OMG Dissidia is so AWSOME.....Cecil is my top right bad Dissidia doesn't have online battles....ot would be even better!!!
Damn u both!! I want the game so bad!!!!....ahh!! its killing me!!...I just gotta wait till tommorrow
wow nice choice...U must have alot of darkness in Ur heart... I think its ansem...umm i just remembered that Ansem had a guardian...hmm...could this be related to BBS...who knows what type of unbirth then? u need have a lot of balls in order to be a heartless....espacially a darkball XD...I always laugh at them when i fight them
*slaps Zexy* those lines are epic....but then again every1 has their right to their own opinion *slaps myself* umm I don't know if U know but....dissidia has no online only has ad hoc that allows U to play against people near you...but u can't play against people around the would need ad-hoc party program in the PS3 in order to play online with a psp....but the program hasn't come out yet outside of Japan.... me pre-order game, me break down doors of store the day the game comes out... JUST ONE MORE WEEK....ah!! this is killing me!!! Quick Question- I live in the west side (CA) do i have to wait one day after it comes out to get it...cause when i pre-ordered RE:CoM...I had to wait one extra day because it released on the east side first THEn on the west side the next i have to do the same thing for dissidia?
beware of Golbez bwhahahhaa :guns:
Tidus vs Jecht...ah father vs son...and both have interests in balls...blitzballs...
ah Kefka just earned spot #3 in my fav list... 1. Golbez, Sephiroth 2. Exdeath 3. Garland, Kefka
all of you should stop doing crack.....any1 wants to smoke some dumbapples?
*plans an awsome plan* yeah they're not gonna catch me again lol jk...
OMG FF5 haha awsome....this keeps getting better and better
yes victory!! WOOT!!!
Sora would steal all of your valuable stuff though...
yes arcade mode is hunger for dissidia is growing bigger and bigger....also I heard that you can use ghost in the do ghosts work? and do you think there will be in the English Version?
I just realized that you have to buy the villians in order to play as them....damn it!! I wanna play as Sephiroth and Golbez...
wow awsome!! I can't wait for it!!
what cloud....are you getting another game?
The character Tidus is supposed to be younger in Dissidia than in FFX....yet the voice actor has maybe that's why lol I think Cloud is supposed to be the oldest of the Warriors of Cosmos.
Nomura never lies....but he never says the whole truth if he said their not related then they must not be related....and no offense but long lost brother theory doesn't sound like Kingdom Hearts....I'm expecting something that has to do with memories or nobodies or darkness or whatever