Hi-five! 8D
Those things aren't sour. Try warheads. My tastebuds are still gone from October. 8D
But I wanted to see the wonderful wizard of Oz first. D:
Xaale, your font is lovely. :D
I see you are Haruhi-obsessed, no? That is epic. <3
I'm in.~~~~~~~~~
...that's anime. FMA is still the best anime. This is manga. :D
okay xD~~~~~
Done. And I got a new sn. satoshihikari0 :D
M'kay, I'll download aim. xD
I love my laptop. xD
I see the dilemma. I guess I can download it. >>
Because for aim, I must use meebo. And you know meebo....
Ugh... my room is a mess. -_- And my laptop is distracting me from cleaning it. xD
Why are you never on msn? D:
>> << So... what'cha wanna talk about now?
I'm just so tired all the time, and school just feels like such a hassle. ;_;
Winter break only ended a week ago, but I already feel like I need another one.
I don't want to go back to school on monday. ;_;