Words cannot express how flipping excited I am to see how this turns out. I wanna see Kyle be awesome!!
Yes they did! Kuupa is the daddy and Oaklie is the mommy. They're shi tzus. They had 5 puppies about a month ago. And the puppies have discovered...
I'm taking care of puppies! They require a lot of attention! D:
Have fun with that! I just got back from work and am heading out soon. I should be on here more tomorrow before work.
Awesome! I might get started on a more detailed outline for it during the week.
Nah, I got distracted by YouTube...
HAHAHA! I can live with that.
I hope that's a confetti bazooka! I need Bueno alive for my Final Fantasy thread!
He stopped talking to me too! >\ Now he shall pay dearly!
I noticed that too! He's so stingy!
I'm talking with him on Facebook right now. Should I tell him? >D
We should sabotage Bueno's thread and make everything blow up! >3
It seems to be a lot of super heroes' way of going about things. "If all else fails, blow **** up."
NO! Not yet! It must start first! XD
My answer to everything will be: BLOW IT UP! >D