Okay, I'll start something then. Here's a challenge for you all: In ONE WORD, state your reaction to the following quote. "I wouldn't kill him, because he looked as frightened as I was. I looked at him, and I saw myself."
Aw, poor Maka. *cuddles* Now go to bed so you can get your sleepies. ^^
YAY! We still love ya, Maka! I took a couple days this week for myself (had to spoil myself with Legend of Zelda stuff). So I shouldn't be complaining. XD And I sure hope you're joking about those mental breakdowns! D=
Please say this has not been forgotten! D,:
"There's no way I'm asking a Slytherin. They'd probably hex anyone who did!" It's not that Ben didn't like Slytherins, but they generally had bad tempers, and he didn't want to give any of them an excuse to jinx him. "If we find anything in the library, we should go investigate. Since none of us remember, maybe we can find a book that tells the location of the entrance to the Chamber. And if we don't find it in the books, I think the ghost idea is pretty good. The House ghosts should be the first we go to." "You look a little down in the dumps," Jack approached Faye. He noticed she wasn't talking with the others who sat around her and was involved in her book instead. That was just more initiative for him to use her; without a large group of friends or even a close few, no one would notice or care all that much about her actions.
It's all good for me now! (:
I just got that too (using Google Chrome). But I changed the theme and it went away. I changed it back to the theme I was using when I got the error and it's fine now. I think KHV just hiccuped or something. (:
Well that needs to be fixed! Let's see, Tybalt is a Ravenclaw, as is Olivia, Tracy, Jacob, and Zack. Olivia and Zack are the other first years. Tracy is a fourth year and Jacob is a third year. Hm... classes will be starting shortly, so Tybalt can sit with pretty much anyone (see my previous post for the explanation of how the classes work), and that'll open up conversation/interaction with others.
That's totally fine. I know what that's like. Really. If you just want to chill, we can work your character into what's going on and just fill you in when you get back.
Just made that decision now. (: So here's how it's gonna go: Every student is able to take every class. Required classes are: Herbology, DADA, Potions, Transfigurations (required for first years only), History of Magic, and Flying (required for first years and Quidditch players). All other classes can be taken, but we found out what happens when students do that in the third book (remember Hermione's schedule?), so it's not recommended. Was that clear? I feel like it wasn't.
Caleigh entered the bar in the Sector 5 Slums, the Green Dragon, where it was easy to get information. Sector 5 didn't have a good reputation to begin with and the Green Dragon only enforced that reputation. Caleigh liked that. If she was going to find out anything about Rae, it would be at the Green Dragon. The smell of the bar was a welcoming smell to her, but most likely offensive to others. Smoke and alcohol mixed together in the air. Caleigh put her hands in her pockets, holding her cigarette between her lips, looking for a place to sit. The seats at the tables around the joint weren't completely occupied, but she wanted to be at the actual bar. And lucky for her, there were open seats. She spotted some geezer hitting on a young-looking girl, but didn't intervene. Instead, she took a seat a couple of stools away from the two and ordered a heavy drink. Now who in this bar could give her some hints about Rae?
Caleigh smiled to herself as she walked down the street. Rae had just fallen asleep so she had time to hit the bar for about an hour or so before going food shopping and getting back to her place. She blew out smoke from her cigarette and twirled the cigarette in her fingers. She was only a few blocks from the bar, but the farther away from Rae she got, the more nervous she got about leaving the girl alone. But what could happen? She was sleeping, and it's not like she was going to get up and wander around. She sighed and took another drag, coming to the decision to stick with her plan and go to the bar.
004 went over to the crates, not bothering to talk anymore. She didn't want to get friendly with these people -- she did shoot at them of course. Luckily for her, the crates were precisely labeled with their contents. One long, rectangular, almost coffin-like crate was labeled "produce." Another cube-shaped crate was labeled "clothing." And the last she looked at was labeled "footwear." She stared at the three, thinking of a way to condense them so they'd be easier to carry. She opened the first to see just what "produce" meant; most of the contents were fruit. She opened the "clothing" crate next; there looked to be enough clothes for their group in it. "Hey, 007, help me move some food and shoes into this one."
Ben thought long and hard. Did he want to jump into whatever was happening and discover the answer for himself or did he want to sit by and just go on with his studies while the staff got to the bottom of the message. "I'm not waiting. After classes today, we should all meet up in the library again. We can't skip classes and risk detention; I heard Smith is in charge of detention this week." "I'll see you in Potions, William," Al gathered her bag, suddenly not hungry, and got up from the Hufflepuff table. She adjusted the strap on her bag and was bumped by someone entering the Great Hall. "Why don't you--" Jack cut his sentence short when he realized it was the Head Girl of Hufflepuff he'd bumped. Just my luck. A dumb first year last night and the Head Girl of Hufflepuff this morning. "Little late for breakfast this morning?" Al knew Jack for his habit of picking on the first years of other Houses. The two had already had an encounter earlier in the year when Al took points from Slytherin for Jack's foul behavior. "Slept in," Jack provided. He didn't want points taken from Slytherin, but there was no way he was going to say what he was really doing. "Have a friend wake you up." Al suggested. "Yeah okay," Jack walked past Al and over to the Slytherin table. There was still about a half hour till morning classes started; that was enough time to eat something and get to his Divinations exam on time.
The next morning in the Great Hall was bright and cheery, but the students weren't so much so. The enchanted ceiling showed a lovely blue sky with just the right number of clouds trailing across. Each of the House tables were filled with their respective students, who were chatting away about all kinds of things. The majority of the students were wondering aloud if the Headmaster would make any sort of announcement about "the third round." They were about to get their answer. "Students! Quiet down, please!" The Headmaster, an old man with happy eyes and a clean haircut, stood by the podium in front of all the students. The Great Hall quickly hushed; they respected their Headmaster greatly. He was fairly new to Hogwarts; this was his third year as Headmaster, taking over for the previous Headmistress. "Thank you all. Now I know what you all are waiting for, but I'm sorry to have to disappoint you. As of right now, we cannot discuss with you all what the writing on the doors meant." The student body started to mumble to each other. "Quiet. Listen, and listen well, students. Do not go searching for answers. Do not think yourself a hero. You are all students under the staff's, under my care. Rest assured that you all are very safe here. Enjoy your breakfast." The Great Hall erupted with conversation once the Headmaster had sat back down at the staff table. Ben scooted closer to his fellow Gryffindors. "Well? Do you think we were right? I mean, they won't even talked to us about it." Al looked up and down the Hufflepuff table from her seat, trying to find one of her friends. She'd seen her in the dormitory this morning, but Al couldn't find her at the table. She couldn't have been sitting at another table; the students were supposed to be at their House table for the Headmaster's announcement. "Hey, William," Al looked to her friend who was sitting next to her. He placed his glass of juice on the table to show that his full attention was now on Al. "Have you seen Becca anywhere?" He shook his head. "Maybe she stayed in bed. Is she feeling okay?" Al sighed. "Yes, she's fine. She was just writing a letter to her parents last night." "Hm," William pursed his lips in thought. "Her parents are those computer chip makers, right?" "Yeah. What does that matter?" Al pushed the eggs on her plate around with her fork. "Don't say anything mean about her just because she has Muggle parents." "I wasn't going to," William appeased. "I was just wondering if they could get my family a deal on something." "Oh," Al laughed, but it wasn't a completely good-natured laugh. She was worried about her friend. Becca had never missed a class unless she was incredibly ill; some of the Hufflepuffs had a joke of calling her "Ravenclaw" for it.
"To hell with the plan!" 004 yelled, and opened fire before anyone could get another word in. Still, she didn't want to kill anyone if she could avoid it, so she shot above the height a grown man would stand at. She stepped forward, trying to find boxes or something useful. "Wait! Cease fire!" 004 stopped shooting but aimed towards the voice that's spoken up. Who had the balls to challenge her at this point? "We're just trying to bring these supplies to the town south of here. Who are you? What do you want?" 004 grit her teeth. So they were little footmen just following orders? They really didn't know what was going on? Damn! She lowered her arms. It was a good thing the lights were out because she didn't want to see their faces, and she didn't want them to see hers. "My name is," she paused, about to say her real name. "My name is zero-zero-four. This is zero-zero-seven. We want clothes and food." They needed food didn't they? Now was a good time to add that request. "Take what you need." The man's voice was shaking now. 004 had gotten him scared. But who wouldn't be scared of a girl that could shoot you with her fingers and gave you a number instead of a name? "The crates with what you need are against the walls."
“You okay? Not hungry anymore?†Caleigh frowned. Strange that Rae’s stomach had been rumbling only minutes before and now it looked like even the thought of food repulsed the girl. Caleigh’s frown turned to a smile as she tried to lift Rae’s mood. “It’s fine, baby-doll. You just need some rest is all. C’mon; we’ll kick Barret outta that room and get ya all warm ‘n’ cozy in the bed that’s in there.†She glanced to the clock; it was almost noon. A little nap couldn’t be too bad at this time. As if on cue, Barret opened the door and came out of the room. He looked at Caleigh and Rae and saw that Rae was on her feet, clutching Caleigh’s arm for support. “What are you making her walk for?†He snapped, hurriedly putting the phone back on the counter and going to help Rae. He wasn’t surprised when he found most of Rae’s weight lean on his offered hand. “She’s gotta rest. And I ain’t letting her sleep in that chair.†Caleigh replied hard-headedly. She smirked at Barret’s taken aback look. “Right,†Barret walked Rae to the room he’d just exited, across from the kitchen and to the left of the front room. He kept his knowing smile to himself; Caleigh was the right person to bring Rae to after all. He decided to change the subject. “Chelsea told me she wants to do this Turk spying thing herself.†“I’ll bet you two boxes of cigs that this plan blows,†Caleigh told Barret with an air of arrogance. “No way does Chelsea have the balls to pull it off.†“You’re about to lose two boxes of cigs then, Inky,†Barret replied, pulling back the covers of the bed for Rae. She was listening even more now. How was it that these two were saying the same things that Rae had heard them say when Caleigh touched her shoulder just moments ago? “Don’t call me that,†Caleigh retorted, placing a hand on her tattoo. “You couldn’t have come up with something more original?†The two continued their banter but now Rae wasn’t listening at all. She was comfortably under the covers of the large bed and was glad to close her eyes. Barret had been right before – something had happened to her. Once she could think straight and put a sentence together, she was going to find out what. “Whatever,†Caleigh raised her hands over her head as she walked out of the room, Barret following her. He closed the door behind himself. Caleigh grabbed her sack of gil and tied it to her belt loop on her tight fitting pants. She grabbed a cigarette and lit it carefully. “You really wanna smoke with her around?†Barret questioned, frowning. “I’m going out,†Caleigh replied, as if those words were a complete answer. She didn’t plan on smoking around Rae in the future; it wouldn’t be too big a deal to go outside for a smoke. “I need more food if she’s staying here. You’re not.†“Fine then,†Barret frowned further. He would have preferred to have stayed with Rae, but in all technicalities his work in Midgar was done and he needed to be getting home. “You call me later tonight and tell me what’s up with the kid.†“Nyuh huh,†Caleigh mumbled with a cigarette in her mouth and one foot out th door. “C’mon!†She beckoned Barret to follow her outside. Once outside the two didn’t bother with any kind of good-bye; Caleigh went right and Barret went left, and that was it.
004 frowned at the volume of 007 little stunt, but there was no time for smart remarks or arguing. She stood up, went to the door and kicked it in, pleased with the ease of the action. She entered the darkness and immediately heard a gunshot felt something hit her shoulder. The bullet fell to the floor and 004 looked towards the shot's origin. "What the f*** kind of a greeting is that?" She could have been an innocent traveler, but her bright red outfit must have given her away. So she was wrong about the people in here being innocent, but that just meant that she had no problem beating the living daylights outta them. She raised both her hands, palms down, fingers spread, and got ready to open fire.
"Cool. I'll meet you at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall tomorrow then," Jack smiled a genuine smile and headed towards the boys' dormitories. He looked over his shoulder and waved. "G'night!" The other boys were asleep when he entered their large bedroom, but he still kept his deliciously evil smile to himself and resisted the urge to laugh. How easy this was! How simple! Why had he waited until now to act? He could have done this years ago! Tomorrow was going to be interesting.
Haha! Glad ya like him! I'm really enjoying him myself. >3 I'm typing up a list of classes and the teachers/professors that go with them (with a little description of each teacher). So help me out on something here, guys. I'm trying to decide if teachers should be up for grabs, if I should just do them all, or if anybody can use 'em whenever they want/need (with my permission via PM or VM). EDIT (7-5): The list of teachers is up, but as you can see, there are some blanks. So let's all fill those in! : D Also, I've decided that anybody can use the teachers whenever they want. ^^ Within reason of course.