I agree. :D
I am a weakling who takes the middle road. :D
Oh. xD I misunderstood. Well, if you wanted to make up one, think of the everyday things that people do that are considered "bad". Like lying, cheating, etc, etc. That's the best I got for you, I'm not good at this stuff.
There are only seven. There are no more than seven. This thread will be deleted.
This thread will be deleted.
your sig is lulzy xD
Oh? Thank you. <3
Your username is pretty. :3
Oh. My mistake.
Use your imagination.
I love your sig. I lol'd. xD
Oh? I always thought it was a girl. Then a boy.
lulz, it was bumped. Oh well. I really like it. I think the clips fit the song perfectly, for one thing. Fantastic use of the negative effect, and all of the color effects you used. I can't remember what they're called. xD The masking was perfect and amazing, and I can honestly say it's some of the best that I've ever seen. I subscribed. ;D
I like Sora x Namine as a pairing. I think it fits quite well. ^^
Spoiler And I'm ignored.
Nyuu~combo breaker
Nyuu. Just as planned.
If you remember me at all, ILoveRikuAndYouCantStopMe. 8D