I clicked 'Home' before and was reminded that Christopher Lee died. ;;
Monologuing is a sign of a subpar AI.
I got so wrapped up in playing a game, I didn't realize that Beat Bobby Flay was on. I hate Bobby Flay. In fact, I think I loathe him entirely. But I was watching Chopped earlier. I like that show. Ah. Secrets. Gotcha.
Aww, they're blushing.
*Sniff.* Smells like sass and teenage rebellion, missy. :| hi, i'm using faces. it means i'm not srs
Okay, I know you're being facetious and shizz. Gotta put down those whacky tumblr kids. So edgy and daring. They're filthy teenagers. They'll figure out how the adult world works.
She was your twin, remember? Whatever happened to her?
I can't play the mini-game and I really have no way to purchase games. I only get games when my friends gift them to me. I write them smut in exchange.
Because clearly no one's ever lied to get a job in the history of ever. It's just a form.
Code: Apoptygma Berzerk - Coma White
Apoptygma Berzerk - Coma White
Now you're just spouting nonsense. And I've heard a lot of nonsense spouted.
>Starts to make a post >Ends up geeking out over Quicksilver >Hits the Back Button without posting ...oops?
I always pick the dark/night styles if there's an option for it. If not, I will find ways to make it dark. stylish
Finding Blue Stahli's newest stuff and I love it. I love everything about it.
Code: Blue Stahli - Secret Agent Business
Blue Stahli - Secret Agent Business
Code: Corey Hart - Sunglasses At Night
Corey Hart - Sunglasses At Night
You could always just kill them for knowing too much. Or using some sort of alien memory altering device on them. Either way.
Code: Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch
Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch
Code: Faith and the Muse - Nine Dragons
Faith and the Muse - Nine Dragons