Dang I need to save up for a PS2.
Sorry for posting again. My last post was way back in March though. ^^; I just wanted to know how things are going?
I didn't know that. Oh well I'd still like to see it in KH.
Yes!! I'm so excited to hear this! I'd love to see Toy Story, Tangled and Cars. ^^
OMG The graphics. o.o Square keeps getting better and better.
Whoa this is a lot better than any of the other KH3D trailers! o.o
Omg. My stepdad isn't even Asian and he acts like that, only extremely mellow and not dramatic.lol Well if he hadn't left the room, you could have invited him to play some games, like the others here said. But it seems like your problem is solved now. ^-^
What's sad is that, while Walt Disney originally created the Disney Company for ALL ages and ALL genders, modern Disney Channel focuses on ONE gender and ONE age group AND strips away the Disney roots that the entire world still knows and loves. Ok, I understand that not all shows are geared to one gender (i.e So Random, Good Luck Charley), but take a brief look and you will see it is mostly for little girls: ANT Farm - Even though it's about talented kids, guess who the main character is? A preteen girl. =/ Shake It Up - The main characters are girls and most girls looove to dance. I could go on if I could remember other Disney shows that are currently on air. I stopped watching Disney Channel about four years ago because life got in the way. Plus that was the time when the good Disney shows were going off the air and I was disappointed about it. The only reason I know about the new shows now is because I watched it when I stayed the night with a friend a while back. Also, it's now a requirement in my acting class. LOL But I have to say that I like Shake It Up. BUT Good lord PLEASE kick So Random off the air! I can't stand that show! Overall I really do miss old Disney and old Disney Channel. I wish they would get their act together. :(
I love the trailer, it's KH and I love the series to death. But I can't help it....Sora's voice doesn't sound the same as it used to. It just sounds so bland in KH3D trailers! I am hoping and praying that the final English voice over mixing (whatever it's technically called) will have that familiar sound and feel. I don't know. Maybe it's just me. >.< Anyway! I really love that scene with Goofy! His grand idea of jumping out of a window is hilarious!
Isn't that from Princess Diaries?! XD
You guys have great delivery!
Aww I love all pandas!!! ^.^
I have new one! It's from 0:11-0:42
Yay! Wish I could watch it.
Aww feel better soon! :(
I wish I could. I don't have a way of watching it, plus I may be busy at that time anyway. But I did manage to get the word out. Apparently my tumblr post got 64 notes on it. :o [Link]
Seriously....? x.x Thanks for the warning. That's enough to kill the original for me. What is wrong with people nowadays?
A Phantom of the Opera sequel? WHY???? D: The original is enough! Are they trying to kill it with a "part 2"? :(
Wow you made that? It looks epic!
Awww that sounds really rough for you. I'm sorry to hear. :( At least it'll be worth it once you're all rested up. Do you think the camp staff will let you rest before you do any work? I hope they would be understanding if you explain your lack of sleep situation.