O: It must be good then. She does Akira Kogami in Lucky Star apparently... but not in the same voice as the others. xD
Oh, I just got some Blood+ novels from Borders I haven't read yet. So, it's good? 8D Lucky Star. <3 OMFG, THAT VOICE ACTOR DOES THE SAME VOICE...
What anime[s?] do you like? Would the plural of anime be animes? It doesn't seem right. xD
FMA is coming on is 2 hours. 8D
Bleach is coming on. 8D I know absolutely nothing about the storyline, but I'm learning. 8D
xD One of the voice actors uses the same voice for two different people in both Naruto and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, so when I watch...
Have you ever watched The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya?
I haven't watched it in a month or so. xD
Naruto was on and I didn't know. xD
Haseo's pet dog, of course.
Yes, very. :3
I listened to two. Rooftops, I believe it was called, and 4:am Forever. I am now listening to Last Summer. 8D
8D I am now adding them to my iPod.
Can I come? 8D
I looked them up. xD I like them. <3
Ooooh, what might that be?
8D What'cha listening to, if you don't mind me asking?
Watching tv and listening to music and stuff.
That movie was fail.