? That message? What else could it have meant?"

    "Hrrrmmm," Al groaned and leaned closer to her Potions book. How was she supposed to study with all this noise in the Hufflepuff common room? It's not that she wasn't concerned with whatever it was that message had meant, but finals were coming within several months and she needed to pass her Potions with flying colors. But with chatter around her, she couldn't help but overhear what some of the students were saying. One thought it was a prank by a seventh year; another thought it was something to do with the Quidditch World Cup; and someone else was talking about Triwizard Tournament, but that wasn't for another four years. Frustrated, she stood up and turned around to face her fellow Hufflepuffs. "Would you all quit babbling? You sound like a bunch of garden gnomes!" Once everyone had hushed up, Al gathered her books and parchment and promptly went up the stairs to the girls' sleeping quarters.
    Thread by: Garxena, Jun 30, 2011, 304 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Garxena