well i've give you the Platinum version once i get on the comp and download emuhaste.
what did you use because i've got an ultimate pokemon code laying around. yes it is the ultimate. it's an eevee with infinite stats. not max....
No but i've been trying to find a code for fraction ammo so i'll have less that way i can learn to use ammo and grenades more wisely.
sorry need someone to talk about Star Wars Battlefront with. There's a wargame tournament near me and it'll range from Halo to Battlefront and i...
*comes in by X wing* Hiiiii, how's your SW battlefront file going?
I think Noise is gay/lesbian. not sure. And you really need to edit your location if you wanna quit getting picked on.
Porting codes is taking them from one region to another like taking the Org. 13 roxas to NTSC which i know is impossible. well not impossible but...
It's been 18 years since the Old Republic was destroyed and transformed into the Empire. The good have fallen while the evil have risen. The Empire is hunting down the Rebel leaders and is focused on the planet Morlock. The Rebels have sent a runner called the Tantive IV to deliver the Deathstar layouts. Meanwhile the neo-seperatists are organizing an army whom plan on taking down the Empire. RULES: 1. Maximum of 3 characters. 2. Those whom are dead in the video games and movies can be played but they count as 2 people. 3. Same rules of KHV apply here. 4. Keep everything PG-13 5. If your opponent in a battle does not reply within 48 hours you may determine that characters fate. 6. no godmodding 7. powerplaying is allowed but only to an extent 8. only Jedi's and Siths may use lightsabers 9. jedi's and sith's may not use projectile weaponry 10. have fun ^_^ OOC FORMAT: Name: age-(14-900) side(bounty hunters, neo-seperatists, Empire, Rebels weapon(s)- bio- other- Character sheet: Darth Vader: Palpatine: Rham Kota: Ruon The Apprentice(Gaylen): Ruon Luke Skywalker- Han Solo- Leia- Jabba the hutt- Zorba the hutt- Assaj Ventress- DX-178: Boba Fett- Bossk- Dengar- Ben-Kenobi- Shaak Ti Ahsoka- Grand Moff Tarkin- Darth Tyrannus- General Grievous- Jango fett- Darth Maul- Chewbacca- Darth Bane- p.s. if anyone can get the Siths' names from the Trials in Force Unleashed.