I read, played re:com, and slept. xD
That's a lovely way to spend the day. :3
What did you do today? xD I can't make a conversation to save my life.
So how was your day? xD
I shall practice this later. :D
That's a smart plan, right there. 8D
Can you teach me your spoiler-free ways? :D
I'm sorry... this is... just... wow.
Wiki always has spoilers though, so be cafeful. ;D
Yeah. Well, not neccessarily every time. It's kind of hard to explain. xD Like I said, if you want a better explanation, go to wikipedia. xD
It's about a boy named Daisuke. Whenever he thinks about the girl he likes, he turns into a phantom thief named Dark. If you want a better...
I think it's really good. :3 It's kinda funny sometimes, too. xD
Oh, it's DNAngel. :3
Now I'm watching the anime and it's out of order and bugging me. xD
I'm good. ^^ Although, I just finished reading a manga today and it left me at a cliffhanger. ;_;
You need to read a manga called DNAngel. It's the best manga series I have ever read.
How are you today? :3
I do too. ;_; 4.75 and 5.25. TT_TT I'M GOING BLIND~! D:
I know what you mean. Terrible sight has advantages. Not really. :\ YAY, SOMEONE'S A LITTLE WORSE THAN ME IN ONE EYE! :Dq