Excuse me...I didn't explain right....they might not be the same thing...but their similar Ok so gay people want to marry because they think it's their right. So they get that right. Then Child molestors (or NAMBLA) think that they were born like that and demand their right to get married with children. So then People who love animals (or PETA) say the same things as them and demand their right to get married with animals. U see? its a huge chain reaction.
First of....I'm not homophobic...and it IS an opinion...what? my opinion has to be gay is right in order to be not ignorant? I'm sorry but I'm not discriminating....I only said being gay is unnatural....I NEVER said "Gay people should get out of my country" and I NEVER used any slang offending words either....and I haven't derepped any of U...so how can U say its a discrimination? First, do U have any proof what U said about shellfish and selling daughters? Secondly, I believe in the bible for my own personal reasons...not because someone told me to listen to it...and yes it makes sense...have U ever thought what is the TRUE justice in the world...U know...what is TRULY right? The government...eh...they make a somewhat good job, trying to make everyone happy HOWEVER, they make the rules of what THEY think is right...so what THEY think it's right might not be the same as other people think is right... I don't see god as an old geezer in the sky that is waiting till he takes Ur soul.... I see god as the TRUE meaning of justice... Actually I believe...that the bible was written by god....and it DOES make sense...U see things change in time..."An eye for an eye" was totally changed when Jesus was around....he said "Love your enemies" Now the stories of heroes killing "others"....now lets take the example of David and Goliath...David fought...but he didn't fight with hate or just because he wanted to kill Goliath...he did it to protect his people...now there's a BIG difference between protecting and murder Egypt,(yes, another interesting story)...something I gotta tell U about god first...he is a caring and generous god...but he's also impatient Didn't U read that god sent moses to tell the pharoah to let his people go...and the pharaoh says no.. so the only way god could get his people back would be to send some plauges...he sent the first the plaugue of blood in the river...and the Pharoah ignore it and said no...so he sent 8 more plauges and the pharaoh said no...God sent 9 warnings and the pharaoh had said no....so he had no choice but to do the last plaugue...where the first sons of egypt died....and finally after that one the pharaoh told them to leave. JESUS...he cured many diseases,yes that's true but he also brought teachings....however there was a problem...people liked jesus because he cured but they didn't care for his teachings...so why would jesus cure all the diseases in the world?....If U were Jesus...would YOU cure every disease in the world if people only cared for your great power but didn't care for Ur teachings?
I don't mind the derepping....I just stated that some people are being mean to other people who have different opinions... I believe homosexuality is unnatural....cause men were made to be with woman and woman with men.. as for marriage....marriage is a bond between a man and a woman because that's what (oh I know whats coming *puts on helmet*) the bible says...and I know a lot of people don't believe in the bible (but I do) and the reason I believe in the bible its because it makes sense....the bible tells U what is right and wrong...
aww who let the cows out of the barn? ....*points at GREE*
lol I just got derepped for stating my opinion...isn't that nice....and I stay with my arguement....>.> U can't shut me up!! lawl Back on topic: err...it IS unnatural....actually I think it MAY be something mental...U are who U are...U were made like that for a purpose...men should be with woman...and woman with men....and animals with their own species O__o
yes allow gay marriage...then allow marriage between humans and animals....and why not give rights to child molestors too? being homosexual is unnatural....if it wasn't..men would have female genitals and women would have male genitals
yes but I prefer to see new keyblades rather than seeing old ones
I heard some game reviews and they said they should stick with speed...personally I enjoyed good ol' classic sonic....I actually have the first...
I did not not enter a gay contest I dated the president's daughter Tranformers 2 is the best movie ever made!! I did not eat pikachu I killed every single pokemon in the world I voted for McCain I hate sephiroth with all my heart Cloud can beat shirtless Sephiroth I did not wonder what the creators of Dissidia were thinking when they put Shirtless Sephiroth in the game Sephiroth for 2012 (NOT A LIE)
My name is Samuel and I would probably would've liked(if I were a girl) ummm i can't think of any :unsure:
hey I have a question.....which sonic do U like? The innocent classic one....or the annoying but tries not to Sonic
i think she's one of those people who loves torturing other people...and lowering their self esteem
Nintendo can't sue....Dark Thorn doesn't look EXACTLY like ganondwarf's final smash...he just looks similar...and they have different names too
dude why did U spoil? some people prefer not to be spoiled before the game comes to america
No....Roxas became asleep...he didn't merge with roxas...and sora could use two keyblades because of his new clothes that the fairies had given him....then later in the game when axel died..Roxas woke up...and then he fought Sora....and then at the end of the game (well almost the end) Roxas merges back to Sora
I have a question.....why are there three keyblades? I mean....I thought there was only 1 keyblade...but U see...Mickey's Keyblade, Sora's Keyblade, and Way to Dawn....are Riku's and Mickey's keyblades even real?
but there's the danger that it might go inactive again D:
oh I get it now...thnx Lilbueno...
lol I understand
It WOULD be very interesting....but it wouldn't be necessary...I don't wanna wait more years just for a Riku game