Awesome! This is working better than I'd thought. ^^ I've come to my decision at last! Al and Jack won't have any animals, but Ben will have a barn owl named Snow. @tummer, your subconscious is trying to tell you something!! XDD
D'aw! I <3 the owl's name! I'm putting up Jack's and Al's schedules now.
Nah, it's my bad. I should have been more clear with that. Also, some teachers allow food in their class (the nice ones) so students don't starve until lunch and dinner. XD I'll be editing my previous post to add Jack and Allison later (probably tomorrow).
I listed those classes earlier. It's up to y'all to pick your classes. And list 'em here. Sorry for not being clear about that. Each class is 1 hour long. They begin at 9 am, after breakfast (does that seem good, guys?). Here are Ben's classes (in their order): *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50 --Herbology 9-10 --Flying 10:05-11:05 --Transfiguration 11:10-12:10 *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10 --History of Magic 1:15-2:15 --Potions 2:20-3:20 --DADA 3:25-4:25 *Dinner for everyone* 6-8 Here are Al's classes: *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50 --Free period 9-10 --Potions 10:05-11:05 --Arithmancy 11:10-12:10 *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10 --Free period 1:15-2:15 --DADA 2:20-3:20 --Free period 3:25-4:25 *Dinner for everyone* 6-8 Here are Jack's classes: *Breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50 --Free period 9-10 --Potions 10:05-11:05 --Divinations 11:10-12:10 *Lunch for everyone* 12:10-1:10 --History of Magic 1:15-2:15 --Muggle Studies 2:20-3:20 --DADA 3:25-4:25 *Dinner for everyone* 6-8
It's been answered! D:
Yeah, mine too! I love how it's like a giant wizarding mall! XD
Students shall be leaving the Great Hall soon (eh, 10 min) for classes (or for ditching them!). And yes!! We will go to Hogsmeade! It will be the first years' first visit (since we're only a little bit into the school year and the first trip to Hogsmeade is usually when it starts snowing).
"Damn! A little warning would be nice!" 004 frowned. But she had to admit; this was pretty damn awesome. With this kind of advantage, she could probably take down the jets easily. 002 got a little of her respect back with this. She watched the jets for a moment to make sure she knew their movements, then bent one leg to reveal the hard-hitting cannon that it really was. She lined up her aim with one of the jets and fired. "Take that, you b*stard!" She laughed; her shot had hit the wing of the jet she'd aimed for. It was either luck or she had a targeting system. OOC: sorry it's short, but I gotta go!!
Just be sure to have only one animal. That's all I'm gonna be a freak about. lol People who don't have an owl can just use the owls in the owl-place-thingy (brain fart!).
"Heck, I don't mind missing my first couple of classes, but I've got an exam in Divinations in the third hour." Jack stood up, taking a bite of his bagel. With these two girls as an alibi, he didn't have to worry about his... other activities. He wondered if that Becca girl was enjoying her accommodations.
People can just have an animal (owl, cat, toad) if they wanna. XD I'm not gonna freak about it. (:
"Serious?" Jack spread some cream cheese on his bagel. "Nah. You should have seen my Care of Magical Creatures class a couple of years ago. Somone thought it would be funny to let the Cornish Pixies loose! We spent the next two hours running around Hogwarts, catching them all." He put the bagel halves together. "But if you guys want my help in getting to the bottom of this, I'll gladly help you."
Speaking of cute little, mice-killing machines, how come nobody brought a cat with them to Hogwarts? D:
Inside, Jack scowled at the Ravenclaw who'd approached them. She was ruining his plan! "Hey there." He smiled in greeting and held out his hand. "The Ravenclaw table boring? Us Slytherins are much more entertaining." Maybe he could use this to his advantage; but it would be hard to play two first year girls. Where was Erin when he needed her? Probably amusing herself with that seventh year Hufflepuff. What was her name? Oh yes, Becca.
According to my kitty, Sebastian, you can never sleep too much! XD
"I don't have O.W.Ls," Ben began. "I'm only a first year. Wait! Do first years have to take O.W.Ls now?!" Now he had a whole other set of worries. He thought only the fifth years took the O.W.Ls. Were they pulling his leg again? Jack smiled. "Hey, it's no biggie; you've got to do your studying. Trust me on that. No matter what professor you have, you're gonna want to study. The exams here are no joke." He sat down next to Faye. "So what did I miss? Anything else dramatic and unsettling?" He laughed as he grabbed a bagel.
"Don't shoot next time," was all 004 had to say in means of a good-bye to the people. She hoisted their custom-packed crate onto her back, her arms behind her to support it even though it didn't feel like much weight at all, and headed for the door. "I mean, really, next time, it could be a human who walks through your door." She couldn't help it! The surprised gasps from people and the way the shooter looked at his gun had certainly made her day. "C'mon, let's go, 007," 004 grinned sarcastically as she turned around and went outside. What greeted her out there put a stop to her snippy attitude. Jets. How the hell were they gonna fight off jets?! "Oh, sh*t... We have to get to the others!
You don't have to! D: Go ahead an' sleep if you wanna! :3 For the teacher idea.... I RIKE DAT! Both of 'em! =D *runs off to edit teacher list*
XD That was the best recap of what just happened ever. *bows down to Sax* We are not worthy!
Oooh! I like that one, Saxima! <3