Simple as that. I've noticed when i'm playing Star Wars Battlefront II that when I play against a group of guys I don't know and they find out i'm a girl they think i'm overweight which is messed up. It's stereotypical. I do get hit on and that other crap but I beat them to the ground with my trooper which solves the problem partially. Like Misty said it'd be better to face girls or find a good group.
Wanna have a duel Jaden? You choose who goes first and COS and COD are allowed
Nation's name: Japan (Nihon/Nippon) Capital: Tokyo Language: Japanese Birthday: February 11th National flowers: Cherry blossom (sakura), chrysanthemum (kiku) Human name: Honda Kiku Height: 165cm Age: "A secret" -A small country that appeared in the latter half of the world's history and didn't take more than several decades to become a powerful country in the orient. -As an island nation, he holds distinct cultures and customs which other countries see as mysterious even though he himself thinks he's perfectly normal. -Has a personality where he doesn't know much about the world, but is hard-working, serious, skilled with his hands, and needs time to adjust to other people. Loves watching the seasons change by admiring flowers and the moon, believes elegance is the best. ----------------------------- Oh, sweet little Japan. So inexperienced in the outside world at first, but does his best to learn all he can! Very studious and curious, Kiku is an intelligent individual who is always willing to expand and better his knowledge. -----------------------
Thank youuuuuuuuuu. I'm trying to get it publicity for Jimmy. he's my school ducky. I'll be patient
yeah I think I fixed them all
Welcome to KHV!!!! I see you're a fan of Viewtiful Joe and i'd like to say have a good time on KHV
Do you know what Sonic Battle 1 for the GB was about. Not GBA but fior the game boy. Just wondering
Something my older brother and my friends did for school. It's absed off the book "Roll of thunder hear my cry" Uncle Hammer gets possessed and...
Something my brother and his friends did for school. it's based off of the novel "Roll of thunder hear my cry." Uncle Hammer is possessed and tries to kill Big Ma. My friend Jimmy is Big Ma. My ex Rachel Trull is Mary. she's the black haired one. The one in the nurse clothes :D
I'm sure someone can shrink it for you. C'mon please. Pwetty please. It's the lady's man Jaden. If you're not going to use that one i'll find a...
I plan on being a massage therapeust. I'm good with acupressure and my hands so I can relax people well. I think i'm good but SIU will determine that.
You notice she hasn't deleted that effect shut card? right?
I'll quit flaming her if you use this pic as your avvy for the tag duel [IMG] it's an old pic of yoiurs. I saw it on your past vm's and CP's profile
fine, but i'm still going to call her until she runs out of minutes :D
I wouldn't listen to that foul drunk cheating witch
did you not read the Vodka part
I'll get her off Jaden. I'll call her phone until she speaks then i'll scream really loud. She can't see my message can she? She's on my ignore list
Get the hell off this thread!!!!!!! Remember our Fu**ing deal damnit
Yeah, that's true. i'll start off easy then
What enemies specifically? Enemies can drain HP. The swordsman heartless with orange swords drains hp so a heartless can do that don't worry