They got cold feet because Tomorrowland's not doing well, apparently.
I am so bored but I don't have any drive to do anything. It's a constant struggle.
Code: Transatlantik - Telefunken
Transatlantik - Telefunken
... Thor saying he's never going to drink alcohol. But then again, what we consider strong booze is probably like juice to him.
Don't mix bleach and ammonia.
Nah. I think I'll pass.
I've been listening to Celldweller's Lost in Time and watching the official video. But it's so good. I love the song and the video has mechanical dinosaurs that shoot lasers. And who doesn't love mechanical dinosaurs that shoot lasers? Just me? okay.
Here's a way to donate if you'd like.
The problem with the metaphor is that there are autistic asexuals out there who get the 'Oh you're autistic that must be why you're asexual!' attitude which leads people to think that there's a causation. It's kind of problematic. Just like the insunation that there must be something 'wrong' with a person for them to be asexual. Not saying there's anything wrong with being autistic. But before I figured out I was Ace, I considered myself 'broken' which is a common attitude to have. Also, I am rather hesitant to uhm...take those videos you linked to as credible. JJ Abrams aside, the media's portrayal of anything shouldn't really be taken at face value. Like, I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert on law enforcement because I watch Law & Order. SVU is especially problematic. There are things they do right and then there are things they do horribly wrong. There is no substitute for good old fashioned research and conversing with people who are Ace. And part of learning about anything is to keep an open mind.
And this is how you feel. Sex is important to you. Us on the asexual spectrum don't always value it for whatever reason. I have a very...well negative view on it. It's messy. Your core temperature rises. Your muscles tense up. Your blood pressure increases. And you're joined physically to another person for x amount of time. It doesn't sound very appealing to me. And as stated before, plenty of Aces have healthy sex lives. They masturbate. They have sex and enjoy it. It's not necessarily an aversion to sex just a lack of sexual attraction to a person. There's an asexual spectrum. I'm also not touching your comment about how before asexuality was coined ace women were frigid. That's just... no. Are you comparing asexuality to autism? Because I could go into detail just how very wrong that is but I don't want to be rude. I understand you were trying to make a point by providing a hypothetical situation but I think you went the wrong direction with the implications.
Looking on the bright side of things... This rain has put a significant dent in the drought? I tried.
Maybe I'll look into it. I saw bits and pieces. And what I remember was pretty good. I'll put it on my shows to watch list. Teen Wolf starts up in June and I'm not bothering with Reign anymore. So I could have a show to watch.
No problem.
They should. Just don't pick at them. Neosporin, cool water, and aloe might help soothe the burn.
I didn't really see enough to form an opinion. The only reason I even made an attempt to watch Gotham was because Sleepy Hollow was on right afterwards.
If you want, you can probably just get yourself a small storage bin and then empty it into the recycling bin after x number of days? Also, this tends to attract ants and other insects. They're after the sugar. Which is why you don't drink out of a soda can you've left outside and unattended.
So I guess it's not like riding a bike?
The thing is that if the sexual partner feels like they are raping their asexual/non-sexual partner, than that is not okay and it should be something that is discussed between the two primary individuals in the relationship. It is very complicated because the thing is that genders and sexualities don't fit into neat little definitions. Just like people aren't so easily defined. It's more of a person by person basis rather than everyone fitting into categories. I have to figure out what I'm comfortable and what I'm not comfortable with. It's kind of like any sexual relationship really. Sexual partners have to establish what they like and what they don't. Hypothetically speaking, if I enter into a relationship with a sexual person. I'm not going to beat around the bush and tell them I'm into sex or I'm willing to try it. If I'm not comfortable with it, my partner should respect that. Communication is key in any relationship. There are people who are willing to enter into open relationships/polyamory and there are those who aren't. Asexual + Sexual pairings can work. Just like any other relationship has potential to succeed and potential to fall apart like a house of cards in a slight breeze.
There are asexuals that do have sex. There are those that masturbate. There are those with perfectly healthy sex drives. There are those that only have sex when a deep romantic connection is established. There are those that have sex to please their partner. But there are also those that are just not interested in sex or sex-repulsed. Any relationship involves trust and understanding. Yeah, it might seem like a lot to give up sex for a person because they don't enjoy it. But if you truly love that person? Then is there an issue? The only reason I ask is because I'm one of those asexuals that views sex as unimportant to them. I just don't really see what the big deal is.
Code: Celldweller - Lost in Time [ Official Music Video ] EoAE - Chapter 01: Time
Celldweller - Lost in Time [ Official Music Video ] EoAE - Chapter 01: Time