oh shi- _________
There isn't? But wasn't there an abbretizement on youtube for it?
I joined Gaia with the name Eraqus. Let's see how fast it'll be until I get hacked. I've got a 30 digit password :D
Want the link? Sorry it took me so long. A friend of mine wanted me to join Gaia
sorry whaa- I was busy drooling. I'm saving this video to favorites.
Why? It's more pain to put into my poetry. Y'know the old saying people act differently on the internet? I act like a goth at my school...I write...
It already went to that. It went to girls faking lesbain.
is it stores yet!!!!???? I'm completely forgot about this game.
What channel? The girl is HOTT. I need to know where he's getting these pics from.
No I don't like fighting. When it comes to fighting i'll just threaten that person. I don't like to fight that guy just kept on teasing and...
I don't remember the exact name but I use acupressure. I know ones for relaxing and ones for self defense. For example if you press in-between the...
That was the first real fight i've gotten into since 5th grade. I'm in 10th grade right now
oh ok. Can you link me to the post where he said that? I'm not saying your lying I just want to prove it to Aqua so she can finsih somene quicker if she can. Good game Xakota :D Can we have a rematch? Your settings of course.
Umm Jaden's rules say no FTK's remember? and ASF negated harpies and the second book of moon this link says so http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Speed
it is? Well I never got past the 1st level so I suck.
I activate magic jammer and discard necro guardna and Anti spell fragrance
*autoworkers of China come to fix meh*
yes my older padawan. How old are you exactly again?
not in the cartoons
The level is in Africa. I'm in Southern Illinois dummy