Re: Dinosaurs not being realistic(lol) All credibility was thrown out the window and out into space with the words 'Cloned Dinosaur Theme Park'. And the character that is noted as the credible dinosaur expert says that the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are not real dinosaurs and thus do not contribute to his field. The 'dinosaurs' in the movies are mutant dinosaur/frog hybrids and as Grant puts it 'theme park monsters'. I'm going to see the movie either way.
Well, Jada Pinkett Smith totally got a character created just for her so she could star in Gotham. I think it's Nepotism at this point. Come to the Marvel side, Haya.
So has anyone seen that Hideo Kojima was added to the credits of Goat Simulator?
I'm an asexual. I'm approaching 30 and still a virgin. I don't really have any desire to change that in the foreseeable future. I'm also not too keen on masturbation as there are better things I could be doing with my hands. I have other priorities in life. I get sexual humor and all that. Porn is usually hilarious because the dialogue is so terrible. Erotic fanfiction is...yeah, there's sex involved but I'm more in it for the feelings and less the bumping uglies. So I'd want less of a physical connection and more of a romantic one. That being said. I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable with my SO having people on the side just because I'm not willing to put out sexually for them. They'd still be free to masturbate or do whatever to get off but when they start going to other people is a problem. I'm an asexual but I'm also possessive.
Code: VNV Nation - Honour ( FDR Remix )
VNV Nation - Honour ( FDR Remix )
Code: VNV Nation Finest Hour Mix
VNV Nation Finest Hour Mix
They've always been mechanical though. A thing to justify that Peter Parker is a genius. Aside from some weird plot arc that involved Peter becoming more spider and then giving birth to himself. Yeah it was weird. And it was written solely to justify the organic web shooters. A lot of writers apparently like to pretend that never happened anyway. Kind of like the debacle that was One More Day. I need to stop reading so much tvtropes. But that's a neat little thing about Bendis.
tvtropes No seriously, tvtropes
Eeeeeh, it's a bit complicated with me. I'm an asexual and not really attracted to either sex. I can still appreciate the scenery though. So it's more on a person to person basis what I find attractive about them. One person it might be eyes. Another person it might be their neck. And even still, I'm more interested in a person's personality than I am their body. ...Though it doesn't hurt to be mindful of one's appearance. in a nutshell, I'm complicated.
And for this reason, I enjoy art that puts the male figure in the same type of pin-up overly sexualized situations that artists have been putting the female form in for ages. for, you know, equality
In the world of the Mad Max franchise, for those not in the know, women are not even second-class citizens. They are property. Objects to be done with as men please. Furiosa, played by Charlize Theron no less, is a member of a harem who remembers a land of green and prosperity. She wants to find this place. And she's not taking this 'I am an object for men's pleasures' bullshit anymore. I vaguely remember watching the original Mad Max trilogy at some point in the '90s but wasn't really...thrilled with it. I loved aspects of it. The post-Apocalyptic stuff. The over the top thing that was omni-present in '80s media. But the way the women were treated? Not so much. Either they didn't really have screen time or well...less than pleasant treatment. Do I plan on seeing Fury Road at some point? HELL YES. TAKE ALL MY MONEY ...which isn't much. There's talk of sequels. The lady who wrote the Vagina Monologues was brought on as a consultant. And I assume as someone who knows how to write a female character. And a small note on Pitch Perfect 2. It is a movie that pretty much makes as many fat jokes as they can about Rebel Wilson's character. Or so I've gathered. And read this, it's hilarious. [ trigger warnings for rape mentions and for satire ]
Started watching Teen Wolf because I needed something to watch. Like I wanted something to follow on a weekly basis. Then it turned into 'Oh these people are nice to look at'. And then Ian Bohen and JR Bourne happened. I was doomed. There is romance in Teen Wolf but it's not the complete focus on the show.
I think I made a note to start watching Arrow at some point because Colton Haynes is in it as Arsenal. Kind of glad I never got around to watching it. CW shows are...I don't even know. I started watching Reign because of Regbo and costume porn. Ended up kind of triggered by an episode with rape as a plot device that just...wasn't necessary and haven't gone back since. I keep reading about love triangles and unnecessary romance* drama plots. About the only reason to keep up with the cast members on social media is how much shade they throw on the show. *I find romance is good in small doses. If that's the majority of the plots on your show, I'm going to find it a complete yawn fest.
Though not as a long-term solution. Since doing so is hazardous to your health. Looking at your bedtime routines is a better solution in the long run.
To all my people out there talking about T. Swift's new video in a comic book style.
Happy Birthday, Fork. The Skypes told me it was your birthday.
I only watch Ultimate Spiderman because Taskmaster. And only the episodes he's in. I like his design there. It's not his classic look and it's not UDON. Like a combination of the two. Otherwise, nah.
There are at least one or two nights out of the month that I don't sleep well. But I am by no means an expert of a medical professional or an insomniac. If this pattern continues, it might be best to see your doctor because your body does need sleep. But I do have some suggestions to try before that. Don't consume caffeine/chocolate/sugar two or three hours before bedtime. [ I've also heard to not drink anything before bedtime to cut down on middle of the night bathroom breaks. Personally I don't usually have this issue but it doesn't hurt.] Power down any and all electronics at least an hour before bedtime. [ This includes your computer, cell phone, and gaming systems. ] Read a book. Keep a regular bedtime and wake up at or around the same time. [ i usually give myself an extra 30 minutes on weekends. ] Consider white noise or ambient sound if you live in a noisy area. Run a fan if you need to cover up barking dogs or whatever. Make sure your room is dark. If you need to cover up some electronics with blue light, use a t-shirt or a pillowcase. Consider changing your pillow. [ Sometimes it helps to change the sheets. Maybe try putting a blanket in the dryer to warm it up. It's an aftercare technique but who doesn't love sheets/blankets fresh from the dryer? ] Some more reading:
If I didn't have it, I'd probably be dead.
Code: Doctor Steel - Fibonacci Sequence
Doctor Steel - Fibonacci Sequence