Oh, okay. I think if it focuses on those three then it's tolerable. Still kind of need to also watch First Class sometime. I have it but I look at it and remember what a downward spiral the main X-men trilogy was. The first one was good, the second one was tolerable, the third one was just... 'is it over yet?'. And I can't help it if Avengers!Pietro is nice to look at.
It would probably take awhile for the information to reach Neptune. Worry about the inner planets first.
@Boy Wonder I love mashups! Disposable War Pigs A Klashup by Klayton of Celldweller. Metallica and Black Sabbath mostly. Miss Murder's Personal Jesus Also a Klayton Klashup. Depeche Mode vs. AFI Technologic No Puede Ser - DJ Led Manville. Daft Punk vs. Megabeat Lady Gaga vs. Eurythmics - Dance Dreams. A Divide and Kreat Mix.
Considered getting a Avangers!Pietro theme but then I broke out in a sassy werewolf again. Oops. I should see a doctor about this sometime. Pietro has been my bby for years. I just love him. ...Still need to see Days of Future Past. But I'm not sure I can put up with Wolverine again.
Code: Eric Clapton - Layla
Eric Clapton - Layla
Playing the 'Let's try to lift Thor's Hammer while Tony makes stupid jokes' drinking game. Thor always wins.
Nah. Natasha can fight in a dress. Just hold her heels for her.
I'm not trying to imply that it's Aliens... but... Aliens.
oh god, I am so glad the Ant-man movie isn't 100% about Hank Pym. There would have been so many ...uncomfortable feelings with that. But yeah, the Jocasta thing could work since we now have Ultron. But the monkey wrench with that is that Ultron is Tony's creation and not Pym's. Unless Ultron bases Jocasta's AI off of Pepper... Also... YES, LETHAL JOKE CHARACTER. I oddly want this now.
It feels like I've been awake forever. But I suppose that's what happens when you wake up at 6 in the morning.
Code: Corvus Corax - Totentanz
Corvus Corax - Totentanz
Spoiler i wasn't being serious
She's kind of more than just his girlfriend. She's one of the main reasons that Thor had so much development in the first movie. Aside from being exiled from Asgard. Loki had a big part in having Thor grow up much to his chagrin. But Jane kind of gave him the reason to protect Midgard/Earth...as did Loki. But my main point here is that Jane isn't just 'Thor's gf'. And I might need to re-watch The Dark World but I seem to recall that there were some tensions between them. When your main squeeze is on another plane of existence, it gives new meaning to long-distance dating. And Jane's only got so much time compared to his long lifespan. Natalie Portman was pregnant at the filming of the first Avengers movie. Hence her being essentially 'in hiding' during Loki's temper tantrum. I guess Darcy wasn't important enough to mention? And I agree with you that the writers of the MCU don't seem to know how to handle their female characters which leads to them being stuck in supporting roles to men or killed off before they get a chance.
Code: The Last Dance - Nightmares
The Last Dance - Nightmares
I could with some decent seasonings. But I've been informed that that would be cannibalism and that is, in fact, wrong.
I don't wear dresses that much anymore. I'd kind of like to but my job involves manual labor and getting dirty. Getting into charcoal season around here lol.
Code: Styx - Renegade
Styx - Renegade
Funnily enough, prolonged eye contact with predators will usually result in a conflict and possibly death in a gruesome fashion.
...I think you and I have different ideas on what is cool. And I respect that.
And dragons.