it's amazing what first popped into my head when you said nurse. Anyway try chicken broth first.
It couldn't have been me. My comp hacking program was deleted D: It was the poison ivy program too. D:
Well i just want to get used to the battle system that's all. So are you doin ok?
I've got a question. Can i be Roaric or Malchior for the teen titan's thread? They're in the Cardio episode.
slumber party of course....orgy!!!!! Have you heard? KH BBS comes out in winter. I know i'll be getting itvfor my emu. hbu
We'd be able to make an org. 13 Roxas before we could put terra into the game. Terra's animations and bones aren't even in the game. However a texture mod for Roxas to have black clothes has been made but i'm not sure if it was Romhack or not and it didn't turn out well either. Just explaining to people why we couldn't do that. k? Also i noticed the dive into heart music makes the game BSOD so it needs to be removed from the list unless it works for emu. Sora's dive into heart not Roxas' btw ;)
i'm alright, the fight went good. i kicked his a$$. I kicked him in face. I'm sore though. We've been having bowling practice all week and i may...
uhh ohh ohhh ohh uhh Cupcakes *goes and steals cupcakes*
OMG i didn't know.........Dresses came that shiny omg
that words been used alot on here. It's a German last name anyway
17? Good back and easy to get a boner?
funniest pics I've ever saw.
come to my house :D tonight :D
not necesarily. Hacking is modding what's in the game already glitching is bringing out what's in the game Modding is bringing out what's in the game and either keeping it here permenatly or temporarily
Hmmm. You've got a point but he still isn't a pokemon which was my point. He's still considered hacked because your going through a process which isn't apart of normal gameplay= hacking
494 Missigno stands for Missing Number
but ya can't tell if he used to cheats to get it activated
This makes me a pokemn coder. I bet you my account that you couldn't give a pokemon inf. stats with DP pokesav
it's still part of the game