"You do your light thing," 004 agreed with that idea. But she had her own plan if she encountered anyone. "My bet is that anyone in there is probably innocent of whatever happened to us; so I'm not firing my weapons at them. I'll only knock 'em out." She cracked her knuckles. Part of her hoped no one was in there, but the other part of her knew that wasn't the case. They were going to encounter people and it was most likely that they'd have to fight them off in some way or another. "We need to do this quickly; can't be picky with whatever clothes we find. But, since what we're all wearing now is practically screaming 'shoot me,' we need to find clothes for everyone."
"Flying troll," Jack said the password before the guardian to the Slytherin common room could request it. He looked to Faye as he entered the common room. This was just too perfect. She couldn't even match a name to a face! She was perfect! "Haha! Yeah, that's right. Hey, listen, why don't we meet up for lunch tomorrow? I'll fill ya in on stuff you don't know."
'Kay I'm back! Took the last couple of days to spoil myself with Legend of Zelda stuff. XD @• Jay • : I've sent you a PM regarding your character. @Daxa: Sorry for doin' so much withot you! ): A new day will start momentarily, so don't worry too much. ^^ @Britishism: I'm curious as to what your character was planning! XD
"I dunno," Jack replied, following after Faye. Of course he knew very well why: some students, like himself, weren't on the same page as everyone else. The Dark Arts were so much more interesting; why defend against them when you could use them yourself? "Maybe they're unsettled by learning about such scary stuff. With You-Know-Who gone I don't see why we bothering learning it. It's not like there's someone lying in wait to make a move or anything. There haven't been any big problems for a long time. I like it that way too." He smiled happily.
004 took off after 007, loving the way the speed felt. The dark spot in the distance was very quickly becoming more and more defined. The building was two stories -- probably the reason they'd spotted it from such a distance -- and was solidly built to withstand just this kind of storm. Whatever they found in it was sure to be something useful. OOC: very distracted right now. >>
"That's what I'm all about -- doing things," Jack agreed. "Well, not stupid things like that writing." He laughed. "Although, I've done some stupid things myself. Every potion I made in my first year blew up! I set the cauldron on fire once!" He pushed open the door that lead to the dungeons from the last level of stairs and motioned for Faye to go ahead of him.
004 brushed away 007's help. The touch of someone else seemed foreign and almost dangerous. She had to remind herself that 007 was a comrade and not an enemy. She got her bearings and kicked the door shut to spare the others from the cold -- they probably wouldn't have felt much of it anyway. 004 gave 007 a thumbs up to say she was fine and ready to get going. She looked around, frowning, trying to find a place to go in this hellish snow. If she fired a flash grenade in this blizzard, would it help them see or just get blown away? She decided against it right when she spotted a dot of black. It must be a building of some sort. That's our best bet for nwo. She pointed towards it and looked at 007. "See that?" She raised her voice to be heard over the wind.
"Don't pay them any attention," Jack tried to appease for the students' actions. He was interested in why Faye liked Defense Against the Dark Arts so much. Was it some kind of moral problem she had? Did she really have a stand against 'dark' wizards and witches already? Or was it just that she liked the spells she learned in that class the best? He needed to know if he was going to recruit her for his plans. "So tell me, why's Defense Against the Dark Arts your favorite class?"
004 joined 007 at the door. "Yeah. Let's get moving." She figured this storm would be easy to hold up against -- though she had nothing to back that up against. This was more of a test of her abilities to her than a mission to go get clothes for everyone. It's not that she didn't care about the others, she was just moer curious about herself at the moment. But, 002 was starting to get on her nerves. Who died and made him king? No point in fussing over that now. 004 pushed the door open and was greeting with a blast of freezing air and snow. "Sh*t!" She took a couple of steps into the snow, sinking to her knees. Oh this would just be so much fun.
"Hahaha, You're right about that," Jack agreed, going down a moving staircase with Faye. "But the Potions teacher is the best. I'm no good at Potions but she still takes the time to explain things to me, and the others who mess it up." He waved at a painting who smiled at them. Another gave Jack a suspicious look, having seen him bullying students many times before and curious as to what brought on this sudden act of kindness. Still keeping with his act, he just smiled at the second painting.
"Well it is getting pretty late," Jack replied, loosening his tie and undoing the collar-button of his white shirt. "We might as well head back to the common room. I've got my first exam of the year in Divinations tomorrow. Jeeze, we're only two months in to the school year and this guy's already giving us an exam." He raised up his hands in surrender. "You got any crazy professors?"
"Nice to meet ya too, Faye. Oh, you mean what was written on the doors to the Great Hall?" Jack sighed and shook his head. Smiling, he continued, "My bet is that it's some stupid joke that the seventh years are playing. Over that past few years it's become a thing for the seventh years to play a prank before they leave Hogwarts. I'm not worried about it."
"Screw it; I'll go," 004 volunteered herself. She'd shoot off a lock if she needed to, or bust a window. And at this point, she didn't have any qualms about knocking someone unconscious if they spotted the brightly-clad cyborgs. Stealing was against her morals, but she'd pretty much thrown those away when she'd fought her way out of captivity. "I'm not staying is this damn shack." The opportunity to pick out her clothes was a nice bonus too.
"Good evening," Ben greeted the Fat Lady, a little breathless from the climb up to the seventh floor. She raised an eyebrow at him and requested the password. "Oh, right. Dragon daisies. Well, have a nice night." He climbed through the hold the portrait revealed and walked to the middle of the common room. The gold and scarlet decorations still attracted every bit of his attention; but the fireplace was the part of the common room he loved the most. After his brief admiration of the common room, Ben climbed the stairs to the boys dormitories and headed to bed. ------- "Well, well," Jack spotted a first year Slytherin fixing her tie and looking quite lonesome. He loved first years; they were so easily manipulated. So he decided to get to know this one better and see if he could use her to his advantage. Once he'd caught up to the girl, Jack put on his friendly persona. "Hey there. I don't mean to bother you if you're in the middle of something, but I couldn't help but notice that you seem a bit lost. My name's Jack; I'm a fifth year in Slytherin." He extended his hand for a friendly handshake.
Whoops! Okay. lol
OK. So for Faye, she can be a darn good flyer, but unfortunately not make on the team because of upperclassman having more experience and yadda yadda. (: I'll put Faye into the accepted characters list. @ • Jay • : I'm still trying to think over your character. I don't want to reject anyone from this thread, so I'm trying to find a way to make this work. I don't have any problem with the age, it's the learning-magic-outside-of-Hogwarts (or the other two schools) part. @ Aqua101: Thanks for reminding me! I have to edit that list. The spells that stay underlined will be up for use; more can be used as the thread goes on and they learn them in their classes. As for the link that I posted that contains all the spells, they're all up for grabs for second years and up. But, I remind everyone once again, be careful in what spells you choose. For example, a second year probably wouldn't know the bubble-head charm.
Yes. XD I do that all the time. I think she made that the release date on purpose. lol
Ohmahgosh, I'm such a dolt. I thought it was June 31st. XD Now I'm happy!
I can't wait for it either! I was all sad when I didn't get an e-mail on the 31st... lol But October is gonna be that much better thanks to...
Yeah, that'd be easiest. But I did find some rather amusing passwords on the HP wiki. XD "This password is absurd" is actually a password! lol!