hello silvermorning, I saw Ur video on Youtube Beta and I support the cause...bwhahaha we'll show them!!
Well Aerith is out of the way...now who's next in the Death List....Cloud...Strife...BWHAHAHAHA *looks at Buster Sword* Umm Nevermind....*stabs Tidus* take that!!
yes U can play as either the heroes or the Villians....U choose a side....OMG once I get the game I'm gonna totally lvl up Sephiroth
hello we have new thread WOOHOO!!! http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=84231
OMFG I want that game!!!...:O just one more month Lexamus...ONE MORE MONTH
can I sig that? So with all these people in the ring...who would win? I mean...what would happen? Sephiroth would stab Bruce Lee in the back. and Chuck Norris would punch Jackie Chan in the face with his fist on his chin.
Sephiroth vs. Chuck Norris One VS One. Man VS Man One-winged Angel (Almost God-like) VS err...CHUCK NORRIS WHO WILL WIN THIS APOCALYPTIC BATTLE? (srry Sephiroth but I'm betting for Chuck Norris)
If I had the choice of either waiting 2 months or learning Japanese....I would prefer to wait 2 months...and c'mon its just two months...I've been waiting 7 months for Dissidia....my beloved Dissidia T__T can't wait for it!!!!
lol KH music....it would be better to add some Star Wars Music like...Darth Vader theme
but first I wanna know what people think
ok...but lets see what Chuck Norris says.... I think he said yes...yay
Spoiler....kinda...not really well don't kill Urself...I saw the cutscenes and everything and....well 358/2 days doesn't give ANY info on KH3 ...but who knows the Secret reports might have some clues... what you SHOULD be waiting for is KH BBS
ok people I MIGHT make a thread for this group but U people must promise to be active and to be Xtremely random
MOOO....yay we're gonna have free hamburgers
I'm not trying to look like Dath Vader though XD
yeah cool avatar....I tried to base mine off a sith
awsome....what could ever happen to this site? maybe a few Apocalyptic Civil Wars but nothing too serious and (if U know what gaiaonline is) my...
I forgot what the name of it was....it shot a fireball to the air and sent small fires to the ground...and Sonic Blade...and hmmmm....Strike Raid
lol I gotta question...why do u want my e-mail?...it better not be to buy illegal waterdragons from China
I don't love axel but I don't hate him either....I just think he's an "okay" character But of course I prefer Sephiroth a gazillion times more than Axel lolz