*Receives the All-Spark......LIVES*
I'm dueling Xakota :D
*Drinks from holy grail...LIVES*
[Q UO TE][/ QU OTE] hunch those spaces up together though
I didn't kick or punch. I learned acupressure when I was youn ger so I disabled his muscles temporarily :D
Alrighty then. Give me about 10 minutes because I need to make sure it's flawless.
No, we fought in the school gym after school. My uncle is the custodian so me and my friends can stay late for the computer lab.
I actually didn't plan on that but thanks. good idea. I'll use that for my duel against Deadheart. 8000lp okay with you?
Yeah, a lil insurance. These guys are worse than the chinese gangs.
I lost to Aqua so i can't argue about the rules. I go first..that's all. No I will not use your SOD and secret village thing. nor the 3 ground...
*transformers....combines with Octomus Prime*
I challenge you to a duel!!!
*rebuilds and combines with Mecha robot*
The level takes place in Africa. I think your in Darfur
Um no, my older brother brought some of his drug desler friends :D
I am lesbian I'm just torturing him
in the staff section :Awesome: *rises from flames as Terminator:
Well someone who focuses on traps and spells because i've got a smaller version of Aqua and Xakota's st/zone lock
*chases with wide open arms* ________________
Oh sorry well i'll see if Xakota will duel me. I've got a great combo for my Chaos deck and I need a pro to find a flaw. Someone with a high...