From what I read, it's about a boy whose father purposely sunk a ship that was polluting a lake. He was sued and such. The boy is really worried,...
Yep, that's the book.
There's a book I recently tried to read called Flush that I didn't get too into. I don't read as much as I used to anymore so I can't think of as...
I didn't like the sixth too much. It was all right, not great.
When you say "which ones", are you talking about Harry Potter books or just books in general? It was. x3
No, not really all of them. Some books I just don't like. xD Thanks, it was in July though. I don't know why it was hard to get the fifth book,...
Sometimes it does, for me anyway. I read a little bit into it, one fourth the way at the most, and if I'm not interested by then, I don't finish...
Well, it usually just depends on if you like the story or not. If you can find a book with an interesting story, you'll be hooked. Sometimes I'll... It has every single Naruto episode, as well as some other anime. Last time I checked, anyway.
The third one isn't really that long. The 7th one, I know it took me two weeks, but that's because I read it during summer break and I read it...
All of Full Metal Alchemist, L and Light Yagami in Death Note, Yuki Nagato and Itsuki Koizumi in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Lucy in Elfen Lied, Satoshi Hikari/Hiwatari/whatever in DNAngel, Konata Izumi (x3) in Lucky Star... That's all I can think of right now.
My favorite manga would be the DNAngel series. If you're asking me to pick which one, it'd be the 10th one. 8D My favorite book would be the...
Well, it kind of depends on my mood. Sometimes I like the medium type, sometimes I like long and thick ones. But I also really like manga, and I...
I prefer Billy Zane. Firstly, he was the original. The original is always better. Secondly, it fit the character more, with the way he said things and the amount of emotion in what he said.
Who I'd most be wanting to play would be Roxas or Larxene. I can't exactly say why, they just seem like they'd be fun characters to play as in my opinion.
Elfen Lied. :D I just finished all of the DNAngel manga[s?], so I'm watching that anime now. ;D
This is really tough. There are so many I love. Off the top of my head, it would be in Full Metal Alchemist, the Ed vs. Mustang battle in ep 13. Episode 13 is just, plain epic.
That, in my opinion, was amazing. You really er, hit the nail right on the head, I think that's the phrase. Your Roxas is... perfect. Every quote was perfect. I don't know any other adjective. xD That Xemnas was fantastic as well. Great job. <3
I'm going to leave for while. Talk to tommorow, or maybe even later. ;D
Well, maybe she does use the same voice for Akira Kogami. The innocent Akira, anyway. xD