GOD!! I hate stereotypes....especially the one that says I am Mexican so I MUST jump over borders.... It also bothers me when people (like my mom) actually believe in stereotypes.....
yay *stabs random person* srry
hey...ummm...mines lexamusisawsome@yahoo.com na JK lol mega_samo619@yahoo.com
who's MJ? Mary Jane from Spiderman?
*takes out long sword* who wants to go stab aerith in the back?
I don't think he's gay...I think he's metrosexual...maybe lol but seriously he's not gay cause he doesn't have a heart...and no feeling for no1 Marluxia might be a...nothingsexual?
I think its perfect how it is...I would just remove the singing from atlantica....make pooh get attacked by heartless...and more interesting boss battle...like the data battles
well I'm not into government-related stuff....so...yes...but I had already watched the Zeitgeist thing...the one about 9/11 and of course the US Gov't is not perfect and who knows....it might be evil...well I don't really know so that's the reason I posted it here...to see what people think of the video
so U don't believe in the conspiracy stuff?.....Personally, this video made me kind of question the US Gov't
wow this is creepy....well the only good news here is that famous people are dying and I'm not famous so I'm ok
I found this video on youtube and it talked about obama being controlled by bankers...sounds very weird... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw watch the video please... Is this video telling the truth? Should we believe in this video? do u think this video is fake? do you believe in Obama?
thanks for explaining... but I'm serious (this is my last post) this debate has gone from gay marriage to God vs. Atheists so I'm gonna stop posting because I don't like to spam back on topic: what I was trying to say is that people have different opinions and I was just saying MY opinion on gay marriage....people should have the liberty of saying what is on their minds without getting told to shut up or told that their embarrasing themselves and yes I went far from the topic so I apologize...though I won't apologize for saying that gay is unnatural....that's what I believe....actually I am open-minded...but when it comes to debates like these...I stay strong with my beliefs (FINAL FINAL POST SRRY) yes it may be common between animals but WE ARE NOT ANIMALS...thanks and good-bye....I'm gonna go enjoy the rest of my vacation
yeah Ur right...I'm getting out of the debate... OMG are U serious? I believe in god and I believe in evolution....wow...I don't think that could ever happen all three of U responded to my post....but U did not answer my question... oh I forgot to post this too....if U want me to watch the video...fine...I'll watch it
I've never seen brother bear...so I'm gonna have to say Lion King..though I might change my mind if I ever see brother bear
well that's just sad....giving christians a bad name? U know forget it....I try giving my opinion and people tell me to shut up and calling me arrogant....wow I thought this was free country....its sad how the world completely changes....God gives U life and a place to live.....and yet U think he doesn't exist and ignore his teachings....if god didn't exist...why would we be here...all of U tell me...what's Ur purpose in life?
I repeat again....I don't give a bull's ass if gay people get married or not....I just posted MY opinion
ummm I'm not watching that video....I believe its unnatural and that's how I stay....and no I have different opinions as U....so I don't have to think the same way as U....and if protecting my beliefs is ignorant...then so be it...I'm ignorant
Fine...My Church's point of view...there...happy?
Ok I'm getting tired of this Debate so I'll end saying this.... In Conclusion, I believe gay is unnatural....that's what I believe...however if gay people want to get married...I don't give a bull's ass...they can get married if they want to...the only reason I posted here is to say my opinion on gay marriage...isn't that what debates are about? Hearing both sides of the story. Jesus and Jews is another story...which I would be happy to talk about..but people are getting pissed off and I bet hating me...which makes me kinda uncomfortable.... homosexuality is bad (in my point of view) ....there is actually a chapter that talks about Prohibited Unions....however i forgot where the chapter was so I'll search for it later... For all gay people reading this....If U wanna live like Ur living right now...do it...I really don't care...I just wanted to give the point of view of the christians....and the gov't might have different reasons for not allowing gay marriage...IDK....I don't influence the gov't in any way (or do I? lol JK)
First I want proof, and wrong the new testament talks about homosexuality Romans 1:26-27 In this book, it talks about how men did bad things to god...and so God sent to men Embarrassing Passions...changing them against the natural way... So god sent homosexuality as a curse....err...that sounds a bit mean but that's how it says...I'm sorry Well...I was using examples from the bible to defend my arguement...I would also like to note that it is like 5 people against a 13-year old and his bible...I know it sounds funny