This is really awesome! Sounds exciting. ^-^
Yuuup! lol But your delivery at the time was still good even as a new voice actor. ^-^ And the video editing was good too. Still, it's cool to see how far you've come since then. You're obviously very good at both now. I wish I had a recording a of my 15 year old voice. XD I don't have any of that, sadly. I wonder what I sounded like.
All of my VHS tapes are gone. ;~; My favorite was Fivel Goes West. I watched that daily in my elementary school years! DX
Aww you were just learning back then, right? I started making videos in 2010 and now I realized how horrible they were! XD Mine were vlogs and omg my makeup.....was just awful!!! @_@ Not to mention my videos were SO cheesy!
It's a lot faster too!!! So glad the ads have been minimized.
Cute! I love your voices! ^.^ It's great, like always, Mike.
It's been cold here for at least a month already. It got cold very early this year. I don't like the cold at all, but I do love cute clothes. I'm happy to wear my brand new sweater dresses, normal sweaters and knit leggings with my cute boots. ^.^ Oh and my hoodies too.
Cats rule the internet.
Snoopy the cat. Spoiler
It took me a second to realize the change. XD Hmm. I don't have that on my videos yet. I guess it's fine as long as it doesn't get in my way, I suppose. Then again, I tend to adapt to change quickly, especially with Youtube changing constantly. It's pretty sad that I forgot that it used to look like that.
So glad it's based on KH2's camera! I hope it releases overseas. :)
HAHA! I didn't notice. That's awesome!
Epic! It's amazing how clear and smooth the models are now! <3
Agreed. Facebook games are annoying enough with adding friends and asking for things to progress the game. -.-
So cool! Like all of you, I hope that it will be available outside of Japan. Or should I say, since it's a browser game, I hope it'll be available in English in the future.
I'm so glad I wasn't home when it was on. I heard it was on every freaking channel, as the debates always are. I always make fun of politicians and say they are like popular high school kids stirring up drama. Really, they remind me of little kids whining and carrying on and it drives me nuts. That's why I can't get into it.
Epic! I can't wait to see it. Interesting fact about the game models too. ^-^
WWWWWWW88888888W8W8W8W!! Now let KH-V figure that out!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Aww man. I hope it localizes overseas. :(