These are over the ear 'sport' ones. That claim to be 'rugged and comfortable'. I mostly got them because of the included microphone because the one in my laptop went on the blink a number of years ago. And because my skullcandy earbuds got a short in one of them.
... It's not just '1 year without a significant snowpack'. And I doubt your willful ignorance will just make the problem go away.
Adjusting to new headphones is always interesting.
You missed what I was trying to do. I apologize. Maybe I should be more straight forward. You know there's a drought right? Those fire trucks you mentioned might not have the water needed for a thing that can be prevented by just canceling the event in the first place.
I'm thinking of a word that starts with the letter 'd' and sounds like doubt.
Now this I have done.
Sometimes. But it's more like: 'oh hey, eating hot wings and watching a game' type stuff. My crazy whatthecrapwasthat dreams usually are just me and no celebrity cameos.
I don't know. I just always imagined Kitty sounding like Sean Connery. I think I've heard her voice at some point but I'm not positive of that.
... I'd actually like seeing this. Seeig how they'd turn a tv series into a movie. Part of me doesn't want them to rehash the old plots from the tv series. But then again... I wouldn't mind seeing like...updated costumes and the zords with better effects. I guess I'm more curious to see how it turns out than anything else.
Code: The Cruxshadows - Monsters
The Cruxshadows - Monsters
I would just like to say that the German people are very, very hesitant to show any sort of pride in their country. They don't raise their flag. At least not to the degree that we here in America see our flag. You don't see the German flag on poles outside of homes or being sold in ever dollar store like in the US. Because it was National Pride that gave rise to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Among other things but they are very careful to not allow a repeat performance. But onto the topic at hand, the flag itself doesn't bother me but the history itself does. Not so much the civil war era history. Had it been only that, it would gladly be regulated to museums. But it's what has occurred since the Fall of the Confederacy and how the battle flag has been used since then. I am all for preserving history. But this flag should be taken down. We shouldn't forget the history associated with it. There are other flags that can be flown in its place. States have their flags. There's the American Flag. There's the P.O.W flag.There are many many options to consider besides the Stars and Bars.
Pretty much this. Add in other adult type responsibilities to the mix. And there you go.
Okay, this might be a little disturbing or creepy to read but I'm going to do the best I can. Going to put this under a spoiler for potential squick and general unpleasantness. trigger warnings for rape and stuff Spoiler There is, what exists in the world we live in, something called 'corrective rape'. Now I'm not saying that a straight man would or would not rape a gay man or a straight woman would rape a lesbian woman. But it does happen. Granted, very rarely. Corrective rape is just like it sounds. Someone is attempting to use rape to 'fix' a person. For example, a straight man learns that a woman he likes is a lesbian. He determines that it's up to him to make her see reason by whatever means necessary. It's also used as a means to 'fix' asexuals too. Because hey, sex is a part of human nature right? Everyone wants to have sex. </sarcasm> But in the scenario you have given, I can imagine a few reasons. Remember that rape doesn't necessarily have to involve the rapist's genitals. They could use anything really. And i'm not going to go too much into detail but suffice to say that enough damage and the person could bleed to death. Turning the rape into murder. oookay, my mind is in a really dark place right now.
Code: Lyronian - Weiter... Here i go listening to German music again
Lyronian - Weiter...
Ian's not going to be in the first 9-10 episodes of the season. Which makes sense since he's been busy filming The Tow. I assume the same's going to be true for JR. I guess this season is going to be dark from what I've been gathering. The baddies are known as 'Dread Doctors' and are based on Plague Doctors and like 1930s era German Doctors. I'll give it a shot. At least Posey's going to be hosting Wolf Watch, which, let's be honest, no one was watching aside from the preview clips. EDIT: lol Season 4. I've ranted so much just about what happened with Peter it's not even funny anymore.
I was just posting that because the new season of Teen Wolf starts tonight? Try drinking milk or eating some cheese. Dairy helps soothe a burning mouth. Water just spreads the burn around. I'm not sure what mt.dew does since I can't have caffeine.
Moonday. Moonday.~
Had company. Got sick. Decided to curl up in bed and watch Interview with A Vampire of all things. I do not regret the decision.
It still comes off as hugely entitled. You're complaining/posting a thread about missing a show for one week. I'm not sure how big of a deal this to you but it's kind of low on my list of priorities. Since a week kind of passes by in the blink of an eye. I have work and other stuff going on that makes things fly by. But then again, the majority of tv these days is crap. But YMMV I suppose.