Eating does cost a lot of money. It sucks.
The difference is...I didn't come up to you about something you don't care about. You chose to read something, knowing what the topic was about. And I'm just having fun.
You two can loosen up a little bit. Don't you think?
I agree. I love the 2D hand drawn animation.
Did anyone notice that I included Sora, Goofy and Donald in the picture?
I'm building a lot of hype, I know!
Hello everyone! Have you seen the latest Disney movie "Frozen?" If you haven't, maybe you should check out the hype that's been sweeping across the community and social handles. According to critics, Frozen is the greatest Disney animated event since The Lion King. And they're right, according to the box office! Here's a question for you. Could you imagine Frozen in the Kingdom Hearts series? Better yet, could you imagine a "Frozen" world in the upcoming Kingdom Hearts III? Kingdom Hearts III is only in its early stages of development and I'm sure the team is currently deciding the possibilities of the worlds they want to include in the title. If any worlds have been included in the game at this point, I couldn't see more than two at this rate. It's not too late to include Frozen. The responds are outrageous! Frozen is heading to Broadway, so why not use this as an advantage in the Kingdom Hearts series? I have to admit that I'm addicted to the song "Let It Go" and that little cute snowman, Olaf. But that's not the only thing that makes this movie interesting. If you want to think of plots and a moral lesson like we've seen in Kingdom Hearts, think about the ending from Frozen. Spoiler Elsa uses her heart as a way to save her sister, Anna in attempt to unfreeze her heart. Doesn't that sound like something similar from Kingdom Hearts? I have to admit, when it comes to emotions, we've seen it all. At this point, Frozen is that perfect world. We've laughed, we've cried and yes, as a Kingdom Hearts fan it becomes a bitter sweet moment, because we've connected to stories from Disney worlds with Sora, Donald and Goofy. Let's just face the facts, "some people are worth melting for." Nomura, brace yourself for the ice! I believe I can speak for many Kingdom Hearts fans that Frozen is a perfect choice for Kingdom Hearts III. What do you guys think? Do you believe Frozen would be a good choice to include in Kingdom Hearts III. Discuss!
That's great! What were you thinking? I have my own channel and I've uploading videos since May.
Very cool. Hehe
That's a good question. Honestly, I think it has to do with age and experience. I've always wanted to be an actor or VO, but lately I'm looking to be someone who helps others, fights for erasing hate and possibly find a job as a television host and on air/television personality, such as Ryan Seacrest.
Yes and no. In your case it's not fair, but I think it's a good idea for them to do that. When I applied for jobs, I had that problem too. I work with a producer and he was the only reference I really had, meanwhile they wanted two others. But keep in mind, you could also use past employers, teachers, professors, etc.
You were notified about my new avatar? Lol
I wouldn't do that to a friend. Some people are worth melting for! Remember?
The way Elsa saves Anna at the end of the movie reminds me of Kingdom Hearts in every way.
I'm coming to conclusion that Idina's version is so magical. I think I like it better.
I love both and can't decide either! It's so hard I could cry!
We want Frozen in the new Kingdom Hearts!
I love it! I had the song on repeat and I saw this thread. I love you!
Hey buddy! Can we be friends?
I've only seen Catching Fire and I'm forever lost. I wasn't crazy about it.